Chinese English Sentence:
  • 条件反射使某器对某一特定方式起反映的特性在该方式消失时仍然有效
    To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.
  • 袭击器,防御器动物用来进攻或防守的器或一部分,如爪子或螫刺
    A part or an organ, such as a claw or stinger, used by an animal in attack or defense.
  • 交通信号灯采用红、黄、绿三种颜色,是因为早期的交通指挥模仿铁路工程师所设计的用于铁道系统控制火车的编码系统。
    Stoplights are red, yellow, and green, because traffic officials, early on copied the code system railroad engineers devised for track systems controlling the trains.
  • 的警告定能使他改邪归正。
    A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.
  • 认为几年劳役会使那个小偷改过。
    The judge felt that a few years at hard labor would straighten out the thief.
  • 该法在量刑时歪曲法律。
    The judge strained the law when passing sentence.
  • 方呼吁为改善两岸关系采取实质性步骤。
    Official calls for actual steps to improve cross-Straits relations
  • 一般资本主义国家考法、考警察,条件很严格,我们更应该严格,除了必须通晓各项法律、政策、条例、程序、案例和有关的社会知识以外,特别要求大公无私、作风正派。
    Generally speaking, capitalist countries are quite strict about requirements for law-court and police personnel. We should be even stricter. Apart from being well versed in laws, policies, regulations, procedures and precedents and relevant social data, such persons must be particularly public-minded, honest and upright.
  • 在印度,中尉和少尉军多得不值钱,在哪儿也不会成为座上客。
    He found in India that subalterns were two a penny and invited nowhere.
  • 修正了早先不考虑被告方律师意见的决定。
    The judge revised his earlier decision not to consider a submission from defence counsel.
  • 次长;副部长直接附属于内阁成员的
    An official directly subordinate to a member of a cabinet.
  • 一个为部队提供衣服和生活用品的军队员。
    n army officer who provides clothing and subsistence for troops.
  • 继承者,后继者,承袭者承袭或依次即将承袭一个可世袭的阶、头衔或职位的人
    A person who succeeds or is in line to succeed to a hereditary rank, title, or office.
  • 戴明继两位非家族老总之后,于1994年年底接任首席执行,从而成为第一位管理该公司的第三代家族成员。
    Deming took over as chief executive in late1994,succeeding two nonfamily chief executives and becoming the first third-generation family member to run the company.
  • 喙某些无脊椎动物,如昆虫、蠕虫和软体动物细长的管状进食和吮吸器
    The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks.
  • 你为何不请求法给予更多的时间来准备你的案子?
    Why don't you sue to the judge for more time to prepare you case?
  • “在长岛也许行得通,”萨福克县高级员哈尔平先生说。“但就整个国家而言,那样做会给柯莫带来麻烦。”
    "That might fly on Long Island," Mr. Halpin, the Suffolk County Executive said. "But nationwide, that might have presented problems for Mario Cuomo."
  • 根据《基本法》,在二零零七年后,香港会自行决定何时进行全面普选,选出行政长和立法会。
    After 2007, according to the Basic Law, it will be up to Hong Kong to decide when to introduce elections by universal suffrage for electing both the Chief Executive and the Legislature.
  • 我们要制定一个适合香港的模式,让社会更趋繁荣安定,并达到立法会和行政长均由全民普选产生这个最终目标。
    We need to develop a model suitable for Hong Kong, one which promotes stability and prosperity and is in line with the ultimate aim of having a Legislative Council and a Chief Executive elected by universal suffrage.
  •  行政长的产生办法根据香港特别行政区的实际情况和循序渐进的原则而规定,最终达至由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主程序提名后普选产生的目标。
    The method for selecting the Chief Executive shall be specified in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures.
  • "`我提醒你,'检查说,`你讲的不是实话。'"
    "'I suggest,' said the inspector, 'that you are not telling the truth.'"
  • 隋唐官印
    Official Seals of the Sui and Tang Dynasties
  • 法律员(在欧洲法院)指向法总结介绍案情并协助他们工作的法院员。
    In the european court of justice officer of the court who summarize and presents a case to the judge to assist them in come to a decision.
  • 法官归纳证词。
    The judge summed up the evidence.
  • 向陪审团概述案情。
    The judge summed up the case for the jury.
  • 传票方传票,尤指通知出庭的传票
    An official summons, especially one calling for appearance in court.
  • 有一次我们机构举办一项活动,我除了负责宣传海报和分发说明书,也负责“防晒”工作,我出了一个主意,就是订购大量的绿帽子送给客人和员,当日我们准备了数以千计的绿帽子作礼物,这引起了我的男同事们的抗议。
    In my enthusiasm to synchronize posters, brochures and sunshades for a community event, I authorized the production of green sunshades for guests and officials. Thousands of green hats were delivered on the eve of the event and upon their distribution, unleashed loud wails of objection from my male colleagues.
  • 在管理制度方面以1762年设立的“伊犁将军”统一行使对天山南北各地的军政管辖,府驻地在“惠远城”(今霍城县境),分设都统、参赞、办事、领队大臣管理各地军政事务。
    The post of Ili General was established in 1762 to exercise unified military and administrative jurisdiction over the regions both south and north of the Tianshan Mountains, with the headquarters in Huiyuan (in modern Huocheng County) and staffed with officials like supervisors, consultants, superintendents and commissioners.
  • 一名苛严的上级军;不留情面的批评
    An unsparing superior officer; unsparing criticism.
  • 裁决被告能申请暂缓执行监禁。
    The judge ruled that the defendants could file a supersedeas bond.
  • 市政古罗马民选的行政,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应
    An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.
  • 她恳求法官保护。
    She supplicated the judge for protection.