  • 这时候一千多警察强行进入那所大学。
    Then over 1000 cops forced their way into the university.
  • 法律只要求他们在罚款单上填写警察所要求的信息--却没有要求他们一定要签
    The law requires them to fill in forms supplying information requested by cops--but does not oblige them to provide s signature.
  • 艾布拉姆逊说得很有理。除贝恩以上,1988年还有6[纽约]市警察执行公务时死亡,其中5死于枪手手中。
    Abramson's point is well taken. In addition to Byrne, six city cops died in the line of duty in 1988, five at the hands of gunmen.
  • 在犹他州发现一伙重婚者不足为奇。可是上星期在奥格登一个一切有条不紊的郊区里,有关警方调查的耸人听闻的细节开始曝光:警察已有证据证明由60人组成的重婚组织曾进行女同性恋群体性行为及男子与男童性行为。一位叫萨拉·欧文的邻居说,“不管一般人对犹他州的看法如何,这太不像话了。”
    In Utah, discovering a band of polygamists hardly raises an eyebrow. But in a tidy suburb of Ogden last week, lurid details of a police investigation began to emerge: the cops had evidence that a polygamous sect of 60 people hd engaged in lesbian group sex and pederasty. Says neighbor Sarah Irving, "Despite what people think of Utah, this is shocking."
  • 名人的新闻价值很高
    Celebrities make good copy.
  • 有关封锁、搜查、通道管制、会场保安、保护要员、传媒采访及交通管理的措施也是根据交接仪式而安排的,约有1550警务人员直接参与是次行动。
    The general principles of cordon, search, access control, venue security, VIP Protection, media arrangements and traffic management were followed.About 1 550 Police officers were directly involved in the operation.
  • 埃克斯穆尔高地英格兰西南康沃尔的一片荒野高原。它是一个受欢迎的旅游区,有著的史前遗迹
    A moorland plateau of Cornwall in southwest England. It is a popular tourist area with notable prehistoric ruins.
  • 现在她的教师工作团――为教师报国团――已迅速展开工作。经过一番激烈竞争之后,2500申请人中,500刚从大学毕业的被录取。证明了柯普女士的理论:工作团从严录取将可在大学生中增加号召力。
    Now her teachers corps, called Teach for American is off and running. After a rigorous competition,500 recent college graduates won places out of a field of2, 500 applicants, proving Ms.Kopp's theory that making the corps selective would enhance its appeal to college students.
  • 那男孩正确地拼写了他的字。
    The boy spells his name correctly.
  • 那男孩正确地拼写了他的字。
    That boy has correctly spelt his name.
  • 你为什么不学习我的字的正确拼法呢?
    Why do not you learn to spell my name correctly?
  • 信封上的字与里面信上的字是否相同?
    Does the name on the envelope correspond with the name on the letter inside?
  • 一九九六年的人数分别为274及15101
    The corresponding figures for 1996 were 274 and 15101.
  • 卡斯莫兰用于抗氧化剂和抗腐蚀剂的一系列矿脂的商标
    A trademark used for a rust and corrosion preventive compound of petrolatum.
  • 他因为试图用钱贿赂一警察而被送入监狱。
    He was sent to prison for trying to corrupt a policeman with money.
  • 党魁以贪污腐化堕落而臭昭著。
    party bosses have a reputation for corruption.
  • 罪恶之地因罪恶和腐败而闻的地方
    A place well known for vice and corruption.
  • 化妆品公司的创始人埃斯蒂·拉乌德领导数千员工取得了巨大成功。
    Estée Lauder, founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success.
  • 大部分杂货店里的化妆品都与大商店里陈列的知品牌有姻亲关系:如欧莱雅与兰寇,简和埃斯特·劳德……这意味着使用相同质量的化妆品可以少花钱。
    Most drugstore cosmetics are related to department store brands: L'Oreal to Lancome, Jane to Estee Lauder.... That means the cheaper versions use the same cutting-edge technologies as their dearer sisters.
  • 早期的dna案件在发现程序上都是耗时耗力的,并因此而闻
    Early DNA cases were marked by long and costly litigation over discovery.
  • 旅美华裔说,他往返新加坡工作多年,深切了解新加坡真是一个体制高度透明的法治国家,宜人的城市,舒适的家。
    Singapore is a country with highly transparent rules and regulations and will make a truly livable and cosy home, said a Chinese living in the US but who has worked for some years here.
  • 现时,行政会议有成员12
    The Executive Council has 12 members.
  • 1994年,在政府高级领导职务中,国务院有女国务委员1人,正副女部长16人;全国有女副省长18人,正副女市长300多人。中国有女法官21012
    In 1994, among those occupying high government positions were one woman State Councillor of the State Council, 16 women ministers or vice-ministers, 18 women provincial vice-governors, more than 300 women mayors or vice-mayors and 21,012 women judges.
  • 目前香港法庭的海外法官团可算是精英云集,包括两位来自新西兰的着法官,即新西兰上诉法庭退休庭长顾安国勋爵和新西兰上诉法庭前大法官沈穆善爵士。
    The current pool of overseas judges is quite an impressive line-up, including two distinguished New Zealand Judges - your retired President of the Court of Appeal and Privy Councillor Lord Cooke of Thorndon and former Court of Appeal Judge Sir Edward Somers.
  • 自从琼斯政务员在履职中的腐败行为被揭露出来后,他的声非常坏。
    Councilor Jones's name has been mud since he was implicated in official corruption.
  • 香港树仁学院是私营专上学院,于一九七一年成立。学院于二零零一年成为颁授学位的院校,共开办三项学士学位课程,包括会计学、中国语文及文学,以及新闻及传播学,另有七项荣誉文凭课程,包括工商管理、辅导及心理学、经济学、英国语文及文学、历史、社会学和社会工作学。此外,学院亦与非本地大学合办课程。学院现时约有2700全日制学生。
    Established in 1971, Hong Kong Shue Yan College is a private post-secondary college and it became a degree-awarding institution in 2001. It offers various programmes for 2700 full-time students: Honours Degree programmes in Accounting, Chinese Language and Literature, and Journalism and Mass Communication; and Honours Diploma programmes in Business Administration, Counselling and Psychology, Economics, English Language and Literature, History, Sociology and Social Work. In addition, it runs joint programmes in collaboration with non-local universities.
  • 我采访过澳大利亚(驻华使馆)教育参赞万先生,获悉目前在澳大利亚有近两万我国学生。
    I've had an interview with the Australian counselor of education Mr.Watt,and got informed that there are nearly 20,000 Chinese students in Australia.
  • 20006月到9月——暑期中,在密歇根州克利夫顿的“湖畔男孩营地”担任指导员,管理2412至15岁的小孩。
    2000 June to September ——During my summer vacation, I worked as a counselor at the Lakeside Boy's Camp, Clifton, Michigan, where I had the chief responsibility for 24 boys, ages 12~15.
  • 一词作可数词时有两个复数形式
    Fishbas a countable noun has two plural forms: fishes.
  • 在这些例子中,单词“weight(秤砣)”叫作可数词。
    The word"weight" is called a countable noun in these examples.
  • both只与复数的可数词连用,所指数目为二。
    Both is used only with plural countable nouns and refers to two in number.
  • 广东省中山市人民法院对假冒美国美孚石油公司“mobil”商标的5责任人除依法处以罚金外,还分别判处被告1至2年半的有期徒刑。
    The People's Court of Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province in separate cases imposed fines on five persons directly responsible for counterfeiting the American Mobil Oil Corporation's trademark "MOBIL," further sentencing the defendants to fixed terms of imprisonment from one year to two and a half years.