  • 一個圓上的某個點在該圓圍繞其部的另一個圓旋轉時所産生的綫。
    a line generated by a point on a circle that rolls around inside another circle.
  • (氣象學)快速繞低氣壓中心嚮旋轉的氣團;在北半球逆時針旋轉,在南半球順時針旋轉。
    (meteorology) rapid inward circulation of air masses about a low-pressure center; circling counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern.
  • 硬件的在計算機或計算器部屬於、有關或由邏輯電路永久地連結且並不因程序而改變的
    Of, relating to, or implemented through logic circuitry permanently connected within a computer or calculator and therefore not subject to change by programming.
  • 一種微電子電路器件,其中的無源元件及部金屬連綫直接在絶緣襯底上形成,然後再加上有源半導體器件(通常以大圓片形式給出)。
    Microelectronic circuits in which the passive components and their metallic interconnections are formed directly on an insulating substrate and the active semiconductor devices(usually in wafer form) are added subsequently.
  • 一種處理器,其所有元件小型化至一塊或數塊集成電路
    A processor whose elements have been miniaturized into one or a few integrated circuits.
  • 血液在體內循環。
    Blood circulates through the body.
  • 血液在體內循環。
    The blood circulates round the body.
  • 貨幣應在共同市場自由流通。
    Money shall circulate freely within the common market.
  • 脈管的,血管的在動物或植物的體運輸或循環流動如血液、淋巴或體液等液體的管的,或以其為特點,或含有此種管的
    Of, characterized by, or containing vessels that carry or circulate fluids, such as blood, lymph, or sap through the body of an animal or a plant.
  • 劣幣驅逐良幣規律:若有兩個面值相等但值不同的錢幣,劣幣將會流通而良幣將被儲藏。
    bad money drives out good; given 2 coins of equal value in paying debts but unequal intrinsic value the weaker will circulate and the stronger will be hoarded.
  • 現在黨外小道消息很多,真真假假,這是對長期缺乏政治民主的一種懲罰。
    Today many rumours -- some true, some false -- circulate through the grapevine inside and outside the Party.This is a kind of punishment for the long-standing lack of political democracy.
  • 氣旋以圍繞一個底氣壓中心快速嚮旋轉為特徵的氣流係統,通常伴有暴風雨,常常是破壞性的天氣。旋轉方向在北半球為逆時針方向,在南半球為順時針方向
    An atmospheric system characterized by the rapid, inward circulation of air masses about a low-pressure center, usually accompanied by stormy, often destructive, weather. Cyclones circulate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 在印度使室空氣流動的扇子。
    a large fan (a canvas-covered frame suspended from the ceiling) used in India for circulating air in a room.
  • 民間通信(信件或電影印刷品)進入或離開海陸空三軍控製的地域受到的軍事審查。
    military censorship of civilian communications (correspondence or printed matter of films) entering or leaving of circulating within territories controlled by armed forces.
  • 現在對24名婦女進行的一項小型研究可能給出了答案:大豆似乎可以降低體循環的雌激素的水平,其轉而又可以抑製乳腺癌細胞的擴散。
    Now a small study of two dozen women may point to an answer: soy seems to keep circulating levels of estrogen low, which in turn inhibits breast cells from proliferating.
  • 商業部門部的商品流通
    commodity circulation within commercial sector
  • 中胚層中間胚芽層,位於外胚層和胚層之間,最終發育成結締組織、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿係統及循環係統
    The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop.
  • 一小撮蓖麻毒素,大傢可以想象一小撮????,放入你的食物裏,會引起人體循環係統失效,並在72小時致死。
    Less than a pinch--image a pinch of salt--less than a pinch of ricin, eating just this amount in your food, would cause shock followed by circulatory failure.
  • 周轉圓一個圍繞着另一個固定圓周長滾動的圓,從而産生圓外旋輪綫或圓旋輪綫,即外擺綫或擺綫
    A circle whose circumference rolls along the circumference of a fixed circle, thereby generating an epicycloid or a hypocycloid.
  • 旋轉綫,擺圓在一個固定的圓周旋轉的圓上一點的水平軌跡
    The plane locus of a point fixed on a circle that rolls on the inside circumference of a fixed circle.
  • 除了這兩個街區——一個是宮殿區,另個是住宅區;以外,新城還有一個景觀,那就是從東到西,一條幾乎環繞全城四周的漫長的寺院地帶。這個地帶位於那圍住巴黎城的碉堡城廓的後面,修道院和小教堂連片,構成巴黎第二道城垣。
    With these two quarters, one of Hotels, the other of houses,the third feature of aspect presented by the city was a long zone of abbeys, which bordered it in nearly the whole of its circumference, from the rising to the setting sun, and, behind the circle of fortifications which hemmed in Paris, formed a second interior enclosure of convents and chapels.
  • 人…不應該將自己的行為限製在由僵化的條文構成的不可變通的範圍之(約翰·斯圖爾特·布萊基)
    A man... should not circumscribe his activity by any inflexible fence of rigid rules(John Stuart Blackie).
  • 康奈爾大學的信息技術組織(cit)即將進一步深入——推出替代大部分用戶電話交換機(pbx)服務的部網電話係統。
    Cornell University's Information Technology organization (CIT) is on the verge of going even further -- introducing an intranet telephony system that will displace PBX services substantially.
  • 這段時間他的一些重要文章,如《論十大關係》、《關於正確處理人民部矛盾的問題》、《一九五七年夏季的形勢》等,都要寫到。
    It should cite some of his important articles and speeches in the period of socialist revolution and construction, such as "On the Ten Major Relationships", "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People" and "The Situation in the Summer of 1957".
  • 他堅决反對在共産黨討論問題的時候,開口閉口拿本本來,以為上了書的就是對的這種錯誤的心理。
    He firmly opposed the misguided mentality of those who, in discussions within the Communist Party, could not open their mouths without citing a book, as if whatever was written in a book was right.
  • 通過引證人類和其它動物在大腦解剖學和腦化學構成領域存在的相似之處,神經科學家西維提出:“如果你相信依靠物競天擇而實現了物種的進化,你又怎能認為感情是憑空突如其來地出現在人類中的呢?”
    Citing similarities in the brain anatomy and chemistry of humans and other animals, neuroscientist Siviy asks:" If you believe in evolution by natural selection, how can you believe that feelings suddenly appeared, out of the blue, with human beings?
  • 獻身於發揚有責任的公民、好政府和社區、國和國際福利事業的俱樂部。
    club dedicated to promoting responsible citizenship and good government and community and national and international welfare.
  • 纍剋蘭美國佛羅裏達州中部的一座城市,位於坦帕市東北偏東方向。它是一個鼕季遊覽勝地和柑橘植物生長區的加工業中心。人口50,455
    A city of central Florida east-northeast of Tampa. It is a winter resort and processing center in a citrus-growing region. Population,50, 455.
  • 在未來六年中,每兩年進行一次全市範圍的體質監測的追蹤調查,動態地觀察市民體質變化狀況,公佈北京市民體質監測結果。
    Make citywide follow-up investigations of the physique monitoring once every two years to make dynamic observations of the changes of the citizens' physique and publish the results of monitoring the citizens' physique in the coming six years.
  • 在林肯就職其間,美國爆發了戰。
    The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.
  • 第一次國內革命戰爭
    First Revolutionary Civil War
  • 第三次國內革命戰爭
    Third Revolutionary Civil War