  • 你最透视一下胸部。
    You'd better have your chest X-rayed.
  • 个产于美洲的草本属,黄色舌状花;喷嚏草。
    genus of American herbs with yellow-rayed flowers: sneezeweeds.
  • 南非和澳洲种类似于毛发的灌木,兰色放射形类似于雏菊的花冠。
    hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.
  • 种广泛分布的具有白色放射状花冠和黄色花盘的臭草。
    widespread rank-smelling weed having white-rayed flower heads with yellow discs.
  • 种草本植物(菊科),头状花序的边花白色,呈伞房花序,包片呈鳞片状,瘦果具绢状绒毛。
    herb having corymbose white-rayed flowers with scaly bracts and silky indehiscent fruits.
  • 年生的欧亚苦苣菜,有软的多刺的叶子和黄色的花。
    annual Eurasian sow thistle with soft spiny leaves and rayed yellow flower heads.
  • 地中海个亚灌木属,花冠颜色昏暗。
    genus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads.
  • 作用力对惯性施加的种力
    Force applied against inertia.
  • 如同雷蒙在《永别了,我的爱》中所述,"它是个金发碧眼女郎。
    As Raymond wrote in Farewell,My Lovely,“ It was a blonde.
  • 雷蒙:有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了些药品,
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some drug at the corner drugstore.
  • 雷蒙:化了大约千多元台币,我在墨西哥订做的,你喜欢这个风格吗?
    Raymond:They cost about one thousand N T. I got them made in Mexico, You like the style?
  • 雷蒙:我们可以到我家院子里挖些蚯蚓,或者在市场上买些小虾。
    Raymond:We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
  • 样东西撞在我身上。
    Something bumped against me.
  • 雷蒙:化了大约千多元台币,我在墨西哥订做的,你喜欢这个风格吗?
    Raymond: They cost about one thousand N T. I got them made in Mexico, You like the style?
  • 雷蒙:我们可以到我家院子里挖些蚯蚓,或者在市场上买些小虾。
    Raymond: We can either dig out some earth worms in my yard or buy some shrimps in the market.
  • 雷蒙:他说没什麽,他只是把我的脚踝浸在些中药里,然后贴上块膏药。
    Raymond:He didn't say anything. He just soaked my ankle in some herbal medicine and then put a patch on it.
  • 雷蒙德·格伦丹宁在对足球比赛进行实况报道时,具有能记住每位选手姓名的非凡才能。
    Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.
  • 雷蒙:他说没什么,他只是把我的脚踝浸在些中药里,然后贴上块膏药。
    Raymond: He didn't say anything. He just soaked my ankle in some herbal medicine and then put a patch on it.
  • 雷蒙:有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了些香草冰淇淋,我也买发些哈蜜瓜.龙眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes,longans and grapes.
  • 雷蒙:有,我刚刚在街角的药房买了些香草冰淇淋,我也买发些哈蜜瓜。龙眼和葡萄。
    Raymond: Yes, I just picked up some vanilla ice cream at the corner drugstore. I also got some cantaloupes, longans and grapes.
  • 雷蒙:是的,你必须放进汤匙的酒,些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。
    Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonful of liquor, some vinegar and olive oil-but that comes ten minutes later.
  • 雷蒙:是的,你必须放进汤匙的酒,些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。
    Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonful of liquor,some vinegar and olive oil -but that comes ten minutes later.
  • 否决一项动议
    Rule against a motion
  • 雷蒙:是的,你必须放进汤匙的酒,些醋和橄榄油,但那是十分钟之后的事。
    Raymond: Yes, you've got to put in a spoonful of liquor, some vinegar and olive oil -but that comes ten minutes later.
  • “过去,媒介计划者不把离婚者看成是个有可支配收入的市场,而今女人离婚后在她们自己身上的花费增加了。”年两期的时尚杂志《观点》的编辑马丁·雷蒙说。
    " In the past, media planners did not see divorcees as a market with disposable income, but now the amount of money women spend on themselves goes up after divorce," says Martin Raymond, editor of the bi - annual trends magazine Viewpoint.
  • "43岁的帕蒂难得冒险从新罕布什尔州雷蒙德市的家里走出去,因为她的糖尿病正在损坏肾脏和胰腺,因为她每隔5小时要透析,因为她4年来直在等待个电话--等着接受急需的救她命的双器官移植--这个电话随时都可能打来。
    Patty,43,rarely ventures from her Raymond,New Hampshire,home.Not with diabetes destroying her kidneys and pancreas.Not with dialysis treatments every five hours.Not with the phone call she'd been waiting four years to receice the call that would summon her for the double organ transplant she so desperately needs to live the call that could come at any time.
  • 市民预算委员会(工商界财力支援之监督市政府预算团体)会长霍顿说,“我认为下步在于市府。大家对市府希望如何相当明显——要看市长提议如何处理市府过于庞大的员工人数了。
    Raymond D. Horton, president of the Citizens Budget Commission, a watchdog group financed by businesses, said: "I think the ball is in the city's court, and I think it's pretty clear what that expectation is, and it has to do with what the Mayor proposes to do with the size of the municipal work force."
  • 种近似于人造丝的布
    A similar cloth of rayon.
  • 薄绸种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织物
    A fabric of sheer silk or rayon.
  • 罗缎种半透明紧密织物,由丝、棉或人造丝织成
    A slightly ribbed, woven fabric of silk, cotton, or rayon.
  • 罗缎有窄的横棱纹的种丝或人造丝的紧密织物
    A closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs.
  • 个把丝或者人造纤维捻成线或纱的人。
    a person who twists silk or rayon filaments into a thread or yarn.