  • 1932年,她被选中在一部名为“婴儿burlesks”的续剧担任角色:影片中她滑稽地模仿一些著名影片中的女主角,此后开始承担某些银幕角色。
    In 1932 she was selected to appear in a series of one-reel films, "Baby Burlesks," in which she would imitate leading ladies in parodies of popular films; she also began playing bit roles in features.
  • 维多利亚线已开始通车,成为伦敦地下铁道的组成部分,把市内各重要地段接起来。
    The Victoria Line was brought into service, as part of the London Underground, to link important parts of the city.
  • 这件衣裙是丝毛混纺的。
    The dress is part silk, part wool.
  • 一种附带的过道;经常在开着的房间上。
    an enclosed passageway; rooms usually open onto it.
  • 司机让一乘客在大下车。
    The driver drop ped a passenger at Dalian.
  • 第二年他们再次相遇,又一次互相投掷起来,而且周围的路人也成了攻击对象。这就是今日西红柿大战狂欢节的由来。
    They met again the next year and pelted each other - and passers-by, starting the tradition.
  • (临时)接用接线把(电子元件)临时性地接起来
    To connect temporarily(electronic components), as with a patch cord.
  • 然而当沃尔特·佩特写道艺术渴求音乐的条件时,就像婴儿带澡水全部泼掉一样,精华与糟粕一样丢掉了。
    But when Walter Pater wrote that art aspires to the condition of music, there goes the baby whizzing to the ground along with the bath water.
  • 两条街接在一起形成一条大路;我们有共同的路。
    The two streets connect to become a highway; Our paths joined.
  • 那个声音喊道,“赶快给我拿手套,”然后一串小脚步声步上楼梯了。
    said the voice. `Fetch me my gloves this moment!' Then came a little pattering of feet on the stairs.
  • 如果不快点找到帕蒂,我们可能波士顿的那趟班机也赶不上了。他极度痛苦。
    And if we don't find Patty soon,we won't make the Boston flight either,he agonizes.
  • 可是纽约市交通局已经禁止在地铁车里乞讨,最高法院上周准许该禁令成立。判令里篇累牍咬文嚼字地讨论乞讨是言论还是行为。
    But the New York City Transit Authority has banned begging on the subway, and the Supreme Court last week let stand that ban. The legal pavane included pages of discussion of whether begging is speech, or begging is behavior.
  • 接着棘爪的只能允许朝一个方向运动的齿轮或齿轮架。
    a toothed wheel or rack engaged with a pawl that permits it to move in only one direction.
  • 发薪前的最后几天是最糟糕的日子,因为家里起码的口粮都难以保障。
    The last few days before payday were the worst. There just wasn't enough food to go around.
  • sonet负荷的全部入与atm带宽管理的结合也给予了电话公司提供新型数据服务的能力,如以本地局域网的速度提供虚拟专网服务。
    The combination of full concatenation of the SONET payload and ATM bandwidth management also gives carriers the ability to offer new data services, such as virtual private network services at native LAN speeds.
  • 很多pc机用户已经具有参与文档会议所需的计算机硬件和网络接。
    Many PC users already have the computer hardware and network connections needed to participate in document conferences.
  • 龙骨瓣在某些花(如豌豆花)中的两个相的花瓣
    A pair of united petals in certain flowers, as those of the pea.
  • 旧大陆和温和气候的北南美洲的攀缘草本的属;理草;野生豆。
    genus of climbing herbs of Old World and temperate North and South America: vetchling; wild pea.
  • 之后,他们用罐子装上海水和小鹅卵石带回家,海水和小鹅卵石同新花环能帮助他们驱魔避邪。
    Then they carry sea? water and pebbles home in a jar,to serve,along with the new wreath,as protective devices.
  • 大型可食用鳐,长有长鼻子、粗尾巴和一直到头部的胸鳍;靠有波状边缘的胸鳍游动。
    large edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head; swim by undulating the edges of the pectoral fins.
  • 十便士都不肯借给我,你看他有多小气?
    He wouldn't even lend me ten pence; how mean can you get?
  • 项链这样的一串结物,经常由贵重金属做成带有垂饰,作为装饰物或职业标记戴用
    Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office.
  • 带有一个平衡轮和一个仿造的钟摆接着它的表。
    (18th century) a watch with a balance wheel having a fake pendulum attached to it.
  • 一个子儿也没有。
    He hasn't a penny to his name.
  • 老年养老金领取者的困境已经成了竞选中续地被踢来踢去的政治皮球。
    The plight of the old–age pensioners has become a political football in the run up to the election.
  • 五角星形一种有五个顶点的星形,由接五边形各顶点的直线构成并包含另一个完整的五边形
    A five-pointed star formed by five straight lines connecting the vertices of a pentagon and enclosing another pentagon in the completed figure.
  • 年歉收使小农陷入了一贫如洗的困境。
    A succession of bad harvests had reduced the small farmers to penury.
  • 像开珠炮般向某人提出许多问题
    Pepper sb with questions
  • 男孩子们向她掷雪球。
    The boys peppered her with snowballs.
  • 现象主义由大卫·休谟和他的继承者提出的学说,认为实际存在于人们意识中的感知和概念,同被感知事物本身,它们在意识外的起源,或是意识本身的不可知性一同构成了人们对某一对象的认识
    The doctrine, set forth by David Hume and his successors, that percepts and concepts actually present in the mind constitute the sole object of knowledge, with the objects of perception themselves, their origin outside the mind, or the nature of the mind itself remaining forever beyond inquiry.
  • 那些一直把自己的显赫与辛劳、焦虑或风险在一起的人较少成为嫉妒的对象,因为世人会觉得他们的高位显取来之不易,甚至有时候还会可怜他们,而怜悯往往可以治愈嫉妒。
    Those that have joined with their honor great travels, cares, or perils, are less subject to envy. For men think that they earn their honors hardly, and pity them sometimes; and pity ever healeth envy.
  • 条件极其恶劣的珠穆朗玛峰登山大本营,都专门修建了垃圾箱,收集登山者和旅游者带来的生活垃圾,定期由专人清运和处理。
    Garbage bins have even been set up at the harsh Mt.Qomolangma mountaineering headquarters. Garbage left by climbers and tourists is collected, removed and disposed of periodically.