  • 火箭队的老板莱斯·亚历山大:"这是有史以来最成功的体育明星故事。它的经济影响是惊人的。
    "This is the biggest individual sports story of all time,"says Rockets owner Les Alexander,"There'll be an amazing economic impact."
  • “是啊,”兰登,“他没法不那样。博士先生,您回想一下史实,亚历山大大帝有亚里士多德做他的老师”
    "Yes," said Landon, "he couldn't help it, for you will recall the fact, doctor, that Alexander the Great had Aristotle for a teacher."
  • “工会想硬来。他们不管有没有财源,”代表15350个地方教育局的全国[中小学校]教育局联合会(在弗吉尼亚州亚力山德里亚市)执行会长香农。“教育局不能印钞票,而且财源是受法律限制的。”
    "Unions are trying to force the issue, and they have no concerns about resources," said Thomas A.Shannon, executive director of the National School Boards Association in Alexandria, Va., which represents 15,350 local school boards. "School boards cannot print money, and they are constrained by law in the revenues available to them."
  • “这些死了的海藻像地毯一样柔软,但很难割掉,”潜水员吉奥瓦尼·拉坦兹。他工作时不戴手套,因为“这会增加你的敏感度”。
    "The dead alga is soft like a carpet, but difficult to cut," says diver Giovanni Lattanzi, who works without gloves because "it improves your sensing ability."
  • 对于擅长破译纹章的人来,纹章始终是一个难解之谜,纹章是一种难懂的语言。
    For him who understands how to decipher them, armorial bearings are algebra,armorial bearings have a tongue.
  • 但是打个比方,当人们试图利用代数和几何来理解太阳系的时候,他们只能够明这些行星的轨道。
    But as an analogy, when people were trying to understand the Solar System with algebra and geometry, they could only describe the planets' orbits.
  • 修饰或明一种代数方程,其中所有的变量只有一阶的,即方程中的变量都无乘方。
    The order in an algebraic equation in which all of the variables are present in the first degree only, i.e., an equation in which none of the variables are raised to powers.
  • 南蒂科克语南蒂科克人所的阿尔贡金语
    The Algonquian language of the Nanticoke.
  • 福克斯人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Fox people.
  • 马萨诸塞人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Massachuset people.
  • 米克马克人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Micmac people.
  • 波瓦坦人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Powhatan people.
  • 夏延人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Cheyenne people.
  • 克里人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Cree people.
  • 德拉瓦人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Delaware people.
  • 莫希干人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Mohican people.
  • 奥杰布瓦人的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language spoken by the Ojibwa people.
  • 伊利诺伊和迈阿密人所的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Illinois and Miami peoples.
  • 黑足人所的任何阿尔冈昆语。
    any of the Algonquian languages spoken by the Blackfoot people.
  • 吉姆的妻子为他的丈夫作不在现场的申辩,在发生盗劫的那天晚上他是跟她一起待在家里的。
    His wife gave Jim an alibi by saying that he was at home with her on the night of robbery.
  • 爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励他话。
    Alice is very shy, try to bring her out.
  • “只有一个顶针了。”爱丽丝伤心地
    `Only a thimble,' said Alice sadly.
  • 在十年后他的外交演依旧值得注意。
    After ten years his alien speeches are still noticeable.
  • 在十年后他的外交演依旧值得注意。
    After ten year his alien speech is still noticeable.
  • 艾琳简单明了地向安明了这项工作的做法,使她了解得一清二楚。
    Alien explained the job to Ann in words of one syllable so that she would be sure to understand.
  • 我的晚色从陌生的树木中走来,它用我的晓星所不懂得的语言话。
    My evening came among the alien trees and spoke in a language which my morning stars did not know.
  • ,李登辉与司马辽太郎的谈话,指国民党是“外来政权”等等,他对国民党有多少感情,实在难
    In an interview with the late Japanese writer Ryotaro Shiba in 1993, he had called the KMTan alien authority that came to rule Taiwan.
  • 舍勒老师:"当时的西式装束一定让拉登觉得和自己(的民族服装、信仰)有很大的冲突。"
    "I'm pretty sure that looking back at a school like that, he would have decided it was rather alien," Fyfield-Shayler said.
  • 先生们提出的第二部分问题里,有关于所谓“限制异党”的问题,就是,关于各地磨擦的问题。
    In the second group on your list, you raise the question of "restricting alien parties", that is, the question of the friction in various localities.
  • 现在有些同志却超出资本主义的范围,甚至也不只是针对资本主义劳动异化的残余及其后果,而是社会主义存在异化,经济领域、政治领域、思想领域都存在异化,认为社会主义在自己的发展中,由于社会主体自身的活动,不断产生异己的力量。
    Yet in discussing alienation some of our comrades go beyond capitalism; some even ignore the remaining alienation of labour under capitalism and its consequences. Rather, they allege that alienation exists under socialism and can be found in the economic, political and ideological realms, that in the course of its development socialism constantly gives rise to a force of alienation, as a result of the activities of the main body of the society.
  • 至于“异化”,马克思在发现剩余价值规律以后,曾经继续用这个法来描写资本主义社会中工人的雇佣劳动,意思是工人的这种劳动是异己的,反对工人自己的,结果只是使资本家发财,使自己受穷。
    As to alienation, after Marx discovered the law of surplus value, he used that term only to describe wage labour in capitalist society, meaning that such labour was alien to the workers themselves and was performed against their will, so that the capitalist might profit at their expense.
  • 国际奥委会主席夏克·罗吉向五万五千名观众:“我们为你们的公平竞争精神和兄弟情谊而感动。让这火焰长久不灭。在你们的国家宣传奥运梦想。你们才是传播运会价值的是真正使者。”
    "We were thrilled by your spirit of fair play and brotherhood," International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge told the crowd of 55,000. "Keep this flame alight. Promote the Olympic dream in your countries You are the true ambassadors of the Olympic values"