  • 莎士比亚的戏剧并不总是取材于国,他的人物常常穿着外国的服装——意大利的、法国的、丹麦的、凯尔特的、罗马的,等等,但是人物的思想感情,他们对生活的态度和对彼此的态度却是属于莎士比亚的时代。
    The stories of Shakespeare's plays do not always originate in England ar1d his characters are often clothed in foreign dresses Italian, French, Danish, Celtic, Roman, etc., but the thoughts and feelings of the characters, their attitudes towards life and towards each other belong to the age of Shakespeare.
  • 勒克河发源于奥地利西部的一条河流,流程约249公里(155里),大体向北注入德国南部的达鲁伯河
    A river rising in western Austria and flowing about249 km(155 mi) generally north to the Danube River in southern Germany.
  • 她在敌後的勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈.
    Her daring work behind the enemy lines is now legend.
  • 雄因勇气与无畏的行为而出名的女人
    A woman noted for courage and daring action.
  • 勇过人的力量、勇气或胆量,尤指在战场上
    Superior strength, courage, or daring, especially in battle.
  • 她在敌后的勇斗争业迹现在已是传奇美谈。
    Her daring work behind the enemy line is now legend.
  • 纳莫伊河一条流经澳大利亚东南部的河流,长约846公里(526里),基本是向西北汇入达令河的支流
    A river, about846 km(526 mi) long, of southeast Australia flowing generally northwest to a tributary of the Darling River.
  • 国酒馆里常有掷镖游戏.
    Darts is often played in English pubs.
  • 达尔文回到国以后就结了婚,并在肯特郡定居下来。
    After Darwin returned to Britain he married and settled down to livein Kent.
  • 华莱士,阿尔弗烈德·拉塞尔1823-1913国博物学家,发展了进化论,其贡献可与查尔斯·达尔文相媲美。他的作品包括动物的地理分布(1876年)
    British naturalist who developed a concept of evolution that paralleled the work of Charles Darwin. His works include The Geographical Distribution of Animals(1876).
  • 主要原因是,当时大多数国人仍相信上帝创造了世界,连达尔文本人也信上帝。
    The main reason was that most people in Britain still believe at that time that God had made the world- even Darwin himself believed God.
  • 数据正确(文句中用)。
    This data is correctiandThese data are correctiare both acceptable.
  • 曼陀罗花一种曼陀罗属植物,开喇叭状的大花,花高达25厘米(10寸),有长而且通常是多刺的果实。叶子和种子能产生带有麻醉特性的有机含氮碱
    Any of several plants of the genus Datura, having large trumpet-shaped flowers up to25 centimeters(10 inches) long and usually prickly fruits. The leaves and seeds yield alkaloids with narcotic properties.
  • 危险并没有吓住那雄。
    Danger didn't daunt the hero.
  • 他强调说,华族学生面对进退两难的处境,在学校里必须学习两种语言(语与华语),在家里却讲方言。
    He stressed the daunting challenge faced by Chinese schoolchildren in having to learn two languages at school (Englishand Mandarin) plus a dialect at home.
  • 他强调说,华族学生面对进退两难的处境,在学校里必须学习两种语言(语与华语),在家里却讲方言。
    He stressed the daunting challenge faced by Chinese school children in having to learn two languages at school (English and Mandarin) plus a dialect at home.
  • 那个英雄英勇绝伦。
    The hero was dauntless.
  • 在战争中提倡勇敢牺牲勇向前的精神和动作,是在正确的作战计划下绝对必要的东西,是同持久战和最后胜利不能分离的。
    Within the scope of correct war planning, encouraging the spirit and practice of heroic self-sacrifice and dauntless advance in battle is absolutely necessary and inseparable from the waging of protracted war and the achievement of final victory.
  • 一杯咖啡索价1.20镑,真是明目张胆的劫夺。
    A charge of £ 1.20 for a cup of coffee is daylight robbery.
  • 为此,他白天上班,晚间自修语,走过了一段极其艰难的自学之路。
    As a result, he worked in the daytime and studied English at night. This form of self-study was extremely hard work and developed his mental toughness.
  • 在众多新教材中,由河北教育出版社与加拿大dc国际交流中心联合推出的《学语》教材是较好的代表之一。
    Among many new textbooks the "Learning English", which is edited by Hebei Education Publishing House and DC Canada International Corp, is a good example.
  • 位于伦敦的新经济贸易办事处于七月启用,代替香港政府驻办事处。行政长官于九月访美期间为香港特区政府驻华盛顿的新经济贸易办事处主持启用礼。
    The HKETO in London opened in July to replace the Hong Kong Government Office and the new office of the HKETO in Washington, DC, was formally opened by Chief Executive during his visit to the United States in September.
  • 镑从汽车行买的这辆汽车。
    She paid a dealer 2000 for that car.
  • 国)做现成廉价衣服销售的商人。
    (British) a dealer in cheap ready-made clothing.
  • 国人以出口补助形式赠送给欧洲大陆的礼物价值实在不小。但大陆各国付出的代价却更可惊,那是力量的丧失。
    The English have given the Continent presents of immense value in the form of subsidies, but the Continental nations have paid for them dearly by the loss of power.
  • 在她的帐户借方记入了50镑.
    She/Her account was debited with 50.
  • 在我的帐户借方记入5镑.
    Debit 5 against my account.
  • 把50镑记入我的帐户借方.
    Debit 50 to me.
  • 将70镑记入史密斯先生账户的借方。
    Debit £ 70 against Mr Smith/Mr Smith’s account.
  • 因为向供应商大额支付,帐户上有1000镑的借方余额。
    Because of large payment to sup-pliers, the account have a debit balance of 1000.
  • 计划内,171镑14先令8便士。将获及时承兑,并按汇率49记贵方借方帐户。
    £1,171148 will be duly honour, and placed to your debit at the exchange of 49.
  • 本件保险的保险费以及手续费,计52镑,已记入贵方借方帐。
    The premium and charges on this assurance are carried to your debit in the sum of £52.