  • 黑色的小盒子放出火,红灯刺眼地忽亮忽灭。
    Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily.
  • 与钢撞击或摩擦时能发出火的合金,用作打火石。
    an alloy that emits sparks when struck or scratched with steel; used in lighter flints.
  • 他学了趁热打铁并且能击出火
    He was taught to strike the iron while it is hot, and he hit out sparks.
  • 就这样随着两人在事业和内心的欲望间的冲突,迸发出激动人心的火
    the sparks,electric as they battle between the urges of their careers and those of their hearts.
  • 点火定时器一种内燃发动机内的装置,用以控制点燃燃料的火的时间
    A device that controls the timing of the sparks that ignite the fuel in an internal-combustion engine.
  • 蛇身便缠绕在电线上。就把火传到了地上,这些火立刻引起了一场大火。
    The snake then wound itself round the wires. it sent spare sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.
  • 莱斯莉的表现证明了她为什么是常规赛和全明星赛中的“最有价值球员”:她在下半场技压群芳,使“火”队从落后11分的情况下追了上来。
    Leslie showed why she was the MVP of both the regular season and the All-Star game with a dominating second-half performance to rally the sparks from an 11 point deficit.
  • 要是你的比我们挣的还多,我们就要欠债了。
    We'll run into debt if you spend more than our income.
  • 扬出生于盐湖城。她4岁时首次涉足影坛,在无声电影《报春环》中饰演一位小仙女。
    Born in Salt Lake City, Young made her movie debut at age 4 as a fairy in the silent The Primrose Ring.
  • 兹报生20公吨中级品每公吨1500美元大连船上交货价11/12月交货请电复
    20mt peanut fad used 1500mt fob dalian nov/dec tele reply
  • 随着美国人的富裕程度日益提高,消费也变得越来越复杂,人们开始把更多的钱在服务方面——看电影、旅游、抵押买房、为房屋保险、偶尔到豪华饭店度个奢侈周末。经济学家称这种现象为需求变化;《财富》杂志则认为这是本年度评出的100家最大公司中有64个是服务业公司的主要原因。在未来几年,10种发展最快的职业中只有3种(软件工程、护士和电脑支持)能够提供中等收入,其余的都可称作沃尔玛式的职业——收银员、售货员、食品服务,以及诸如此类的职业。总之,同过去相比,服务业正在提供更多相当不错的就业机会。
    As America got richer consumption got more complicated.With more income to throw around,people started spending more on services -- movies and travel,mortgages to buy houses,insurance to protect those houses,the occasional decadent weekend at a luxury hotel.Economists call this a shift in the demand pattern;Fortune calls it the main reason that 64 of this year’s top 100 are service companies.Over the next few years,only three of the ten fastest-growing occupations(software engineers,nurses,and computer support)pay middle-class salaries.The rest could be called,well,Wal-Mart kinds of jobs -- cashiers,retail assistants,food service,and so on.In short,the service economy is delivering more good jobs than ever before.
  • 图案贴转印的图画或图案
    A picture or design transferred by decalcomania.
  • 诡计,奸计意在骗人或陷害人的计谋或
    A stratagem or trick intended to deceive or ensnare.
  • 不要以貌取人,容月貌也许会欺骗你那追寻幸福的双眸;
    Don't go for looks;they can deceive.
  • 赶集时她去全年的工钱,选衣服只求得体,不求华丽。
    She bestows her year's wages at next fair; and in chusing her garments counts no bravery I' th' world like decency.
  • 你不必很多钱,就能在那里吃一顿相当不错的饭。
    You can get quite a decent meal there without spending too much money.
  • 他衣着体面,然而他很少有一块钱可供用。
    He dresses decently, yet he seldom has a guinea at command.
  • 耍花招;进行欺骗
    To use trickery; practice deception.
  • 骗子使用招、骗术、或诡计的人
    One that uses tricks, deception, or fraud.
  • 这完全是一种移接木、欺世惑众的说法。
    This is a totally deceptive statement that substitutes one thing for another.
  • 诡计,招一种目的在于通过欺骗性的或欺诈性的方式达到某一结果的行为或计策
    An act or a procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means.
  • 点时间估计你到底有多少成功的希望,然后再做决定。
    Take a little time to measure up your chances before deciding.
  • 每年落叶的树和灌木。
    deciduous flowering trees and shrubs.
  • 原产日本的一种有刺的落叶灌木,开红色的
    deciduous thorny shrub native to Japan having red blossoms.
  • 原产中国的一种有刺的落叶灌木,开红色或白色的
    deciduous thorny shrub native to China having red or white blossoms.
  • 德兰士瓦的一种小型每年落叶树种,穗状黄
    small deciduous tree of the Transvaal having spikes of yellow flowers.
  • 用花环装饰或点缀
    To ornament or deck with a garland.
  • 教堂为庆祝节日而装点上鲜
    The church was decked out with flowers for the feast.
  • 一个个的坟墓上都摆放着祭奠的鲜
    The graves are decked with flowers.
  • 屋里装饰着许多花。
    The room was decked with flowers.
  • 神圣的牛角用环装饰着。
    The horns of the sacred cattle were decked with garlands.
  • 女客人们把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮,缎子上诱,帽子。
    The female guests had decked themselves out in satin frocks and flowery hats.