  • 我們永遠不能脫群衆。
    We should never isolate ourselves from the masses.
  • 這個農場與世隔絶,它最近的住傢在30公裏以外。
    The farm is isolated; the nearest house is 30 kilometers away.
  • ,隔從其它物體中分出來;使隔絶
    To separate from others; isolate.
  • 否則我們就會脫群衆。
    Otherwise we shall isolate ourselves from the masses.
  • 在檢疫期或象在檢疫期那樣進行隔
    To isolate in or as if in quarantine.
  • 分隔從大量數據中把(信息)析出來
    To isolate(information) from a large body of data.
  • 你不該試圖把自己和社會隔,你下個禮拜天想不想參加露營?
    You shouldn't try to isolate yourself from society.Would you like to go camping next Sunday?
  • 你不該試圖把自己和社會隔,你下個禮拜天想不想參加露營?
    You shouldn't try to isolate yourself from society. Would you like to go camping next Sunday?
  • 用於檢測和隔某一係統、部件或程序中的故障或錯誤的程序和技術。通常為了有助於故障的發現和糾正,診斷程序將打印輸出對運行情況所做的檢測的分析。
    Programs and techniques used to detect and isolate faults in a system, component or program. A diagnostic program will usually produce a printout containing an analysis of the operation being checked in order to assist with fault finding and correction.
  • 飛地一個國傢的與其主要部分分的並被外國領土包圍的一部分
    A part of a country that is isolated from the main part and is surrounded by foreign territory.
  • 被隔的動物;被隔的病人。
    a quarantined animal; isolated patients.
  • 研究人員已經把這種病毒分起來。
    Research workers has isolated the virus.
  • 這些病人應當隔起來。
    The patients ought to be isolated.
  • 他應當隔離[住院]。
    He ought to he isolated [hospitalized].
  • 被分隔的特性或情形
    The quality or condition of being isolated.
  • 人們已經從各種體液中分出hiv。
    HIV has been isolated from various body fluids.
  • 與其他人或者主要團體分開或者隔
    separated or isolated from others or a main group.
  • 他們把政治犯與其他囚犯隔開。
    They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.
  • 孤立的地區,保護區被隔的或被保護的小地區或集團
    A small, isolated, or protected area or group.
  • 一連幾天,他們過着貌合神的生活。
    For several days they lead a formal, isolated existence.
  • 黨决不能姑息這樣的人,而脫廣大的群衆。
    The Party will never tolerate such people at the risk of isolating itself from the masses.
  • 微生物的分離和純化
    isolation and purification of microorganisms
  • 生活在農村與外界完全隔
    Living in complete isolation in the country.
  • 封鎖部隊用於進行隔的武裝力量
    The forces used to effect this isolation.
  • 他們决定把他遷到隔病房去。
    They decided to take him to the isolation ward.
  • 他的姐姐被送到隔病房
    His older sister has been taken off to the isolation ward
  • 封閉狀態與外界或環境影響隔絶的狀態:隔狀態:
    A state of being sealed off from external or environmental influences; isolation.
  • dtm在不同的傳輸流之間保持完全的隔,産生的開銷很少。
    DTM maintains full isolation between the different transmission streams and produces little overhead.
  • 我還是沒能穿過她在自己周圍樹起的高墻,這堵墻將她與大傢隔了開來。
    I had not penetrated the wall of isolation she had built around herself.
  • 第十六條對引入的實驗動物,必須進行隔檢疫。
    Article 16 Experimental animals that are newly introduced shall be subject to quarantine in isolation.
  • 由於單獨分出來而導致沒有控製或管理。
    personal state of isolation and anxiety resulting from a lack of social control and regulation.
  •  出境前需經隔檢疫的動物,在口岸動植物檢疫機關指定的隔場所檢疫。
    The animals that need to the placed in isolation for quarantine inspection before exit shall be quarantined in an isolation court designated by the port animal and plant quarantine office.