  • 多天的“群策群力”会议为通用电气公司节省了大量以往运作中浪费的时间和资金,但更重要的意义在于让员工明,他们有发表看法并被认真对待的权利。
    The multiday workout sessions took huge chunks of wasted money and time out of GE's processes, but their more important effect was to teach people that they had a right to speak up and be taken seriously.
  • 它指的是那些整天沉溺于电脑的人,可能他们看起来很苍,因为他们从不外出。
    A geek is someone who just does computers, maybe they are very pale, because they never go outside.
  • 明胶凝固的肉或蔬菜色拉。
    salad of meats or vegetables in gelatin.
  • 由牛和马等的皮毛和蹄熬制而成的蛋质凝胶。
    a protein gelatin obtained by boiling e.g. skins and hoofs of cattle and horses.
  • 甲状腺囊中一种凝胶状物质,主要包含甲状腺球蛋,作为甲状腺分泌物贮藏处
    The gelatinous product of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin, which serves as the precursor and storage form of thyroid hormone.
  • 你还记得使用那些古老的计算机,靠运行黄鼠工具程序,或者是一种名字意味着土拨鼠的某种数据库,要花上半个小时的时间才能找到《大鲨》这本小说吗?
    Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the Gopher program or some generic database whose name connoted a marmot that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick?
  • 一座色教堂从散布在岸上的那些小木房后面殷勤地探出头来。
    The white church peeps out genially from behind the huts scattered on the river bank.
  • 是个伟大的天才。
    Li Bai was a great genius.
  • 同样地,当我们有了染色体组序列,在完全明它是如何运作的以及它能让我们达到什么目的之前,我们也还有许许多多的工作要做。
    Similarly when we have the sequence of the genome there will still be a lot of work to do before it is fully understood how it works and what can be achieved with it.
  • 一种文体,通过长长的独展现人物的思想和感情。
    a literary genre that reveals a characters thoughts and feeling by means of a long soliloquy.
  • 高大的广泛分布在北美东部的流苏龙胆,花为紫罗兰色或色,有流苏。
    tall widely distributed fringed gentian of eastern North America having violet-blue or white fringed flowers.
  • 北美东部的龙胆,花管状、蓝色或色,花略开或不开。
    gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all.
  • 北欧人在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的种人,尤指北欧人
    In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.
  • 第二十三条对葡萄酒与酒地理标志的补充保护
    Article 23 Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits
  • 这些进步分子既年轻又雄心勃勃,自信有能力在佐治亚州摆脱农村中的人至上主义者,建立一个有效率的政治基础、
    These progressives are young and ambitious, confident of their ability to build an effective power base in Georgia without the rural white supremacists.
  • 生长在美国西南部沼泽的一种观赏灌木或小乔木,具有大的粉红色或色萼片,产生能够治疗疟疾的乔治亚树皮。
    ornamental shrub or small tree of swampy areas in southwestern United States having large pink or white sepals and yielding Georgia bark for treating fever.
  • 天竺葵是种开红、粉红或色花的花园植物。
    The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.
  • 叶子圆形有香味,开小花的天竺葵。
    geranium with round fragrant leaves and small white flowers.
  • 烟酸,尼克酸一种色结晶酸,c5h4ncooh,是在肉、麦胚、奶制品和酵母中发现的合成维他命b的一种成分
    A white crystalline acid, C5H4NCOOH, that is a component of the vitamin B complex found in meat, wheat germ, dairy products, and yeast and is used to treat and prevent pellagra.
  • 他使劲向我做手势, 可是我不明他的意思.
    He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me.
  • 这些举措显得有些苍无力了。
    The gesture was beginning to seem useless.
  • 我明白[懂]了。
    I've got it.
  • 你明白我的意思吗?
    Do you get me?
  • 那女病人面色苍白。
    The sick woman's face was ghastly.
  • 他站在那里,脸色因害怕而苍
    He stood there, his face ghastly with fear.
  • 她看上去脸色苍,她说她觉得很虚弱。
    She looked like a ghost and said she was feeling faint.
  • 原始森林、厚厚的雪覆盖的山峰、雄伟的峡湾以及轰鸣的火山,难怪《指环王》的制片者会最终选择新西兰拍摄这部"三部曲"。
    With its primeval forests, mighty snowcapped peaks, gigantic fjords and grumbling volcanoes, it's no wonder the makers of The Lord Of The Rings films decided to shoot the trilogy in New Zealand.
  • 她给他的想像插上了翅膀,巨大而光辉的画幅在他眼前展开,画幅上出现了爱情、浪漫故事和为妇女而创造的英雄业迹的模糊的、巨大的形象——为一个苍的妇女,一朵黄金的娇花。
    She lent wings to his imagination, and great, luminous canvases spread themselves before him whereon loomed vague, gigantic figures of love and romance, and of heroic deeds for woman's sake - for a pale woman, a flower of gold.
  • 他不明他们争论的要点。
    He can not understand the gist of their argument.
  • 喜做日梦的或爱空想的
    Given to daydreams or reverie.
  • 乳腺不仅是大量产生蛋质的器官;
    The mammary gland is a magnificent protein-manufacturing organ.
  • 霜的茎;有霜的李子;有霜的葡萄。
    glaucous stems; glaucous plums; glaucous grapes.