| - 她把土豆煮了,然后过滤。
She boiled the potatoes and then strained them. - 气体通过锅炉后仍然很热。
After passing through the boiler, the gasses are still very hot. - 哄然大笑开心地,兴高采烈地大笑
To laugh heartily and boisterously. - 向…挑战勇敢地面对或反对;公然反抗
To confront or oppose boldly; defy. - 他居然腆着脸要更多钱。
He had the boldness to ask for more money. - 他居然有脸跟我要钱。
He have the boldness to ask me for money. - 但在玻利维亚就截然不同了。
But it was a total different in Bolivia. - 虽然无人与之抗衡,共和党提名数周前已搞定,布什仍想巩固他所得到的支持……。
Though unopposed and with his GOP nomination sewed up weeks ago, Bush wants to bolster his support…. - 李:正如你所说,入世给我国带来了收益但同时也带来挑战。如何最大限度地扩大收益和减少风险对于决策者、商界人士和消费者来说仍然是一个很有争议的问题。
Li: As you have said China's WTO accession will engender challenges as well as benefits and how best to bolster the benefits and mitigate the risks remains a subject of considerable debate among policy planners, business people, and consumers. - 马突然跑走。
The horse made a bolt. - 先要学会烹饪的基本功,然后你可以自己动脑子找窍门。
First learn the nuts and bolts of cooking; then you can try your own ideas. - 现在,软件可以在加利福尼亚制作完成,然后马上到孟买或北京投入应用。
Now software can be developed in California, and be applied immediately in Bombay or Beijing. - 孟买自然历史协会发言人伊萨克o赫姆拉谈到:"蛇是食肉动物,以田鼠、鸟类、蜥蜴和青蛙为食,而并非靠人们提供的牛奶为生,因此蛇实际上是农民的朋友。"
"A snake is considered a farmer's friend because of its carnivorous nature. It survives on rats, birds, lizards, frogs and not milk as people would like to offer," said Issac Khemkar, spokesman for the Bombay Natural History Society. - 我们的公司被炸得荡然无存,但我们很快设法重新开业。
Our firm was bombed out but we soon managed to get on our feet again. - 将别人的大使馆炸掉,居然还不准抗议,抗议者一定是官方发动的群众。
The US has bombed another country's embassy, but does not the citizens of that country to protest. Any protestors who took to the streets must have been mobilised by the government. - 将别人的大使馆炸掉,居然还不准抗议,抗议者一定是官方发动的群众。
The US has bombed another country's embassy, but does not allow the citizens of that country to protest. Any protestors who took to the streets must have been mobilised by the government. - 一枚导弹突然从轰炸机下面发射出来。
Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. - 飞行员靠一台发动机设法使损坏了的轰炸机安然降落。
The pilot managed to fly the damaged bomber in safely on one engine. - 虽然f?117a被称为"隐形战斗机",实际上它是被作为轻型轰炸机来设计和使用的。
While the F?117 A was called the “ stealth fighter” ,it was actually designed and used as a light bomber. - 虽然波音公司拒绝说明哪些工程项目造成赤字,但是分析家指出海军a-16攻击轰炸机事后改装合成材料机翼、v-22垂直起飞飞机,以及b-2隐形轰炸机都可能是赤字来源。
While Boeing declines to which projects are producing the red ink, analysts point to the retrofitting of the Navy's A-6 attack bomber with composite materials wings, the V-22 vertical takeoff aircraft, and the B-2 Stealth bomber, on which Boeing is a subcontractor to the Northrop Corporation. - 由于蒸发比热及绝缘系数较高,液态水在100℃时仍然存在着氢键。
Liquid water is still hydrogen bonded at 100C as indicated by its high heat of vaporization and dielectric constant. - 几千年沿袭的习惯是女性负责做家务、准备全家人的三餐。现代职业女性也自然地把食品当作一种粘合剂以此创造一个友善的环境。
Conditioned by thousands of years of the woman as homemaker and prepareer of family meals, the modern working woman still can't help but regard food as a means of bonding and creating goodwill. - 成骨骨头形成的自然过程
The natural process of bone formation. - 去骨的家禽肉扎紧,然后煮熟,用肉冻覆盖;作冷食吃。
boned poultry stuffed then cooked and covered with aspic; served cold. - 比如说,烟火曾经就是篝火。我可以这么说,直到今天,黑夜中的篝火仍然是最奇妙的景观之一。
Fireworks, for example, were once no more than bonfires and to this day, I may add, a good bonfire on a dark night remains one of the most magical of spectacles. - 当然,从积极面来看(也只好如此自我安慰),那是“弘扬文化”、“促进交流”、“不分国界的资源共享”。
Of course, one can look on the bright side (to console oneself) and even hail the loss of the bonsai as a gesture to “promote culture”, “encourage exchange”and“share resources beyond national boundaries”. - 目前已根据国际标准建成国际馆、中国馆、科技馆、大温室、人与自然馆等五大室内展馆,建成分别展示珍稀植物、奇花异草、园林精品、园艺科技的树木园、竹园、盆景园、蔬菜瓜果园、药草园、茶园等六大专题展园;
So far, at the site there are five indoor exhibition areas built according to international standards: the International Hall, China Hall, Science and Technology Hall, Grand Greenhouse and Man and Nature Hall; Six specialized gardens: the tree garden, tea garden, bamboo garden, bonsai garden, vegetable and fruit garden, medicinal herb garden, where rare plants, exotic flowers and herbs, exquisite garden arts, and science and technology of the horticultural arts are displayed; - 一种跟小孩玩的游戏;先藏起你的脸,再突然露出来并说嘿。
a game played with young children; you hide your face and suddenly reveal it as you say Boo!. - "纯粹由于偶然的机会,他在一家小旧书店里找到了他所需要的那本难得的书。"
By pure chance he found the rare book he needed in a little second-hand bookshop. - 我看见他突然拐进路旁一家书店里去了。
I saw him strike into a bookshop along the road. - 我在一家旧书店偶然找到这本珍贵的书。
I stumble upon the rare book in a second-hand bookstore. - 我在附近那家书店偶然发现了这一珍本。
I tumble upon the rare volume in the nearby bookstore.