  • 北印度言北印度乡土言的集成
    A group of vernacular Indic dialects spoken in northern India.
  • 德语的一种言包括一些希伯来语和其它单词;被欧洲犹太人用做一种言。
    a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken as a vernacular by European Jews.
  • 阿斯克姆,罗杰1515-1568英国学者,曾为爱德华六世,玛丽一世和伊丽莎白一世的拉丁语秘书,倡导在文学中使用
    English scholar who as Latin secretary to Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I advocated the use of the vernacular in literature.
  • 普拉克利特语从公元前3世纪至公元4世纪所记载的一种印度言和文字,与梵文相对
    Any of the vernacular and literary Indic languages recorded from the third century b.c. to the fourth century a.d., as opposed to Sanskrit.
  • 毋庸讳言,香港开放与自由的文化政策、官的财政资助,程度上优于新加坡,不仅因为地域上接近中华文化传统,更重要的是把区域性的广东文化融注生活中,无论教育、旅游、饮食、礼俗、宗教、音乐、电影、建筑、绘画、工艺,都凝聚成独特的多元化魅力,也解释了为何每年有千万游客,要一窥“东之珠”的奥秘了。
    There's no denying that, compared with Singapore, Hong Kong enjoys more open and liberalised cultural policies as well as more generous public financial subsidies.Moreover, adjacent to the mainland, Hong Kong has been benefiting from the mainstream Chinese culture. Nourished by the rich heritage, a vernacular Cantonese subculture has evolved, expressing itself in various facets of life including cuisine, custom and tradition, tourism, education, religion, music, movies, painting, architecture, arts and crafts.The peculiar charm of cultural diversity explains why the Pearl of the Orient appeals to visitors from far and near, who have arrived in myriads year after year.
  • 现代印度使用最广泛的言;主要分布于北印度;和英语一块儿都是印度的官语言;通常是以梵文天城体手迹所写的。
    the most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars; spoken mostly in the north of India; along with English it is the official language of India; usually written in Devanagari script.
  • 在那儿你游览了什么地没有?
    Did you do any sightseeing there?
  • 诚然,这座寺院,落落大,既像一座教堂,又像一座领主府第,称得上是修道院宫殿,巴黎历任主教都以在此留宿一夜为荣;
    It is certain that this monastery, which had a grand air, both as a church and as a seignory; that abbatial palace, where the bishops of Paris counted themselves happy if they could pass the night;
  • 是个观兴的好地,对吧?
    It's good place for sightseeing, isn't it?
  • 卡杜斯说:"每一个手语动作大概能表示2个单词,不同人的手语表达式不一样,手臂长和手臂短的人做出的手语也不一样,所以计算机程序需要像语音识别软件那样进行校正,以适应单个的用户。"
    "There are roughly two words to a sign,"Kadous said. "In addition,people's signing styles differ and the signs made by a person with long or short arms differ so the program would need to be calibrated for an individual user in much the way that speech recognition software is,"he added.
  • 代替x射线穿透人体的式,核磁共振成像依靠一强磁场和无线电信号来共同触发体内的原子发出它们自己的信号。
    Instead of passing X-rays through the body, MRI relies on a strong magnetic field and a radio signal that together trigger atom in the body to send out signals of their own.
  • 使一种波形的某些特性按另一种波形或信号而变化的过程或处理法。这项技术用在调制解调器里,使商用计算机的信号与通信设备的信号相兼容。
    The process by which some characteristic of one wave is va ried in accordance with another wave or signal. This technique is used in modems to make business machine signals compatible with communication facilities.
  • 美国海军通讯兵杰克-坎贝尔和英国海军(英国皇家海军女子服务队成员women'sroyalnavalservice)女信号员斯蒂芬尼-巴斯滕第一次打交道还是在57年前。当时两人在苏格兰附近圆4英里的海域内打着灯向彼此发出摩尔斯信号。上周三,两人最终在伦敦会面了。
    Fifty-seven years after U.S. Navy signalman Jack Campbell and British Wren signaler Stephanie Batstone first communicated by sending Morse code messages by lantern over a 4-mile stretch of the Scottish sea, the pair finally met face to face in London on Wednesday.
  • 但是,在芝加哥由综合与比较生物学协会组织的研讨会上,研究人员认为,这种以人类为中心的研究法意味着,通过地表的振动进行交流(一种被称作为地震信号的沟通式)这一现象几乎被完完全全忽视了。
    But, according to researchers who have been meeting in Chicago at a symposium of the society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, this anthropocentric approach has meant that interactions via vibrations of the ground(a means of communication known as seismic signalling) have been almost entirely over-looked.
  • 在核出口面,作为《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国,中国奉行不主张、不鼓励、不从事核武器扩散和不帮助别国发展核武器的政策,制定了核出口三原则,即:仅用于和平目的;
    Regarding nuclear exports, China, a signatory to the NPT, has pursued a policy of not supporting, encouraging or engaging in the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not assisting any other country to develop such weapons. It has laid down three principles regarding nuclear exports: They should serve peaceful purposes only;
  • 我应该在什么地签名?
    Where should I put my signature?
  • 在立交桥、城市道路、大型公共场所和主要街道竖立标注国际通用文字的新型站牌、导向路标,便国内外旅游者的出行需要。
    For the convenience of domestic and foreign visitors, new types of signboards and signposts in commonly used international languages will be erected at overpasses, major public places and along urban roads and streets.
  • 然而,随着国家经济的蓬勃发展,西文化影响的日益普及,一些人逐渐不再重视,甚至开始抛弃新年的传统。在他们眼里,这些风俗习惯和现代化生活式,完全格格不入。
    However, with rapid economic expansion and growing westernisation in Singapore, over time, there has been a noticeable erosion, if not abandonment, of the New Year traditions and customs, which are perceived to be out of step with modern lifestyle.
  • 超过在影响、重要性面超过;重于…
    To exceed in influence or significance; outweigh.
  • 以统计学上显著的式。
    in a statistically significant way.
  • 此外,言的遗弃和文化认同意识模糊,更加剧了华文程度低落的病情。
    The abandonment of dialects and the lack of a clear cultural identity have aggravated the situation.
  • ……方面呈明显改善
    ...demonstrated a significant improvement in...
  • 在投资结构面,基础产业投资力度明显加大。
    With regard to the structure of investment, investment in basic industries has significantly increased.
  • 本港港口处理这些货柜货物,以及用其他法运送的货物,令本港经济获益不浅。
    Handling this container cargo - and many other cargoes which come and go by means other than containers - added significantly to Hong Kong's economy.
  • 赞成的以通常的式表示赞成,有反对的吗?没有,通过了。
    Those in favour signify the same in the usual way.Contrary--no, carried.
  • 北京成功地取得2008年奥运主办权、中国即将加入世贸等一波由北冲击而来的巨浪,正迅速从本区域卷走近七成的外来投资,对亚洲各国的经贸发展造成极大的冲击。
    Significant events, such as the grant of the right to Beijing to host the 2008 Olympic Games and the impending entry into the WTO, clearly signify the tremendous growth potential of China.
  • 没接近那辆弃置的汽车, 怕那里有饵雷.
    The police did not go near the abandoned car, fearing it was a booby trap.
  • 使之放弃有害的生活式,改过自新。
    caused to abandon an evil manner of living and follow a good one.
  • 离那儿不远,你可以看到一个路标,指明你所要去的那个镇的向。
    Not far from there, you'll see a signpost pointing to the town where you want to go to.
  • 让某事物处于进退两难的困境当中;把某事物留在一个荒凉的地,并遗弃它。
    leave stranded; put ashore on a desolate island and abandon.
  • 会前,英印政府派驻锡金政治专员柏尔单独会晤西藏地政府参加会议的代表夏扎伦青,向他鼓吹“宗主权”具有“独立”的含义。
    Before the conference, Charles Bell political officer sent to Sikkim by the British-Indian government, privately met with Lon-chen Shatra, the representative of the Tibetan local government to the conference. Bell trumpeted to Lon-chen Shatra that "suzerainty" implied "independence."
  • 仅次於最佳的解决法是放弃全部计画。
    The next-best solution is to abandon the project altogether.