Chinese English Sentence:
  • 在英国, 因社会阶层不同, lunch、 dinner、 supper、 tea这四个词的用法也不尽相同, 而且在一定程度上亦有地区性差别. If the midday meal is called lunch, the evening meal is dinner or supper. 若午餐称作lunch, 则晚餐即为dinner或supper. *In this case tea consists of a drink and cake or biscuits in the afternoon. 在这种情况下, tea则指下午的茶点, 包饮料和糕点、 饼乾之类. If the midday meal is called dinner then the evening meal is tea or supper. 若午餐称作dinner, 则晚餐即是tea或supper. *In this case supper may be a light snack before bedtime. 这时, supper可能指临睡前吃的夜宵. At school, children have school dinner/lunch at midday or they may take a packed/sandwich lunch with them. 在校学生中午吃的要麽是school dinner/lunch(学校午餐), 要麽是自己带去的packed sandwich lunch(盒装[三明治]午餐).
    The use of the terms lunch, dinner, supper and tea varies between social classes in Britain and to some extent between regions.
  • 房价包不合我们心意的许多固定装置和附 加设备. Cf 参看 fitting2 2, movables (movable).
    The price of the house included many existing fixtures and fittings that were not to our taste.
  • 市场报告应该包市场的发展趋势,上升还是下降
    The market report should include the trend of the development of the market , upward or downward.
  • 这是我们一份包一般销售条款和条件的合同样本
    This is a copy of our specimen contract in which the general sales terms and conditions are contained.
  • 用这种方式概岂不是更好
    Isn't it better to word it in this way?
  • 我们应在合同中写明包仲裁条款
    We should include an arbitration clause in the contract.
  • 检查费和要求返还货物导致的损失在内的所有费用应有你方承担
    All expense including inspection fee and losses arising from the return of the goods and claims should be borne by you.
  • 我们已汇760美金,包迟交货损失和贵司检查费
    We have credited to your account £760 to cover both the value of the goods short delivered and your inspection fee.
  • 我们将支付包文件和技术转移的所有费用
    We will pay all the expenses involved in documentation and transfer of knowledge.
  • 他的症状包没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。
    His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills.
  • 其它关节疼痛包臀部、膝盖和脚踝。
    He has pain in other joints including hip, knee and ankle.
  • 麦克唐纳是在美国国家科学基金会资助开设的社区学院纳米技术课程上发现她的职业兴趣的,该基金会中的一名官员预测,在未来5年中,该领域内将出现数十万个工作机会。其它信息来源包政府预测、中高等院校的职业顾问和在成长型行业中工作的邻居与朋友们。
    Ms. McDonald found her passion through a community-college nanotechnology program funded by the National Science Foundation, where one official foresees hundreds of thousands of job openings in the field in the next five years. Other sources include government forecasts, school or college career counselors, and neighbors and friends employed in growing fields.
  • 你可以适当调节你的工作环境,包灯光、温度、噪音水平及其他可控因素。
    Make whatever adjustments you need to the lighting, temperature, noise level, and other controllable factors in your office.
  • 拿校内网(现改名为"人人网")上流行的组件“开心农场”为例,该游戏是由一群80后青年研发。包首席运营官(COO)徐成就是其中一员。
    For example, the popular game "Happy Farm" was developed by a group of post-80s youngsters, including COO (chief operating officer) Xu Cheng.
  • 非药物治疗包针灸,按摩,拔火罐等.
    As for non-drug therapy,there are acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, cupping.
  • 水渍险范围广一些,除了平安险的范围外,还包自然灾害引起的部分损失。
    W.P.A. has a broader coverage. It covers everything in F.P.A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities.
  • 大体上说,平安险包自然灾害和意外事故造成的全部损失和意外事故造成的部分损失。
    Well, roughly speaking, F.P.A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents, and partial loss caused by accidents.
  • 我们当然可以做到,但战争险要交额外保险费,因为我们CIF报价没有包这种险别。
    We can certainly do this, but it is subject to an additional premium, because our CIF quotation doesn't include this risk.
  • 请问根据你们常用的CIF价格条件,所保的究竟包哪些险别?
    May I ask what exactly insurance covers according to your usual C.I.F terms?
  • 阅读保险单上的"细则"对你是十分重要的,这样就能知道你要买的保险包哪些项目。
    It 's important for you to read the "fine print" in any insurance policy so that you know what kind of coverage you are buying.
  • 为使甲方充分了解现行市场情况,乙方承担至少每季度一次或在必要时随时向甲方提供市场报告,内容包与本协议代理商品的进口与销售有关的地方规章的变动、当地市场发展趋势以及买方对甲方按协议供应的货物的品质、包装、价格等方面的意见。乙方还承担向甲方提供其他供应商类似商品的报价和广告资料。
    In order to keep Party A well informed of the prevailing market conditions, Party B should undertake to supply Party A, at least once a quarter or at any time when necessary, with market reports concerning changes of the local regulations in connection with the import and sales of the commodity covered by this agreement, local market tendency and the buyer's comments on quality, packing, price, etc. of the goods supplied by Party A under this agreement. Party B shall also supply party A with quotations and advertising materials on similar products of other suppliers.
  • 这个合同基本上囊了所有我们在谈判中所达成协议。
    The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.
  • 他会从别人身上学习,包他自己的员工。
    They learn from people, including their employees
  • 我需要一个成套服务,包机票和住宿
    I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.
  • 曾经有一位媒体培训老师教过我如何围绕谈话点谈话,这个办法在很多场合都管用--包面试。
    I once had a media trainer teach me how to stick to talking points, and it works for a wide range of situations -- including job interviews.
  • 其他原因还包女上司在早退或晚到的问题上缺乏灵活性。
    Other issues included a lack of flexibility over leaving early or starting late.
  • 请注意保险只包平安险和战争险。如果要求附加险,额外保险费将由买方支付。
    Please note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account.
  • 不论美国经济是否在消退,如今有一件事是明朗的:不确定性弥漫。而且它几乎影响到了每个经济领域,包就业市场。
    Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector, including the job market.
  • Bach说:“尽量多磨砺、利用好你的‘自我提示演讲’”,他指的是三十秒对职业价值的概
    "Hone and utilize your 'elevator pitch' as often as possible, " says Bach, referring to a 30-second summary of your professional assets.
  • 建立以"勇于创新、精诚合作"为基础的企业文化。创新不仅仅只是设计出更多的时髦产品,它还应包如何令客户更满意、为客户提供更好的服务等方面。
    Create a culture based on innovation and cooperation. Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products. It's also about improving customer experiences and services.
  • 价格包括邮资在内。
    The price includes postage charges.
  • 神舟号包轨道舱,返回舱和推进舱。
    Shenzhou (Divine Vessel) consists of the Orbital Module, Re-entry Module and Propelling Module.