  • 物品登记后放到关栈保管,并给你一个收条。
    You check it into the bonded storage room and get a receipt.
  • 两片或更多的板或层粘接在一起而构成的一种材料。
    a material made by bonding two or more sheets or layers.
  • 翻新…的胎面新的橡胶附于已磨损的胎面及胎侧面,使机动车辆已用旧的轮胎翻新成可用之状态
    To restore(a used tire of a motor vehicle) to usable condition by bonding new rubber onto the worn tread and lateral surface.
  • 狗将骨头埋起来。
    The dog buried the bone.
  • 冻肉卷一盘剔骨肉或去刺的鱼浇上肉冻烹饪而成的凉菜
    A dish of boned, stuffed meat or fish that is poached and served cold coated with aspic.
  • 如果工作及时完成的话发奖金
    Will pay the bonus provided the job is completed on time.
  • 这笔奖金对还清我的透支额大有帮助。
    This bonus will go a long way towards paying off my overdraft.
  • 剩余货物很难订到舱位,可试联合同行货物拼装。
    Booking balance of cargo difficult try combining competitor cargo.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所列商品,我公司名称列入您的询价客户索引中则不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you have our name put upon your inquiry list for the article show in the booklet.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所列商品,我公司名称列入您的询价客户索引中则不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you will have our name put upon your inquiry list for the articles shown in the booklet.
  • 我们把那家书店关掉,一切从头干起。
    We'll close that bookshop, and we'll start everything from scratch.
  • 这辆公共汽车把你带到该城最大的书店。
    The bus will land you in the biggest bookstore in this city.
  • 只可and,or或not应用于布尔值。
    You can apply AND, OR, or NOT to boolean values only.
  • 与在c及c++中不同,不可一个非布尔值当作布尔值在逻辑表达式中使用。
    You can’t use a non-boolean as if it were a boolean in a logical expression as you can in C and C++.
  • 我们boolean(布尔)类型当作一种“单位”或“单比特”值对待,所以它多少有些独特的地方。
    The boolean type is treated as a one-bit value so it is somewhat different.
  • 在上述程序中,可对int的定义替换成除boolean以外的其他任何主数据类型。
    You can replace the definition for int in the above program with any other primitive data type except boolean.
  • 若想在一次布尔测试中使用一个非布尔值——比如在if(a)里,那么首先必须用一个条件表达式其转换成一个布尔值,例如if(a!=0)。
    If you want to use a non-boolean in a boolean test, such as if(a), you must first convert it to a boolean value using a conditional expression, such as if(a != 0).
  • java允许我们任何主类型“造型”为其他任何一种主类型,但布尔值(bollean)要除外,后者根本不允许进行任何造型处理。
    Java allows you to cast any primitive type to any other primitive type, except for boolean, which doesn’t allow any casting at all.
  • 注意java不允许我们一个数字作为布尔值使用,即使它在c和c++里是允许的(真是非零,而假是零)。
    Note that Java doesn’t allow you to use a number as a boolean, even though it’s allowed in C and C++ (where truth is nonzero and falsehood is zero).
  • 生育高峰期出生的一代已经年过半百,他们中的大部分人过不了几年会退休。
    The baby-boom generation has entered its 50s and over the next few years will be retiring in 1arge numbers.
  • 看到中国飞速发展的今天,我们有理由相信中国有一个更辉煌的明天。
    Seeing the China's booming developmental today, we have every reason to look forward to a still bright further for China.
  • 我认为那些“半路出家”,顺应中国起飞的趋势为商业利益学习华语,却从来不努力理解中华文化的人,如果不好好调整看待华文的功利角度,势必无法面对和抵挡来中国经济快速发展后所产生的冲击,从而无法和中国人“平行地”打交道。
    People who have just begun learning Mandarin in the hope of benefiting from the booming Chinese economy but have never made any serious effort to understand the Chinese culture should, I think, not view the Chinese language just from a utilitarian viewpoint. Otherwise, they will not be able to face up to or withstand the impact arising from a rapidly-growing Chinese economy. They will also not be able to deal with the Chinese on an equal footing.
  • 减税会推进经济的增长。
    The tax cut will boost the economy.
  • 来还有许多可改进之处,改善该总线的可靠性、时序和可扩性,来进一步提高pci-x的性能。
    Further boosting PCI-X performance will be many other tweaks that improve reliability, timing and scalability of the bus.
  • 放一些使我们曳步起舞的唱片——那会使聚会更有活力!
    I'll but on some records we can bop to-that should ginger up the party!
  • 不过,有一件事是肯定的:今年夏天,博拉·米卢蒂诺维奇在日韩创造世界杯的历史。
    One thing is certain, though: Bora Milutinovic will be making World Cup history in Japan and Korea this summer.
  • 自世界杯开赛以来,首次跻身世界杯的中国队的两次出征均以失败告终,因而已经失去了进入第二轮比赛的资格。对此,中国队主教练米卢失败原因归结为这支球队在国际大赛中缺乏比赛经验,并希望中国能够为球员们提供更多赴海外学习的机会。
    Coach Bora Milutinovic has blamed China's failure to reach the second round at their World Cup debut on a lack of international experience and urged the country to send more players overseas.
  • 当你阅读一些哲学家的晦涩难懂的理论时,如果你除了厌烦没有别的感受,那么我对你表示最深切的同情。
    If you feel nothing but boredom when reading the virtually unintelligible theories of some philosophers, you have my deepest sympathy.
  • 图书馆他一年前借的书收回。
    The library reclaimed the book he borrowed a year ago.
  • 亚洲除了是世界上最大的消费市场外,来也有可能成为世界上最大的生产者、资本放款者,以及资本贷款者。
    Asia may well emerge as the world's largest producer, capital lender, and capital borrower, as well as the world's largest consumer market.
  • 美国(在波斯尼亚无地面部队)承受越来越大的压力去履行它提供维持和平部队的诺言——尤其现在俄国已同意派兵。
    The United States, which has no ground troops in Bosnia, will be under increasing pressure to live up to its promise to contribute peacekeepers — particularly now that Russia has agreed to send soldiers.
  • 同时,一些原有的紧张局势依然存在,波斯尼亚和索马里的种族冲突不时提醒革命党人和传统主义者:不管世界上充斥着多少芯片和电脑,战争都继续下去。
    At the same time,some of the old tensions remain,with ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Somalia reminding the revolutionaries and the traditionalists that wars will continue however many chips and computers may populate the world.