  • 她披着长可及地的开司米大披肩,两边露出绸子长裙的宽阔的镶边,她那紧贴在胸前藏手用的厚厚的暖手笼四周的褶裥都做得十精巧,因此无论用什么挑剔的眼光来看,线条都是无可指摘的。
    Her Indian shawl, with its point reaching down to the ground, gave free movement on either side to the flounced panels of her silk dress, while the thick muff, which hid her hands and which she kept pressed to her bosom, was encompassed by folds so skillfully managed that even the most demanding eye would have found nothing wanting in the lines of her figure.
  • 肖尼族一个早期居住于坎伯尔的部地区和俄亥俄山谷中部的土著美洲民族,肖尼族于18世纪晚期和19世纪早期在抵抗白人移居俄亥俄山谷时起过突出作用
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of the Cumberland and central Ohio valleys, with present-day populations in Oklahoma. The Shawnee figured prominently in the resistance to white settlement of the Ohio Valley in the late18th and early19th centuries.
  • 加布里埃尔·希尔是一个极具魅力却又十危险的间谍。为了给他自己所谓的爱国主义行动筹措资金,他需要进入这个世界。
    Gabriel Shear,a charismatic and dangerous spy wanting to finance his own brand of patriotism,needs to get inside this world.
  • 结婚好比一把大剪力,连在一块儿不开来;虽然时时朝相反的方向动,但对走进其间的人,则常常会加以惩罚。
    Marriage resembles a pair of shears, so joined that they cannot be separated; often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.
  • 13岁及以上:十几岁的孩子应该知道节制是预防怀孕和性传播疾病的惟一百之百有效的方法,但是他们也应该学会其他有效的生育控制方式。
    13 and over:Teens should know that abstinence is the only 100 percent effective way to prevent pregnancy and STDs, but they should also learn about available forms of birth control.
  • 中国发展远洋渔业和国际渔业合作,本着严格遵守有关国际海洋法,并充注意保护生态环境,在平等互利、合理开发可利用资源、不损害别国利益的原则基础上,积极开展同有关国家和地区的渔业合作,共同发展渔业经济。
    While expanding deep-sea fishing and international fishing cooperation, China adheres strictly to relevant international maritime laws, pays full attention to protection of the eco-environment and, in the light of the principle of "equality, mutual benefit, rational development of the exploitable resources, and abstention from infringement on the interests of other countries," actively develops fishing cooperation with relevant countries and regions, in order to jointly expand the fishing economy.
  • 节制性欲部或完全地避免性行为
    Partial or complete abstention from sexual activity.
  • 吸收外资是我们贸易活动中的重要部
    Absorption of foreign capital is an essential part of our business activity.
  • 你能把山羊和绵羊区开吗?
    Can you distinguish goat from sheep?
  • 有效水,可用水量土壤中水和可供植物吸收的水
    Water present in the soil and available for plant absorption.
  • 国际收支吸收分析法
    absorption approach to balance of payments
  • 光致裂由吸收高能量辐射、如射线而引起的核裂或核转换
    Nuclear disintegration or transformation caused by absorption of high-energy radiation, as of gamma rays.
  • 二零零一年,中国内地、美国和英国是本港最大的出口市场,输往这些地方的产品别占港产品出口总额的32.3%、31.0%和5.6%。
    In 2001, the Mainland, the USA and the United Kingdom were Hong Kong's largest markets, absorbing 32.3 per cent, 31.0 per cent and 5.6 per cent of the total value of domestic exports, respectively.
  • 但这些都是未知之数。目前香港的情况是,物价已经过调整,我们的竞争力已逐步加强,我们的银行制度一直非常稳健,而且日后会保持非常稳健。此外,香港的企业向来在收支管理上均十保守,香港政府在收支方面一直也采取保守政策。
    These are somewhat still uncertain, but what is working for us in Hong Kong is this, that our prices have adjusted, we are becoming more competitive, and that our banking system has always been very sound and continues to be very sound, and that our corporate bodies in Hong Kong have always been very conservative in managing their balance sheets, and that the Hong Kong Government has always been very conservative in managing the balance sheet.
  • 该公司种种努力的失败终于使大家认识到充准备经营条件的必要性。
    The failure of the company's efforts at last sheeted home the need for proper preparation of business conditions.
  • 1988年卡尔加里奥运会的吉祥物是两个北极熊,它们别名叫“喂”和“你好”,是加拿大设计师希拉·司考特的大作。
    The 1988 official mascots for the Calgary Games, two polar bears called Hidy and Howdy. Were conceived by the Canadian designer Sheila scott.
  • 年内,美国、中国内地及英国是本港最大的市场,输往这些地方的产品,别占港产品出口总额的30.1%、29.6%及6.1%。
    In 1999, the USA, the Mainland and the United Kingdom were Hong Kong's largest markets, absorbing 30.1 per cent, 29.6 per cent and 6.1 per cent of total domestic exports, respectively.
  • 珊瑚兰属的一种野花,根多且坚硬寄生于菌类中、依赖菌类吸取林地中的养
    a wildflower of the genus Corallorhiza growing from a hard mass of rhizomes associated with a fungus that aids in absorbing nutrients from the forest floor.
  • 虫漆不溶于酒精而离出的一种硬蜡。
    a hard wax separated from shellac by its insolubility in alcohol.
  • 经过消化营养物(养)被吸收进体内的过程。
    the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion.
  • 易湿的,吸湿的容易吸收水,比如大气中的水
    Readily absorbing moisture, as from the atmosphere.
  • 椰子椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部液体充填的中央果穴的白果肉
    The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity.
  • 雪莱把这段经历看作是自己所受教育的一部
    Shelley counted this experience a part of his education.
  • 软体动物任一种无脊椎软体动物纲的海生动物,身体柔软且不段,外有套膜,并具有保护性的钙质壳,包括可食用的有壳的水生动物和蜗牛
    Any of numerous chiefly marine invertebrates of the phylum Mollusca, typically having a soft unsegmented body, a mantle, and a protective calcareous shell and including the edible shellfish and the snails.
  • 毛巾、纸巾一块用来擦洗或干燥的布或纸,能吸收水
    A piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for wiping or drying.
  • 一种为船只提供的有部遮盖物的近岸泊地。
    a partly sheltered anchorage.
  • 印度曾阻挠中国西藏的和平解放,而且容留达赖集团利用印度领土进行裂祖国的活动。
    India once tried to prevent the peaceful liberation of China's Tibet, and sheltered the Dalai clique, allowing it to use its territory to conduct splittism activities against China.
  • 该署已于年内开始策划兴建大澳及灯笼州的船只碇泊处及重建四个别位于坪洲、长洲、吉澳洲及乌溪沙的公众码头。
    It also began planning for the construction of sheltered boat anchorage areas at Tai O and Tang Lung Chau, and the reconstruction of the existing public piers at Peng Chau, Cheung Chau, Kat O Chau and Wu Kai Sha.
  • 利用吸收能力的不同离混合物的过程。
    a process used for separating mixtures by virtue of differences in absorbency.
  • 棉制的;它可以插进伤口或是身体的某个腔里来吸收血或是泌物。
    of cotton; inserted in wound or body cavity to absorb blood or bodily secretions.
  • 建设性,我理解是指两国既有共同的利益和主张,也存在不同看法和歧,关键是要求同存异,增加互信;
    By constructive, we mean that the two countries not just have common views and common interests, but they also have differences in their views and interests. Nevertheless, what is most important is for the two countries to seek common ground while shelving differences. Such an attitude will make it possible for them to enhance mutual confidence.
  • 从上述国防费实际构成比例可以看出,维持费用占了大部
    Thus, maintenance-type activities absorb the largest portion of the defence budget.