  • ,驻纽约、华盛顿及三藩市的经济贸易办事处协助举办了多项文化活动,其中包括香港电影节,以及在10个城市举行的叶氏儿童合唱团九七美国巡回音乐会。
    The New York, Washington and San Francisco offices assisted in presenting several cultural events. These included Hong Kong Film Festivals and the Yip's Children's Choir '97 USA Concert Tour to 10 cities.
  • 舒伯特离开唱诗班学校以后,当上了学校教师以避免被征人伍。他在他父亲执教的学校教了三年,当他只有17岁时,就谱写了第一首优美的歌曲《纺车旁的格雷卿》,在这以后的两年当中,他写了许多他最好的歌曲,包括《魔王》在
    On leaving the choir school, Schubert became a schoolmaster to avoid being sent into the army, and he taught at his father’s school for 3 years. When only 17, he wrote his first great song Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel, and during the next 2 years he wrote many of his finest songs including The Erl King.
  • 窒息因体一定数量的氧气极度减,并伴有二氧化碳气体增多,而导致失去知觉或死亡的状况。心肌梗塞,溺水,触电,受伤或吸入有毒气体也可能导致窒息
    A condition in which an extreme decrease in the amount of oxygen in the body accompanied by an increase of carbon dioxide leads to loss of consciousness or death. Asphyxia can be induced by choking, drowning, electric shock, injury, or the inhalation of toxic gases.
  • 伤寒病、登革热、小儿麻痹症、霍乱、黑热病、克里米亚-刚果出血热……连美军上尉军医d.j都勒对阿富汗境的种种疾病都感到心惊胆战。
    Even to a physician like U.S. Army Capt.D.J. Doyle, the list of diseases in Afghanistan is frightening: typhoid fever, dengue fever, polio, cholera, leishmaniasis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever.
  • 燕麦燕麦含β—葡聚糖,这是一种多孔的可溶纤维,能够消除肠道产生胆固醇的物质并将其清除出体外。
    Oats Oats contain beta-glucan, a spongy, soluble fiber that mops up the precursors of cholesterol in the intestines and whisks them out of the body.
  • 科学家近日在老鼠体发现一种化学变化,能够表明细胞在什么时候燃烧脂肪,又在什么时候对脂肪进行储存。这一发现也许能够帮助人们进一步研制控制脂肪和胆固醇的药品。
    A chemical switch that tells cells when to burn fat and when to store it has been discovered in mice, paving the way for new drugs that could one day be used to control obesity and cholesterol.
  • 顷刻之间,周几乎成了国家英雄。没人敢说周的银弹能否中消灭人体的病毒,可是如果能够,你很快就会在“众生相”的封面上看到周生。
    Instantly, Chow is something of a national hero. No one can say whether Chow's silver bullet can kill the virus in human beings yet, but if it does, you will soon be seeing student Chow on the cover of People magazine.
  • 然而命运很快又将乔舒亚和贾斯廷带回奥兰多。他们一返回故乡,就同匹兹堡人克里斯·柯克帕特里克和纽约佬乔伊·法托组成了乐队。
    Fate soon brought Joshua and Justin back to Orlando,and,upon their return,they teamed up with Pittsburgh native Chris Kirkpatrick and New Yorker Joey Fatone.
  • 譬如,前香港总督彭定康在其著作《东方与西方》,利用了一整章的篇幅来批驳亚洲价值观。
    For example, the former Governor of Hong Kong, Chris Patten, devoted a chapter in his book," East and West", to debunking Asian values.
  • 她吐露出了心的秘密。
    She breathes the Christian spirit.
  • 1994年11月份这件珠宝曾经在christie日瓦拍卖行进行过竞拍,当时的成交价是560万美元。
    It previously sold for $5.6 million in November 1994 at Christie's Geneva.
  • 一个来自华达州的37岁作家克里斯蒂·史密斯说当她爱上表兄的儿子马克时她自感有罪。
    Christie Smith, 37, a Nevada writer, says she felt guilty when she fell in love with her first cousin' s son Mark.
  • 还有,我们一走进教堂的部,不由要问:是谁推倒了圣克里斯朵夫巨像的呢?这座巨像在一切塑像中是有口皆碑的,如同司法宫大厅在一切大厅中、斯特拉斯堡的尖塔在一切钟楼中都是令人交口称誉的。
    And if we enter the interior of the edifice, who has overthrown that colossus of Saint Christopher, proverbial for magnitude among statues, as the grand hall of the Palais de Justice was among halls, as the spire of Strasbourg among spires?
  • 群;组生物体或生物体上在染色质、结构或功能上不同的群
    A chromatically, structurally, or functionally differentiated strip or stripe in or on an organism.
  • 铝、铬或金放在真空罐用钨丝加热就一下子变成了蒸气,使整个真空罐充满了金属气体。
    Aluminum, chromium, or gold are put into a vacuum tank and heated by a tungsten wire.
  • 埃林瓦是一种用于手表弹簧的镍铬钢,因其能在很大的温度范围保持一定的弹性。
    Elinvar is a trademark for a kind of nickel-chromium steel used for watch springs because its elasticity is constant over a wide range of temperatures.
  • 存在于染色体的dna长链上的基因呈有序排列。
    Genes are arranged in order along the DNA strand within the chromosome.
  • 在一个特殊的染色体领域与脱氧核糖核酸或基因序列有关的定位。
    locate within a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known DNA or gene sequences.
  • (作动词用)表示把一个经过多次修改过的文件恢复到原先的状态,这种恢复的过程从时间顺序上看,与原先修改文件的过程相反,依次把各次修改的容清除掉。
    To restore a file to a previous condition by removing changes in the reverse chronological order from which the changes were originally made.
  • 西藏各级各部门共收藏纸质、缣帛和木、金属、石、叶等质地的档案400余万卷,除90%多的藏文外,还有汉、满、蒙、印地、梵、尼泊尔、英、俄等10余种文字,档案容上起元朝,下迄当代,是一个时代体系完整的历史档案宝库。
    The government institutions at all levels in Tibet have collected over four million volumes of archives on paper, silk, wood, metal, stone and Pattra leaf. Among them, more than 90 percent are in Tibetan, and the others in a variety of languages such as Han Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Nepalese, English and Russian. These archives, which date from the Yuan Dynasty to contemporary times, constitute a treasure-house of chronologically complete historical records.
  • 老人把菊花的插枝种在花盆
    The old man potted the chrysanthemum cuttings.
  • 用来在车床夹住柱状物的椎状卡盘。
    a cone-shaped chuck used for holding cylindrical pieces in a lathe.
  • 当英国自由党的领袖或一个英国工党的成员成为丘吉尔阁的成员时,依照英国议会规定,其权力等同于丘吉尔先生。
    When the leader of the British Liberal party or a member of the British Labor party becomes a member of the Churchill cabinet, he becomes, from the British parliamentary point of view an equal of Mr. Churchill's.
  • 扩网通过开拓新市尝降低成本和减少技术的剧烈变动而在公司和它的合作伙伴之间建立电子连接。
    Extranets create an eletronic link between a corporation and its partners by opening up new markets, lowering costs and reducing technology churn.
  • 此槽有流动的水,人们可以驾舟自高而下作滑水游戏用。
    chute with flowing water down which toboggans and tubes and people slide into a pool.
  • 消委会与海外和地的消费者组织保持密切联系。
    On networking, the council is an executive and council member of the Consumers International (CI).
  • 小核,微核原生动物纤毛虫类体两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有基因材料和繁殖功能
    The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.
  • 肾孔,肾口一些无脊椎动物和低等椎动物体通向体腔的肾管纤毛,漏斗形,部开口
    The ciliated funnel-shaped inner opening of a nephridium into the coelom in some invertebrates and lower vertebrates.
  • 电影院内禁止抽烟。
    Smoking is forbidden in cinema.
  •  电影、电视、录像和摄影作品的发表权、使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为五十年,截止于作品首次发表后第五十年的12月31日,但作品自创作完成后五十年未发表的,本法不再保护。
    The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a cinematographic, television, video-graphic or photographic work shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of such work, provided that any such work that has not been published within fifty years after the completion of its creation shall no longer be protected under this Law.
  • 为了推行上述改革,政府采用新机制,包括指派工务局为政府部的主导机构,协调有关建造业的事宜,并统筹推行建造业检讨委员会的建议。
    As part of the new institutional framework, the Works Bureau has been appointed as the lead agency within the Government to co-ordinate construction-related matters and to oversee the implementation of the CIRC recommendations.
  • 进入圆内或形成圆的
    Moving in or forming a circle.