  • 想到吃生贝就恶心.
    The idea of eating raw shellfish nauseates me.
  • 圭亚那产的种浅棕色的生蔗糖。
    a light brown raw cane sugar from Guyana.
  • 片,片或块,尤指生肉
    A piece or chunk, especially of raw meat.
  • 我们将克丽丝蒂的名字兴波瓦罗联想在起。
    We couple the name of Agatha Christie with Hercule Poirot.
  • “大家静会儿。阿佳莎!”
    “All be quiet for a moment, Agatha!”
  • 牛鞭末梢上有结的条长的,辫状的牛皮鞭
    A long, plaited rawhide whip with a knotted end.
  • 马鞭种短把骑鞭,带有生皮编织的鞭子
    A riding whip with a short handle and a lash of braided rawhide.
  • 阿佳莎的母亲又次神经质地尖叫起来。
    Agatha’s mother screamed again, hysterically.
  • 长皮鞭种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有摁扣
    A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end.
  • 辔头种绳索或生皮笼头,带有条宽带,可以用来遮住马的眼睛,用于勒停马匹
    A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.
  • 次,赫拉、波塞冬、阿波罗和除了赫斯提外所有的奥林波斯神祗乘宙斯躺在床上熟睡之际拥而上,用生牛皮绳把他捆绑起来并打上百个绳结,使他动弹不得。
    A time Hera, Poseidon, Apollo, and all the other Olympians, except Hestia, surrounded him suddenly as he lay asleep on his couch and bound him with rawhide thongs, knotted into a hundred knots, so that he could not move.
  • 次a射线或b射线的放射都伴随着原子的蜕变,因为赋予这些射线的能量来自于原子的内部。
    Each emission of an alpha or beta ray accompanies the transmutation of an atom; the energy communicated to these rays comes from inside the atom.
  • 另外,如果x射线源是个双星系统,当x射线源被它的伴星所遮挡时,发出的x射线就会周期性地被切断。
    Additionally, if the X-ray source is in a binary system, the X-rays will be periodically cut off as the source eclipsed by the companion star.
  • 石英由硅石组成的种非常坚硬的矿物质,sio2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包括沙岩和花岗岩。石英种类包括玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶
    A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal.
  • 稀土族的种软质、银色的金属元素,同位素能发出x光射线用于小型便携式x光照射仪,存在于独居石和磷钇矿。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group; isotope 170 emits X-rays and is used in small portable X-ray machines; it occurs in monazite and apatite and xenotime.
  • 发出x辐射射线的下陷物质并不是以恒定的速率落向黑洞,而是偶然发生的,这导致了种可以被观察到的x射线辐射强度的变化。
    The infalling matter that emits X-rays does not fall into the black hole at a steady rate, but rather more sporadically, which causes an observable variation in X-ray intensity.
  • 玛瑙纹玩具弹子种由玛瑙或仿玛瑙的玻璃制成的玩具弹子
    A playing marble made of agate or a glass imitation of it.
  • 种带有褐色、黑色或绿色苔藓状斑纹的玛瑙。
    an agate with brown, black, or green moss-like markings.
  • 玛瑙制工具种装有玛瑙的工具,如顶端装有玛瑙的抛光器
    A tool with agate parts, such as a burnisher tipped with agate.
  • 百万行种宣传广告品的单位,等于现在百万份出版物上的栏宽的报纸广告行
    A unit of advertising copy equal to one agate line one column wide printed in one million copies of a publication.
  • 不抱任何一丝希望
    Not a ray of hope left.
  • 任何种用琼脂作胶凝剂的培养基。
    any culture medium that uses agar as the gelling agent.
  • 王平:当时,奇拉维特的入球令向噪杂的河床体育馆的阿根廷球迷顿时安静下来,目瞪口呆地看着这位萨斯菲尔德队的守门页的精彩表演。
    Wang Ping: At that time, Chilavert's shot made the Argentinean fans, who usually made the Riverbed Stadium noisy suddenly quiet down. They watched the wonderful performance of the Sarsfield's goalkeeper agape.
  • 情爱是种"幸福持久"的爱,是更难达到的境界。
    Agape is the "happily ever after" love, and much more difficult to achieve.
  • 他张着囗土包子的样子。
    His mouth was agape in yokel fashion.
  • 一道光线穿透黑暗。
    A ray of light pierced the darkness.
  • 去x光透视下你的胸部。
    Go and have your chest X - ray.
  • 剩下他独自个张大着嘴发呆。
    He was left alone and agape.
  • 日本的种具有金黄色条纹的百合。
    golden-rayed lily of Japan.
  • 迈锡尼伯罗奔尼撒半岛东北部的古希腊城市,在青铜器时期作为个早期文化中心繁荣时。它是阿伽门农的传奇式首府
    An ancient Greek city in the northeast Peloponnesus that flourished during the Bronze Age as the center of an early civilization. It was the legendary capital of Agamemnon.
  • 我们让她去透视下。
    Let's get her X-rayed.
  • 去照一张x光片。
    Go and have your chest X-rayed.