  • 那两个女人撩人心弦地微笑着,总之从外貌来看,要不是她们必须支撑烛台,似乎就会从台座上跳下来,在房间里打打闹闹,可是那样的情景,读者诸君,就想一下都是不成体统的。
    The figures were smiling coquettishly and altogether looked as though, had it not been for the necessity of supporting the candlestick, they would have skipped off the pedestal and have indulged in an orgy such as is improper for the reader even to imagine.
  • 串滔滔不绝的话都是同一张嘴巴讲出来的。
    An endless flow of word stream from the same orifice.
  • ssp是由ss7链路互的电话交换机,用来发起、终止或汇接呼叫。
    SSPs are telephone switches, interconnected by SS7 links, that originate, terminate or tandem calls.
  • 一点脑筋都没有吗?
    Haven't you got an ounce of sense?
  • 这项应用包含网的传真服务器,在这里,传真机成了网络上的一个节点,向外发送服务器的文件;
    This includes networked fax servers, where a fax machine becomes a node on the network to send server files outbound;
  • 当我再仰首眺望时,我看见一列一列的屋顶,结几英里远,形成一些难看的四方形的轮廓,一直伸展到远方去。
    And as I lift my eyes again, I see rows upon rows of roofs, miles of them, stretching in ugly square outlines to the distance.
  • 撒切尔首相在第三任期即将结束挂冠而去才算聪明,否则,她将冒不再受欢迎之险。如此,她将给她那政敌都承认出色的政绩染上污点。
    Prime Minister Thatcher would be wise to call it a day toward the end of her third term. If not, she runs the risk of outstaying her welcome, and, by so doing, tarnishes a political career that even her enemies must admit go being remarkale.
  • 然而,内部网不必一定与互联网有物理接,这样做常常是好处大于风险。
    While it is not essential for an Intranet to have a physical connection into the Internet, the benefits can often outweigh the risks.
  • 或多或少比较高级的树、灌木和草本植物的集合,有离瓣或瓣的花冠,胚珠通常附在子房壁上;有69个科,包含杜鹃花科、十字花科和锦葵科。
    a group of families of more or less advanced trees and shrubs and herbs having either polypetalous or gamopetalous corollas and often with ovules attached to the walls of the ovary; contains 69 families including Ericaceae and Cruciferae and Malvaceae; sometimes classified as a superorder.
  • 为什么下载网站页面要花很长时间有多个原因,但其中有两个最常见的:因特网接慢以及过度的负担将服务器推到了极限。
    There are many reasons why Web pages can take a long time to download, but two of the most common causes are slow Internet connections and overburdened Web servers pushed to their limits.
  • 过量的食物和缺乏锻炼,使得人类最好的朋友不得不啤酒肚也一起分享了。
    Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man's best friend islikely to share his pot belly.
  • 过量的食物和缺乏锻炼,使得人类最好的朋友不得不啤酒肚也一起分享了。
    Overfeeding and lack of exercise mean man's best friend is likely to share his pot belly.
  • 这特别有用处,比如当有一串飞越的航空器而其中有一个落地航班的时候。
    This is specifically useful for example when you are working a string of overflights with one arrival aircraft in the mix.
  • 彬格莱小姐忙招呼她们说:“我不知道你们也想出来散散步,”她说这话的时候,心里很有些惴惴不安,因为她恐怕刚才的话让她们听见了。
    "I did not know that you intended to walk," said Miss Bingley, in some confusion, lest they had been overheard.
  • 雷德有点感冒,所以睡过了头。
    Leonald oversleep because of having a slight cold.
  • 当你连击时怎么办?
    What happens if you go overtime?
  • 当你在击时怎么办。
    What happens is you go overtime?
  • 击的意思就是这颗球在同队里打4次。
    Overtime is when one team touches the ball four times.
  • 同轭车的动物通过轭在一起的一对载物动物,如公牛
    A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
  • 他用轭把牛接于犁。
    He yoked oxen to a plough.
  • 牛津和瑞丁间有一条铁路相
    A railway connects Oxford with Reading.
  • 他们干得这样欢,棉袄都穿不住了。
    They worked so hard that they could not keep their padded jacket on.
  • 成对的成一对一对的,或形成一对一对的
    Joined in or forming pairs or a pair.
  • 咽门从口腔至咽的狭窄通道,接软腭、舌背和咽扁桃
    The passage from the back of the mouth to the pharynx, bounded by the soft palate, the base of the tongue, and the palatine arches.
  • 控制面板、显示面板或类似的面板的反面,也就是带有互接线的那一面。
    The reverse side of a control panel, display panel, or the like; the side with the interconnecting wiring.
  • 当时项羽接攻下荥阳、成皋,刘邦几乎溃不成军。
    At first Hsiang Yu captured Hsingyang and Chengkao and Liu Pang's troops were almost routed.
  • baker太太:噢,有的,我有些衣服要洗,这儿有两套西装、一条牛仔裤、几件衬衣、裤袜,还有小孩子的几件衣服。
    Mrs. Oh, yes, I've got some clothes to be laundered. Here are two suits, a pair of blue jeans, blouses, shirts, panties, and some soiled linen of the kids.
  • 马匹喘着气,传给邮车一份轻微的震颤,使邮车也仿佛激动起来,旅客的心跳都似乎可以听见。
    The panting of the horses communicated a tremulous motion to the coach, as if it were in a state o] agitation.The hearts of the passengers beat loud enough perhaps to be heard;
  • 与厨房相的食品室(尤其是在一所大的住宅里),它是用来准备茶叶和饮料的地方。
    a pantry or storeroom connected with the kitchen (especially in a large house) for preparing tea and beverages and for storing liquors and preserves and tea etc.
  • 这段文章一直到下一页。
    The paragraph runs on to the next page.
  • 特斯市位于巴拉那河上游与巴拉圭交界的阿根廷东北部城市。1588年建立。人口180,612
    A city of northeast Argentina on the Paran River and the Paraguay border. It was founded in1588. Population,180, 612.
  • 因服用毒品产生的幻觉(尤指作为吸毒的结果)产生或使产生偏执狂的令人恐怖的幻觉或感觉。常和out
    To experience or cause to experience frightening hallucinations or feelings of paranoia, especially as a result of taking a drug. Often used with out.