  • “我能请你帮个忙吗?”“只管吧,不过你得快点,5分钟前我就该离开这里了。”
    "May I ask a favour of you?" "Ask away, but make it snappy, I should have been out of here five minutes ago."
  • 虽然动物“可能有过短暂的自我意识,而被我们称作意识的那种影片却是不存在的”。
    And though animals " may have snapshots of self? awareness," he says," the movie we call consciousness is not there.
  • 随着手指在清单上的迅速移动,警官肯定地:“对,先生,包里的确有两张照片。”
    “Yes, sir,” he assured me, running his finger down the list on the card. “There are two snapshots here.
  • 有的学生坏天气里会学习得更好,因为一整天都看不到阳光,灿烂的阳光会诱惑人消遣时光;
    Some say they study better during bad weather because the sunshine isn't snaring them in its play-all-day trap.
  • 阿尔巴尼亚人所的印-欧语。
    the Indo-European language spoken by the people of Albania.
  • “你这孩子来自奥尔巴尼?”
    "You say the boy is from Albany?
  • 来自奥尔巴尼的消息:州长与议员们终于互相讲话了,只是不情不愿罢了。这也应该算是好消息。
    The word from Albany is that the Governor and lawmakers are finally talking to each other, however sullenly. That's good news, of a sort.
  • 海顿医生对那人:"卡宁汉姆先生,这是温艾克医生,他专程从奥尔巴尼赶来抢救您的孩子。
    "Mr. Cunningham," said Dr. Haydon to the man, " this is Dr. Van Eyck. He is a surgeon who came all the way from Albany to try to save your boy."
  • 如果时间安排不同的话,情况就会大相径庭,再我的心还没有——尽管心里没底——定下来,我就可以终止跟那个男人外出观光。
    If the timing had been different, the distance less daunting and my heart not already albeit unknowingly--engaged, I could have ended up with that man whom I went off to visit.
  • 我下岗了,但我的医疗保险还有效,只需交很少的保险费,这项保险也包括我女儿的医药费,总数约几千美元,但不包括婴儿所需的费用。
    though I had been laid off, my insurance continued in force at a small cost, and it would cover my daughter's medical bills, likely to amount to several thousand dollars, albeit not those of the child.
  • 他们患读写困难症的人只是用不同的方式使用信息。世界著名的思想家和科学家爱因斯坦是读写困难症患者。
    They say that persons with dislexia use information in a different way, One of the world's great thinkers and scientists Albert Einstein was dislexic.
  • 由于教会法和传统习俗禁止他与辛普森夫人结合,爱德华八世毅然放弃王位,腼腆、话结巴的艾伯特继承了王位,成为乔治六世。当时六岁的玛格丽特和家人小心翼翼地对待这种变化。
    Barred by church law and tradition from marrying Simpson, Edward abdicated in 1936, forcing the shy, stuttering Albert to become King George VI. Six-year-old Margaret, along with the rest of her family, viewed the change warily.
  • 昨天正当葛市长替戈尔参议员总统竞选打气的时候,州长科莫却给杰克逊浇冷水:他缺乏从政经验,在十一月可能成为竞选障碍。
    While Mayor Koch was boosting the presidential campaign of Sen. Albert Gore Jr. yesterday, Gov.Cuomo was letting some air out of Jesse Jackson's sails by asserting that his lack of government experience could be a campaign handicap in November.
  • 数年前,我曾在白洛克林兹术科学研究院,举办一种小著述的课程,我们希望当时名作家诺里斯、赫司德、塔勃尔、许士等来我们班上,讲述他们写作的经验。
    Years ago I conducted a course in fiction writing at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and we wanted such distinguished and busy authors as Kathleen Norris,Fannie Hurst, Ida Tarbell, Albert Payson Terhune and Rupert Hughes to come to Brooklyn and give us the benefit of their experiences.
  • “事情完蛋了,”克丽丝婷娜,“现在我们该怎么办呢?”
    "This rather puts the tin lid on it, " said Christina Alberta."What are we going to d0 now?"
  • 正如罗比所,新专辑展现的是一个更加充满信心、更加沉着稳健的罗比的声音。
    As said by himself,the new album is the sound of a more confident,focused Robbie.
  • 浮士德在德国传中的一个魔术师和炼金术士,他将灵魂卖给魔鬼,以换取力量和知识
    A magician and alchemist in German legend who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for power and knowledge.
  • 根据老子学的中国哲学体系,包含泛神论,炼金术,卜挂和巫术。
    popular Chinese philosophical system based in teachings of Lao-tse but characterized by a pantheism of many gods and the practices of alchemy and divination and magic.
  • 一群警察站在那里,对她否认看到了那场意外事故感到惊讶;目瞪口呆的市议员不出话来;听到他晋升的消息都惊呆了。
    a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seem the accident; the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless; was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion.
  • 喝了淡啤酒,猫也会开口;酒后使人话多。
    Ale will make cat speak.
  • 苔丝一次又一次的严辞拒绝未能制止亚历克,他整天缠住苔丝,先是用结婚证书和神圣的誓言来服她。
    Repulse after repulse failed to deter Alec, who persisted day by day, at first with a marriage license and holy words.
  • 排放出的气味就像开胃剂一样在空气中流动,对于蚊子来等同于开饭的铃声,提醒它们附近有热腾腾的美餐。
    The appetizing stir is the olfactory equivalent of a dinner bell, alerting mosquitoes that a warm meal is within range.
  • 只要大家带头努力,做到毛泽东同志的八个字,团结、紧张、严肃、活泼,我看,军队的问题是不难解决的,党的路线、方针、政策是可以贯彻好的。
    In my view, if we all set an example by following Comrade Mao Zedong's motto, "unity, alertness, conscientiousness, liveliness", we will find that the problems in our army are not hard to solve, and that the line, principles and policies of the Party can be implemented effectively.
  • 阿留申语阿留申人所的两种语言或其中之一语言
    Either or both of the two languages of the Aleut.
  • 西雅图海洋学者柯蒂斯·埃贝斯迈尔负责整理漂流到华盛顿沿岸的运动鞋。他,因为这些鞋是在加利福尼亚附近的门多西诺角"弃船而逃"的,所以这一漂流大军还可能继续前往加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸及阿拉斯加的阿留申群岛。
    According to Seattle oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer, who is cataloging Nike beachings in Washington state, the aquatic parade of shoes should continue to land along the British Columbia coast in Canada and meander to Alaska's Aleutian Islands since they abandoned ship near Mendocino, California.
  • "对亚历克斯耐心点,别过于责骂他。"格林太太向格林先生交代
    "Take it easy on Alex and don't scold him too much, " said Mrs. Green to Mr. Green.
  • 亚历克斯,听你的膝盖受伤,我很难过。
    I'm sorry to hear about your injured knee, Alex.
  • 阿力克斯,不许脏话!
    Alex, watch your languages!
  • 对于玛尼森高中三年级的亚历克斯·约翰逊来,过去的一年是在"嘎吱嘎吱"的咀嚼声中度过的。
    The past year has been crunch time for Munising High School junior Alex Johnson.
  • “我们的顾客感到和她有一种真切的关系,”网上首饰店米亚多拉的亚历克斯·维特里
    “Our customers feel a real connection with her,”says Alex Viteri of the online jewelry store Miadora.
  • 阿列克谢,我们欠了你们一笔债,一笔人情债,而美国不愿意让人成是忘恩负义的。
    Alex,we owe you a debt for that,a debt of honor,and the United States will not be said to be ungrateful.
  • 饰演阿列克斯的格洛斯时最近遇到一位45岁左右的妇人跟她搭讪,后面跟着她的丈夫。这位妇女:“她已经年过《致命的吸引力》,觉得很好。现在带他来看,他就不会她不忠。”
    Glen Close, who plays Alex, was recently approached by a mid-40's woman with her husband in tow: "She had enjoyed Fatal Attraction, and was taking him to see it so he'll never cheat on her."