  • 合同所订仪器,准备于6月中甸船,但须到26日才有船只,如用空运须另加285美元,请电复指示。
    Apparatus under cot ready shipped towards mid-June but no steamer until 26th if air fund adds d285 required telegraph insert
  • 枸子属蔷薇科枸子属的直立或匍匐灌木的一种,原产于旧大陆,花白或粉红色,果实小,红或黑,苹果状,种植用来
    Any of various erect or creeping shrubs of the genus Cotoneaster in the rose family, native to Eurasia, having white to pinkish flowers and tiny, red or black applelike fruits, and frequently cultivated for ornament.
  • 孟托奥德赛的忠实顾问,雅典娜通过扮成他而成为忒勒马科斯的保护人及老师
    Odysseus's trusted counselor, under whose disguise Athena became the guardian and teacher of Telemachus.
  • 它在封建主统治下是被压迫的等级,在公社里是武的和自治的团体,在一些地方组成独立的城市共和国,在另一些地方组成君主国中的纳税的第三等级;后来,在工场手工业时期,它是等级制君主国或专制君主国中同贵族抗衡的势力,而且是大君主国的主要基础;最后,从大工业和世界市场建立的时候起,它在现代的代议制国家里夺得了独占的政治统治。
    An oppressed class under the sway of the feudal nobility, an armed and self-governing association in the mediaeval commune; here independent urban republic (as in Italy and Germany), there taxable "third estate" of the monarchy (as in France), afterwards, in the period of manufacture proper, serving either the semi-feudal or the absolute monarchy as a counterpoise against the nobility, and, in fact, corner-stone of the great monarchies in general, the bourgeoisie has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world-market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway.
  • 红细胞计数器血液中用来计算红细胞个数的一种
    A device for counting the number of red blood cells in a blood sample.
  • 为了使国防政府真能担当起国防重任,为了使抗日联军真能担负起抗日重责,共产党号召全体同胞:有钱的出钱,有枪的出枪,有粮的出粮,有力的出力,有专门技能的贡献专门技能,以便我全体同胞总动员,并用一切新旧式武器,武起千百万民众来。”
    To enable the national defence government and the anti-Japanese united army effectively to discharge their immense responsibilities for national defence and for resisting Japan, the Communist Party hereby appeals to the whole nation: those who have money give money, those who have guns give guns, those who have grain give grain, those who have labour power give labour power, and those who have special skill contribute special skill, so that all our fellow countrymen will be mobilized and all weapons, old or modern, will be used to arm the people in millions upon millions."
  •  在第二年复活节那个星期天,妈带来了她的“致命一击”,她堂而皇之地到我们家来,在复活节的束外套着她的黄衬衫,好像那是她这套衣服的一部分。
    On Easter Sunday the following year, Mother managed a coup de grace. She walked into our home with regal poise, wearing that old shirt over her Easter outfit, as if it were an integral part of her wardrobe.
  • 出很有礼貌的样子。
    She made a show of courtesy.
  • 在武人的看守下,罪犯被带进法庭。
    The prisoner is brought into the courtroom under armed guard.
  • 女式时店从事女式服业的企业
    An establishment engaged in couture.
  • 盒盖上以雕花装饰。
    The cove of the box was piped with caned designs.
  • 有关本公司订购的10台柴油发动机,金额五万美元,于今日由中国银行开立不可撤销信用证,请速安排船。
    Today open ire l.c. for usd50,000 cove our dr ten diesel motor with bank of china rush arr. shpt
  • 用装甲保护
    To cover with armor.
  • 描绘的,着色的用画涂盖的或饰的
    Covered or decorated with paint.
  • 有或者覆盖有玻璃。
    fitted or covered with glass.
  • 外面的覆盖物或包
    an outer covering or casing.
  • 罩子一个饰性或保护性的罩或盖
    A decorative or protective covering or cover.
  • 盖在受伤的眼上的一种保护性置。
    a protective covering for an injured eye.
  • 家具潢家俱璜的工艺,行业,或业务
    The craft, trade, or business of upholstering.
  • 欺诈必须伪,真理不须掩饰。
    Craft must have clothes, but truth love to go naked.
  • 饰家具方面艺术精巧的人。
    a craftsman who upholsters furniture.
  • 一个安和维修管道、固定置和器械的工匠。
    a craftsman who installs and repairs pipes and fixtures and appliances.
  • 我一刻也不能把小儿子一个人放在家里。他十分调皮,什么样的事情都做得出来。而你回来时,他又成好人似的。
    I can't leave my youngest son alone in the house for a moment. He's as crafty as a barrel of monkeys and gets up to any number of tricks and then appears all innocence when you return.
  • 使塞满紧紧地满;把…塞满
    To fill up tight; cram.
  • 她的手提箱满了衣服。
    Her suitcase was cram-full of clothes.
  • 公司已经制成了一个称为"数码天使"的呼机状小置,它具有上述的两个功能。公司的工程师们正在用尽解数将数码天使的功能压缩到一个小得足以植入人体的置中。
    The company makes a pager-like gadget called Digital Angel that does both those things, and its engineers are doing their darnedest to cram Digital Angel's functions into a package small enough to implant.
  • 他的口袋里满了巧克力糖。
    His pockets are crammed with chocolated.
  • 使引起痉挛;作引起痉挛
    To affect with or as if with a cramp.
  • 事实上我更喜欢罐的蔓越橘酱。我特别喜欢美国葡萄,不管是青的还是红的。
    Actually I prefer canned cranberry sauce, I'm crazy about American grapes, either the green ones or red ones.
  • 起重机的双轮提升置。
    the double-geared lifting mechanism of a crane.
  • 卸船上调度物质的起重机。
    a crane for moving material with dispatch as in loading and unloading ships.
  • 运机用于拖曳或载原木的机器,如起重机或拖拉机
    A machine, such as a crane or tractor, that is used for hauling or loading logs.