  • (非正式)因为或者好像是因为反复的殴打而头昏眼
    (informal) dazed from or as if from repeated blows.
  • 由于或似由于拳打或一顿欧打而导致头昏眼的;惶惑的
    Groggy or dazed from or as if from a punch or series of punches; punch-drunk.
  • 使眼太刺眼而致眼睛全看不见了
    To dazzle so completely as to make blind.
  • 眩惑使人眼的行动或使人目眩的状态
    The act of dazzling or the state of being dazzled.
  • 你们的展品使我眼缭乱。
    I am dazzled before your exhibits.
  • 汽车的灯光使我眼
    The light of the car dazzled me.
  • 她因为前面明亮的灯光眼了。
    She was dazzled by the bright headlights.
  • 当年的大片运到布鲁姆,让这个寂寞的小镇第一次感到眼缭乱。
    All the big films were shipped here and the lonely Outback was dazzled.
  • 他在那儿站了一会儿,谛听着蜜蜂嘤嘤的叫声,光亮和幸福使他眼缭乱,美丽的鲜令他陶醉。
    He stood there a moment, dazzled by the light and his happiness, intoxicated by the beauty of the flowers listening to the buzzing of the honeybees.
  • 引起敬畏的,令人眼缭乱的
    Dazzling or stunning in effect.
  • 缭乱;令人想起闪电。
    dazzling; suggestive of the flashing of lightning.
  • 因为光线使我眼,所以我看不见。
    I can not see because the light is dazzling me.
  • 那辆汽车的前大灯都开着(未能为防止将其他司机眼睛照而放低前大灯).
    The car's headlights were on full beam, ie not dipped to avoid dazzling other drivers.
  • 精美的包装、温馨的风格、符合现代时尚的设计和令人眼缭乱的样翻新,还有许多许多,无一不体现出日本人的聪明才智和对物质文明的不懈追求。
    The attractive packaging, eye-catching style, modern design and dazzling innovations are all manifestations of the ingenuity and perseverance of the Japanese in their pursuit of material comfort.
  • 我初见蜂鸟是在纽约州北部自家的园里,当时兴奋的心情至今难忘——那让人称奇的小生灵,羽毛艳丽夺目,在丛中尽情地飞舞。
    The thrill of seeing my first hummingbird in my upstate New York garden has never left me -- the sight of this unbelievably tiny creature with dazzling plumage flitting boldly from flower to flower.
  • 你愿意的话, 可以买高级的, 不过得很多钱.
    You can have the de luxe model if you like, but it'll cost you.
  • 很多人说缓和国际紧张局势的论调已是明日黄
    Many people say that detente is now a dead letter.
  • 正如圃里被割掉的再也不能复原了,我们就不要再去打破一个小孩子稚嫩纯净的心灵,使他们原来充满活力的感觉变得迟钝,乃至麻木。
    The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child's spirit and deadening his sense of liveliness.
  • 耳聋眼是年老体衰的现象.
    Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
  • 了600镑向汽车商人买了那辆车子。
    He paid £ 6 0 0 to a dealer for that car.
  • 他为这些食物支付了很多钱;这了他很多钱。
    he paid dearly for the food; this cost him dear.
  • 从一九二一年到七大共二十四年,这个期间我们党犯了一次右倾机会主义错误,三次“左”倾机会主义错误,特别是第三次“左”倾机会主义错误,差不多把我们的革命力量搞光了,革命根据地有百分之九十垮了,受了很大的损失,了很大的代价。
    In the 24 years from 1921 to the convening of the Party's Seventh National Congress, our Party made Right opportunistic mistakes once and "Left" opportunistic mistakes three times. The "Left" opportunistic mistakes made the third time practically ruined our entire revolutionary force--90 percent of the revolutionary base areas collapsed, which was disastrous and cost us dearly.
  • 烟火炸开放出一阵火.
    The firework exploded in a shower of sparks.
  • 用石头相擦可产生火用来引火.
    Rubbing stones together produces sparks to start a fire.
  • 摩擦起火的通过摩擦产生火
    Producing sparks by friction.
  • 火花点燃了纸。
    The sparks kindled the paper.
  • 能够发出火或者产生火焰。
    can emit sparks or burst into flame.
  • 用钢铁敲打火石,可以打出火来。
    One can strike out sparks from flint with steel.
  • 彼得用脚踢了一下火堆,扬起一阵火
    Peter kicked the fire and sent up a shower of sparks.
  • 他踏灭火,以免灌木林火蔓延开来。
    He stamped on the sparks to deep the brush- fire from spreading.
  • 这个不可见的黑暗之火焰,以繁星为其火的,到底是什么呢?
    What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?
  • 围在火前起保护作用(尤其是挡住火)的金属网。
    a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks).