  • 他从人中认出了他的朋友。
    He spotted his friend in the crowd.
  • 我在人中一眼看出我的朋友。
    I spotted my friend at once among the crowd.
  • 夹在人中的一小撮小流氓
    A sprinkling of hooligans in the crowd
  • 有的部分对众利益毫不关心,而尽情地耗费人力和物力;
    some showed no concern for the interests of the masses, squandering manpower and material resources at will;
  • 在门口拚命猛挤的人
    A violent squash at the gates
  • 我只好从人里挤过去了。
    I had to squeeze my way through the crowd.
  • 我跟着众进出运动场。
    I followed the crowd into the stadium.
  • 慢慢从体育场散去。
    The crowds drifted away from the stadium.
  • 他吸引了一精力充沛,充满干劲的人员助选。
    He attract a group of go- go staffer to run his election.
  • 受惊的牛向牧场涌去.
    The cattle stampeded towards the farm.
  • 惊惶失措的人们, 从失火的旅馆中跑了出来。
    There was a stampede of panic-stricken crowd from the burning hotel.
  • 当母亲说我们已经吃够了时,我们便撒腿冲向了厨房,那声响如同出自一惊慌失措的牲口。
    When my mother told us we had eaten enough, it sounded like a stampede of cattle as we raced for the kitchen.
  • 使畜绕圈子转通过让领头牲畜绕圈子以形成逐渐收紧的螺旋形中心而制止(牛的惊跑)
    To halt(a cattle stampede) by turning the lead animals in a wide arc so that they form the center of a gradually tightening spiral.
  • 踮起脚尖穿过人看。
    in a tiptoe stance to see over the crowd.
  • 她在人群中很出众。
    She standouts standout in a crowd.
  • 首先,硅谷有着世界最大最密集的优秀电脑专才体、最佳的后援服务体系,并紧密联系着斯坦福大学等世界一流的研究机构,而后者正源源不断地培育出电脑业赖以发展的明日天才。
    First and foremost, it has the largest concentration of brilliant computer professionals and the best supporting services in the world, and easy access to world-class research institutions, like Stanford University, which continually nurtures would-be geniuses which the industry needs in order to move forward.
  • 这次副食品价格一放开,就有人抢购,议论纷纷,不满意的话多得很,但是广大人民众理解中央,这个决心应该下。
    As soon as we lifted price controls on non-staple foods, there was a rush of panic buying. Everybody is talking about prices, and there are a lot of complaints.
  • 米哀奴舞一种缓慢的、庄重的四三拍的舞蹈,由一舞蹈者结伴而跳,源于17世纪的法国
    A slow, stately pattern dance in3/4 time for groups of couples, originating in17th-century France.
  • 还有,我们所说的文艺服从于政治,这政治是指阶级的政治、众的政治,不是所谓少数政治家的政治。
    Furthermore, when we say that literature and art are subordinate to politics, we mean class politics, the politics of the masses, not the politics of a few so-called statesmen.
  • 我们准备统计分析不同类型人笑的微妙变化,以使研究这些差异。
    We're going to study these differences by statistically analysing the minute variations in laughter between different types of people.
  • 并且由于中国的进步,就是说有共产党领导的坚强的军队和广大的人民众存在,因此抗日游击战争就不是小规模的,而是大规模的;
    furthermore, China is progressive, that is to say, she has a staunch army and broad masses of people, both led by the Communist Party, so that, far from being small-scale, our anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare is in fact large-scale warfare.
  • 以气象卫星系列、资源卫星系列、海洋卫星系列和环境与灾害监测小卫星组成长期稳定运行的卫星对地观测体系,实现对中国及周边地区甚至全球的陆地、大气、海洋的立体观测和动态监测。
    The meteorological satellites, resource satellites, oceanic satellites and disaster monitoring satellites can develop into an earth observation system for long-term stable operation to conduct stereoscopic observation and dynamic monitoring of the land, atmosphere, and oceanic environments of the country, the peripheral regions and even the whole globe.
  • 居昆虫部落中不能生育的成员,负责寻觅食物和照管幼子。
    sterile member of a colony of social insects that forages for food and cares for the larvae.
  • 其货币与英国的货币英镑联系在一起的国家
    the group of countries whose currencies are tied to the British pound sterling.
  • 我们必须努力做好工作,把受他们蒙蔽的众(其中许多是天真的青年)同这些反革命分子、坏分子分离开来,要按照法律,对这些反革命分子、坏分子进行严肃的处理。
    We must strive to clearly distinguish between people (many of them innocent young people) and the counter-revolutionaries and bad elements who have hoodwinked them, and whom we must deal with sternly and according to law.
  • 他讲的话是有意鼓动众的。
    His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd.
  • 集合基金为了投机或操纵证券价格而由一证券持有人建立起来的共同基金
    A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders for speculating in or manipulating prices of securities.
  • 愤怒的人把石头投向他的汽车。
    The angry crowd stoned his car.
  • 位于湾仔的爱清真寺暨林士德伊斯兰中心,于一九八一年启用。该中心楼高8层,清真寺占了两层,还设有礼堂、图书馆和诊疗所各一间,以及课室和办公室多间。
    The Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre, filling eight storeys in Wan Chai, was opened in 1981 and houses a masjid on two floors, a community hall, a library, a medical clinic, classrooms and offices.
  • 金门中国东南部一岛屿,由台湾海峡中的一大岛和由两个岛和十二个小岛组成的岛构成
    An island and group of2 islands and12 islets off southeast China in Taiwan Strait.
  • 我们要保护发达地区、优势产业和通过辛勤劳动与合法经营先富起来人们的发展活力,鼓励他们积极创造社会财富,更要高度重视和关心欠发达地区以及比较困难的行业和众,特别要使困难众的基本生活得到保障,并积极帮助他们解决就业问题和改善生活条件,使他们切实感受到社会主义社会的温暖。
    We should protect the vitality for further growth of the developed regions, strong industries and people who have become rich first through hard work and lawful business operations and encouraging them to create social wealth. More importantly, we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them. In particular, we must see to it that the people in financial difficulties have subsistence allowances, and we must take effective measures to help them find jobs and improve their living conditions so that they will truly feel the warmth of our socialist society.
  • 一群处于困境的旅客
    A herd of stranded passengers.