  • 在各种医药研中, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题.
    The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
  • 私人研;私人调查研
    Private studies; private research.
  • 然后夫妻俩分别私下将自己对所讨论问题的感受告诉研者。
    Then each partner privately reported his or her feelings regarding the issue.
  • 那个女孩是我们研所的见习律师。
    The girl is a lawyer on probation in our institute.
  • 有了经常的细致的工作,了解问题就可以比较深入,这对调查研也有帮助。
    Meticulous day-to-day work will help probe more deeply into problems and facilitate investigation and study.
  • 所以,在我能看的第二天,我要通过人类的艺术努力探人生的灵魂。
    So on this, my second day of sight, I should try to probe into the soul of man through this art.
  • 打算怎么办,有什么计划?竟怎么办?
    What's the plan or procedure?
  • 保养考地板的产品;护发用品
    A product for the care of fine floors; hair care products.
  • 简悦盛、徐立之、何大一和好几位其他生物学与医学研者,我想已经被提名到诺贝尔奖金委员会多次了。
    I believe that Prof Y W Kan, Prof L C Hsu,Prof David Ho and other biological and medical researchers have been nominated to the Nobel Prize Committee many times.
  • 简悦盛、徐立之、何大一和好几位其他生物学与医学研者,我想已经被提名到诺贝尔奖金委员会多次了。
    I believe that Prof Y W Kan, Prof L C Hsu, Prof David Ho and other biological and medical researchers have been nominated to the Nobel Prize Committee many times.
  • 我有幸由史密斯教授指导我的研
    I am fortunate to have Prof. Smith guide me in my research.
  • 一个谦虚的学者从不自称对自己研的课题已经作了详尽无遗的研
    A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.
  • 这位老教授指导研生。
    The old professor supervises the postgraduate students.
  • 他对德国的市场进行了研以寻求投资获利的可能性.
    He studied the German market to find the potential there for profitable investment.
  • 国家重点基础研发展规划(973计划)项目
    Key Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development (973 Program)
  • 为了加强院系之间的合作,瑞丁斯坦大力号召展开一系列全校范围内的大规模学术计划活动,以加强哈佛主要的学术研与突出项目。
    As part of an overall effert to achieve greater coordination among the University’s schools and faculties. Rudenstine set in motion an intensive process of University. wide academic planning,intended to identifV some of Harvard's main intellectual and programmatic priorities.
  • 弦学对弦的结构、过程和关系的研
    The study of the structure, progression, and relation of chords.
  • 这项研工作失败了。
    The project has failed.
  • 我想,我们党的下次代表大会必须着重地研这些问题,现在就要做准备,大家来讨论,要系统地、切实地解决这些问题。
    I think the Party must make preparations now to discuss the problems I have been talking about, and they should figure prominently on the agenda of our next national congress.We should solve them earnestly and systematically.
  • 纽约电话公司曾经做过一项调查,研在电话中,最常用到的是什么宇,这个答案也许你早猜对了,那就是人称代名词中的「「我」」。
    The New York Telephone Company made a detailed study of telephone conversations to find out which word is the most frequently used. You have guessed it: it is the personal pronoun “I.
  • 正音学对于字词发音的研
    The study of the pronunciation of words.
  • 哲理数学数学的一个分支,以数学证明、公式和等式的逻辑性及稳定性为研对象的学科
    The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and consistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations.
  • 因为要在篇幅必然有限的情形下,对这36部实际上相互独立而各具特色的作品,逐一进行规模与其价值和重要性相称的研,乃是不可能的。
    For to study each of these thirty-six plays, distinct and truly independent of each other as they are, on a scale proportionate to its value and importance would he impossible where space is necessarily restricted.
  • 在我们对那些官方报告进行研之前就发表公开声明,我怀疑这样做是否适当。
    I doubt the propriety of making a public statement before we have studied the official reports.
  • 闲人免进,违者必
    Trespassers will be prosecuted.
  • 闲人莫入,违者必(告示用语)。
    Trespassers will be prosecuted, eg on a notice.
  • 闲人莫入,违者必(告示用语).
    Trespassers will is prosecuted, eg on a notice.
  • 禁扔垃圾, 违者必究.
    Any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted.
  • 构成犯罪的,依法追刑事责任。
    Where a crime is established, the person concerned shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability according to the law.
  • 情节严重、构成犯罪的,依法追刑事责任。
    if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility according to law.
  • 战争罪将受到追,战犯将受到惩罚,到那时,"我只是服从命令"将不能成为借口或免受惩罚的理由。
    War crimes will be prosecuted, war criminals will be punished and it will be no defense to say, "I was just following orders."
  • 情节严重、构成犯罪的,依照刑法第一百三十条的规定追刑事责任。
    if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 130 of the Criminal Law.