  • 静寂中突响起脚步声使她感到毛骨悚
    The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold.
  • 公司当需要一些具有创见的新人。
    The company certainly need some fresh blood with new ideas.
  • 而他口中叙述的历时20分钟的校园血案确是血淋淋的事实,这起惨案使得德国举国上下一片哀鸣。
    Yet his account of the 20-minute bloodbath that has plunged the country into mourning was chillingly matter-of-fact.
  • 美洲印第安人的作战喊杀声使人毛骨悚
    The war whoop of the American Indian was bloodcurdling.
  • 关于它们是否是温血动物这一问题,现在仍没有出现被广泛接受的确切答案。
    There is as yet no widely accepted definitive answer as to whether or not they were warm-blooded.
  • 某些化学制品易被血液吸收,另一些则不
    Certain chemicals are easily absorbed into the bloodstream, while others are not.
  • 那些树木突开起花来了。
    The trees burst into bloom.
  • 花园像是一夜间突开满鲜花。
    The garden seemed to have burst into blossom (bloom) overnight.
  • 白烟的浓烟突从火箭的燃料箱旁窜出
    White vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket's fuel tank.
  • 插花、开花植物、草本植物、花环和具有乡村气息的垂挂装饰物自成为这种朴素的装饰格调的组成部分。
    Cut flowers, blooming plants, herbs, wreaths and swags with that farm-fresh look are a natural extension of this homespun decor.
  • 有时它们聚在一起竟遮住了阳光,看起来像来历不明的黑斑点组成的黑色波状物。
    Sometimes these schools are so dense they actually blot out the sun, appearing as black undulating masses of unrecognizable blobs of darkness.
  • 间接的一击非直接的或偶性的打击
    An indirect or chance blow.
  • 以声音大、突爆发的形式刮风。
    blowing in loud and abrupt bursts.
  • 这一争论又突开始了。
    The dispute has blown up again.
  • 突然拜访
    Arrived out of the blue.
  • 动物的每个体细胞都包含所有的遗传信息,但是科学界一直坚持认为每个体细胞有自己专门的作用,如皮肤细胞或者乳腺细?的dna就不能被用作发育为成年动物的胚胎原型。
    Even though every cell in an animal's body contains all its genetic information,scientific dogma had held that once a cell had a specific role,as a skin cell say or a mammary gland cell,its DNA could not be used as a blueprint for an embryo to grow into an adult animal.
  • 他为人厚道,待人亲切,虽态度有些粗鲁。
    He is kind and friendly despite his rather bluff manner.
  • 很奇怪他居设法招摇撞骗闯过所有难关。
    It's queer that he managed to bluff his way through all the difficulties.
  • 赫鲁晓夫立刻恍大悟:自己犯了个大错。他把东道主的房间当成了布尔加宁的了。
    Khruschev immediately realized the blunder he had made: he had mistaken his host's bedroom for Bulganin's.
  • 而,你我都知道,有人终身的错误,就是只想别人关心他,对他发生兴趣。
    Yet I know and you know people who blunder through life trying to wigwag other people into becoming interested in them.
  • 卫士立即把大口径短抢放回了武器箱,后看了看箱里的其它枪支,看了看皮带上挂的备用手枪,再看了看座位下的一个小箱子,那箱里有几把铁匠工具、两三个火炬和一个取火盒。
    The guard soon replaced his blunderbuss in his arm-chest, and, having looked to the rest of its contents, and having looked to the supplementary pistols that he wore in his belt, looked to a smaller chest beneath his seat, in which there were a few smith's tools, a couple of torches, and a tinder-box.
  • 当我打电话给他时遭到他的断拒绝。
    I suffered a blunt refusal when I called him.
  • 他的孤立使他对别人的感情木无知。
    His isolation has made him blunt about the feelings of others.
  • 拒绝对某个要求严峻或断的反应或拒绝
    A blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer.
  • 尽管往后变化难测,愈远看愈渺茫,而大体的计算是可能的,估计前途的远景是必要的。
    Even though future changes are difficult to foresee and the farther ahead one looks the more blurred things seem, a general calculation is possible and an appraisal of distant prospects is necessary.
  • (生理学)用于自的生理功能。
    (physiology) used of involuntary bodily functions.
  • 化身超自物以人身显形
    A bodily manifestation of a supernatural being.
  • 你喜欢健美,我会给买一件健美器械作为生日礼物送给你。
    Since you like it, I'll buy you a piece of bodybuilding facility as a birthday present for you.
  • 首先,被解散的皇家卫队的士兵突在首都街道上开火。
    In the first place the men of the disbanded royal bodyguard suddenly turned loose on to the street of a capital.
  • 有关脱水生活现象著名的例子是,掩埋在中国东北据说已有两千年历史的泥炭沼泽中的莲子籽居能发芽。
    A classic example of this phenomenon of anhydrobiosis is that the germination of lotus seeds found buried in a peat bog in the north-eastern China, where they reputedly had survived for more than 2000 years.
  • 必须注意每次会议时间不可太长,会议次数不可太频繁,不可沉溺于细小问题的讨论,以免妨碍工作。
    Of course, we must see to it that the meetings are not too long or too frequent and they must not get bogged down in discussion of petty matters lest the work be hindered.
  • 把混合物煮至沸腾,後再用文火煮十分钟。
    Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.