  • 气涡轮产生高温废气用反作用力进喷气式飞机。
    a gas turbine produces a stream of hot gas that propels a jet plane by reaction propulsion.
  • 抛射体被发射出去、扔出去或被动的物体,比如子弹,它没有自我进的能力
    A fired, thrown, or otherwise propelled object, such as a bullet, having no capacity for self-propulsion.
  • 射流偏转舵一种可被移进火箭进气流中以改变其冲力方向的控制平面
    A control surface that may be moved into the propulsion stream of a rocket in order to change the direction of thrust.
  • 该项目广应用的前景
    the prospect of application and extension of the project
  • 用诱劝等软销手法软化未来的买主
    Soften up a prospective buyer with soft-sell tactics
  • 1981年,当ibm出个人电脑时,微软的发展已颇具规模。
    Microsoft was already prospering when IBM adapted personal computer in 1981.
  • 理的用未经证明的条件来理已知公理的
    Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
  • 1998年10月,"西部生活"和rca签约。这家公司成功地出了《拿去》和《五》两张专辑,取得了有目共睹的佳绩。
    In October 1998 Westlife signed to RCA,a label that had a proven track record with the successful marketing of both Take That and Five.
  • 对於这个问题,我的立场非常明确:香港向来以行政为主导,由政府负责制订和行政策,这种安排一直行之有效。
    My position is simply this. Hong Kong has a proven track record of executive-led Government, which has responsibility for making and implementing policy.
  • 在抵达新加坡当天,朱镕基总理对新闻媒介说,1990年他以上海市市长身分首次来访,把新加坡的公积金制度和住房建设经验带了回去,并在加以修改之后予以行。
    After his first visit to Singapore in 1990 as the Mayor of Shanghai, Mr Zhu soon implemented a series of reforms based on Singapore's Central Provident Fund scheme and housing experience, which he modified to suit Shanghai's conditions, he told Singapore's media.
  • 中央和省两级实行部门预算制度,“收支两条线”管理和国库集中收付制度改革试点稳步进。
    The system of preparing department-specific budgets was introduced at both central and provincial levels.
  • 美国倚仗其经济、科技和军事实力,继续行霸权主义和强权政治,肆意干涉别国内政。
    Relying on its economic, scientific and technical, and military prowess, the United States continues to pursue hegemonism and power politics, and wantonly interferes in the internal affairs of other countries.
  • 四处寻觅更好的工作的销员
    Salespeople on the prowl for better jobs.
  • 不慎重或者不明智;不被荐的。
    not prudent or wise; not recommended.
  • 可取的值得被荐或被建议的;审慎的
    Worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent.
  • 荐或建议的价值;慎重的或者明智的。
    worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise.
  • 我们必须审慎行金融政策和制度,才可维持市民的信心。
    Our financial policies and institutions must operate in a prudent manner to maintain public confidence.
  • 有关部门会齐心合力,广这项影响广大市民的计划。
    All relevant departments will co-operate to publicise this MPF system which affects the general public.
  • 简介,荐广告印在书籍封套上的简介
    A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket.
  • 出版和分配层:采用可移植格式(如可移植文档格式)的文档仓库以及出版/发行引擎或其他"送"信息的方法。
    PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTION: Storehouses of documents in portable formats like Portable Document Format as well as publish/subscribe engines or other means of "pushing" information.
  • 出一位名不见经传的年轻诗人和他的第一本诗集,出版商是冒有风险的。
    With a young, unheard-of poet and a first book of verse, the publisher is taking a risk.
  • 在他短促的一生的晚期,而且还是经过再三劝说,出版商才开始出版和销他的作品;
    It was late in his short life and only after much persuasion that publishers began to print and sell any of his compositions;
  • 比利整天淘气,这回由于他把小妹妹到泥浆中,他父母可真的生气了。
    Billy had been naughty all day, but he really brought his parents'anger down on his head by pushing his little sister into a mud puddle.
  • 梅若道公司对他们的尼古丁口香糖能帮助瘾君子戒烟极有把握,已展开耗资30万元的广告攻势,广该项产品。
    Merrell Dow Inc. is so sure its Nicorette gum will help puffers kick the weed, it has launched a $300,000 ad campaign to promote it.
  • 在外部空间,地球重力减弱,如果有一火箭在运行,那么它将继续运转,直到另有一物它或拉它为止。
    In outer space, where the pull of the earth's gravity is weakened, if a rocket is moving, it will continue to move until something else pushes against it or pulls it back.
  • 你推而我拽。
    You push while I pull.
  • 动或者有节奏的跳动。
    drive by or as if by pulsation.
  • 一群人搡并痛打小偷
    The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.
  • 涡轮机由从地面上用泵打进去的泥浆动,
    A turbine engine is propelled by liquid mud pumped into it from the surface.
  • 为帮助置业人士,房协代政府行夹心阶层住屋贷款计划及首次置业贷款计划。
    To assist home purchasers, the HKHS administers the Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme and Home Starter Loan Scheme on behalf of the Government.
  • 全面落实深化粮食流通体制改革的措施,大力进国有粮食购销企业改革,改进和加强粮食市场管理,动粮食主销区和主产区建立长期稳定的购销合作关系。
    Measures for deepening the reform of the grain distribution system have to be implemented in full. Great efforts need to be made to further the reform of state-owned grain trading enterprises. Management of the grain market needs to be improved and strengthened. Main grain producers and purchasers are encouraged to establish long-term stable cooperative relations.
  • 你说的纯粹是测而已。
    What you say is pure speculation.