  • 脱说:“亲爱的,等我发了大财,你想要啥就有啥。”
    Taft said, "When my ship comes home, my dear, you will have everything you could desire!"
  • 她老这样没完没了地请客,她那可怜的丈只好跟着受罪。
    She gives these parties and her poor hushand has to tag along.
  • 那位妇人自丈死后精神就崩溃了。
    The woman went into a tailspin after her husband died.
  • 加击非正式比赛的高尔球游戏中,由于击球不好特允许再多打一次,但不为得分,尤指在发球处进行
    A golf shot not tallied against the score, granted in informal play after a poor shot especially from the tee.
  • 谢谢,史蒂。你过奖了。你一直穿衣很有品味。
    Thanks, Steve. That's quite a compliment coming from you. You always dress so tastefully.
  • 苏格兰东部一地区,位于福斯湾和泰湾之间。曾是皮科特王国的土地
    A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.
  • 泰勒妇有一个七岁的男孩,名叫帕特。
    Mr. and Mrs. Taylor had a seven-year-old boy named Pat.
  • 我可以跟泰勒人说话吗?
    Can I speak to Mr. Taylor, please?
  • 一天晚上,泰勒妇正在为这个婴儿的降生计划做安排。
    One evening Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were making plans for the baby's arrival.
  • :为此,1969年国际羽毛球联合会修改了比赛规则,由口个区的优胜队和上后冠军队及本后举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series.Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • :为此,1969年国际羽毛球联合会修改了比赛规则,由四个区的优胜队和上届冠军队及本届举办国的队共六个队进行淘汰赛,决出冠军。
    Jeff: Therefore, the IBF changed the competition system in 1969, which let the four winning teams from the four areas, and the champion team of the previous Thomas Cup as well as the host country team compete for the championship through the elimination series. Then, the final winner will be the champion.
  • :别开玩笑了,我们赶快下水吧。
    Jeff: Don't tease me. Let's swim.
  • 泰迪·斯托达德只是说了一句,“汤普森人,今天你身上的味道和我妈妈过去的一样。”
    Teddy Stoddard stayed behind just long enough to say, " Mrs.Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to."
  • 汤普森人任教的学校要求她重新审读孩子们的履历,她把泰迪的放在了最后一个。
    At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child's records and put Teddy's off until last.
  • 汤普森人前一年里曾留心观察过这个孩子,发现他和其他的孩子玩不到一块儿,还穿着邋遢,老不洗澡。
    Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed he didn't play well with the other children, that his clothes were unkempt and that he constantly needed a bath.
  • 路线从高尔球座到球洞的一段
    One of the divisions of a golf course, from tee to cup.
  • 先打权在高尔球中首先发球的权利
    The right of being first at the tee in golf.
  • 从底座打出高尔球。
    hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver.
  • 高尔球比赛中从球座到草坪的一个单元。
    one unit of play from tee to green on a golf course.
  • 击球前将高尔球他细放好很重要。
    It's important at the start of a game to tee up very carefully.
  • 高尔球比赛开始时把高尔球放在球座上准备击球。
    strike a golf ball from a tee at the start of a game.
  • 她身高不足4英尺,却能把高尔球从球座上击到200码开外。
    She's less than 4 feet tall, but can drive a tee shot 200 yards.
  • 一杆击中一杆就把高尔球从球座击入洞中
    The driving of a golf ball from the tee into the hole in only one stroke.
  • 高尔球棒一种高尔球棒,头宽把长,用于从球座处发长距离球
    A golf club with a wide head and a long shaft, used for making long shots from the tee.
  • 接近球随着高尔球从球座处击出后,击球者试图将球打至球洞草坪区
    The golf stroke following the drive from the tee with which a player tries to get the ball onto the putting green.
  • 用驱动器击打球;在高尔运动中。
    strike (the ball) with a driver, as in teeing off; in golf.
  • 我一直在这门上下功,我相信我会轻轻松松地通过考试。
    I have teen working hard at the subject. I'm sure I can pass the exam standing on my head.
  • 我十几岁时想像的梦中情书应该满纸都是诉说永恒的爱和思念我的痛苦,但是我丈的信就是简简单单描述现实生活的几行字。
    Teenage dream letters would have been filled with remarks of undying love and pain of missing me, but his letters were simple words of reality.
  • 布什曾告诉自己的女儿,自己很爱她们,说他和第一人劳拉会尽力避免让未成年的姐俩在公众面前抛头露面。
    Bush has told his daughters that he loves them, and reminded them he and first lady Laura Bush would work hard to keep the teenage girls out of the public eye.
  • 纸张电池有限公司,以色列特拉维的一家小公司,已经开发出一种可以直接压印在纸张、塑料或其他弹性材料上的电池。
    Power Paper Ltd., a tiny company based in Tel Aviv, Israel, has developed a battery that can be printed directly onto paper, plastic or other flexible material.
  • “圣诞节时,伯灵顿地区一位女士给我打电话说,她丈已被告知患有肺癌。
    "On Christmas a Burlington woman called to tell me her husband had been told recently he had lung cancer.
  • 节奏不同的妻可以找到容纳双方节奏的方式避免使对方发疯。
    Mixed?pace couples can avoid driving each other crazy by finding ways to accommodate each other's tempos.