  • 我们有充的证据证明他有罪。
    We have abundant proof of his guilt.
  • 把这个混合物充摇匀。
    Shake the mixture well.
  • 让你的嗓音崩离析。
    Let division shake thy throat.
  • 要在实现稳定脱贫的基础上,进一步推动这部人发展,走向富裕。
    So our future task is to further help those people become rich after they have shaken off poverty.
  • 他们不是本地回教徒主流社会的一子。和其他新加坡人一样,回教徒主流社会也对他们所策划的恐怖活动感到震惊。
    They were not part of the mainstream Muslim community which was as shaken and dismayed as other Singaporeans at their terrorist plans.
  • 他是无法获得十丰富的食物的。
    He cannot obtain food itself in any abundance;
  • 淘汰选矿,筛选用震动筛矿器离或清洗(矿石)
    To separate or clean(ore) by shaking a jig.
  • 然而这一裁决缺乏充的宪法根据,而且没有一个法院做同样的裁决。
    Yet this argument rested on shaky constitutional ground, and no court has since echoed it.
  • 到现在还传为笑谈的所谓“十动冶、“恐慌万状”两句话,就是那时(一九二八年五月至六月)湖南省委估量湖南的统治者鲁涤平的形容词。
    the two descriptive terms, "terribly shaky" and "extremely panicky", which are standing jokes to this day, were used by the Hunan Provincial Committee at the time (from May to June 1928) in appraising the Hunan ruler Lu Ti-ping.
  • 加热后能解出油的页岩。
    shale from which oil can be obtained by heating.
  • 这谬论的荒诞性已被充揭露。
    The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.
  • 包含佛教的印度部和先前存在的萨满教部的西藏佛教。
    Tibetan Buddhist doctrine including non-Buddhist Indian elements and elements of preexisting shamanism.
  • 安置事物;抽象的派。
    put something on or into (abstractly) assign;.
  • 她的话羞得他十难堪。
    Her remarks made him writhe with shame.
  • 争吵和纠纷随之在演员们中间发生了,他们当中大部都急急忙忙、不顾羞耻地将他们的角色交给了替身演员。
    quarrels and dissensions ensued among the cast, most of whom hurriedly and shamefacedly handed over their parts to understudies.
  • 有了“千年世纪”,微软公司希望实现两项范围广而互相有关的技术——完整而圆满地实现操作系统布到世界范围的网络上,以及使程序员提升到更高一级的抽象层面上,即他们不必知道大部基本的机器细节。
    With Millennium, Microsoft hopes to accomplish two broad, interrelated feats -- to completely and seamlessly distribute an operating system across a worldwide network and to take programmers to a higher level of abstraction where they're removed from most of the underlying machine details.
  • 背信弃义对传统华文知识子而言,是羞愧的、见不得人的。
    To them, a breach of faith would be an extremely shameful sin.
  • 优点:贾德十暴露的戏装
    Best Feature: Judd's shameless wardrobe
  • 买股票的人可以到股息。
    People who buy shares in a business can share the profits.
  • 股票分配
    share allocation or allocation of share
  • 至于利润成,我们打算给贵方40%的份额,这对贵方是够公平的了。
    As for the profit sharing, we shall give you a share of 40%, which is fair enough to you.
  • 层次的链路共享允许多个代理、协议组或流量类型以一种受控的方式在一个链路上共享带宽。
    Hierarchial link-sharing allows multiple agencies, protocol families or traffic types to share bandwidth on a link in a controlled fashion.
  • 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你拥有一股,那就表示你拥有整间公司的百万之一。
    Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share,this means that you own one millionth of that company.
  • 假设某间公司发行了100万股,而你拥有一股,那就表示你拥有整间公司的百万之一。
    Suppose a company has issued a million shares and you own one share, this means that you own one millionth of that company.
  • 两个事物或部之间共有的抽象和特性。
    an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of two entities or parts together.
  • 份额,部分
    A share or portion.
  • 此外,夫妻二人要共同担责任。
    You share the responsibilities.
  •  今年初,纽约自动报价股市指数大跌,致使挂牌于其中以及在各地上市的科技股价格猛泻,众多帐面上的百万富翁先前手持的网络公司股票选购权实际上已文不值。
    However, with the collapse of the US Nasdag share index earlier this year resulting in the plunge in prices of technology shares listed on it and elsewhere, the hitherto valuable share options held by numerous paper dot.com millionaires have become virtually worthless in these changed circumstances.
  • 无线网络比传统的有线网络方便省钱,然而随着越来越多的机构采用无线网络让员工共享电脑资料,无意中也加大了与外来者享资料的危险。
    As more organisations turn to wireless networks -- more convenient and sometimes cheaper than conventional wired networks -- to share computer data among employees, they are putting themselves at greater risk of inadvertently sharing it with outsiders too.
  • 三个公司瓜分市场。
    Three companies share the market.
  • 配到个人的部工作。
    an individuals prescribed share of work.
  • 玛格丽特却不落窠臼,她总是独个儿坐车到香榭丽舍大街去,尽量不招人注意。她冬天裹着一条开司米大披肩,夏天穿着十淡雅的长裙。
    It was not so with Marguerite. She always appeared alone on the Champs- Elysees, riding in her own carriage where she sat as unobtrusively as possible, enveloped on winter days in a large Indian shawl and, in summer, wearing the simplest dresses.