  • 看起来是具体的西像空气一样消失在风中——莎士比亚;精神的化身;‘corporate’是古旧用法。
    what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind- Shakespeare; an incarnate spirit; `corporate' is an archaic term.
  • 广省对外贸易总公司
    Guangdong Foreign Trade Corporation
  • 股份有限公司的股并非公司本身。
    The corporation stockholders are not the corporation.
  • 年轻本地作家应该熟悉日渐蓬勃的本地作品以及亚的趋势,因为我们也属于亚文艺复兴的一部分。
    Our young writers have to be familiar with both the growing corpus of local Chinese writings and the trends in East Asia. We are part of a larger East Asian revival.
  • 凡是过去搞错了的西,统统应该改正。
    All wrongs done in the past should be corrected.
  • (喻)药某种令人不快的但却必需的或不可避免的西,例如矫正性惩罚
    Something, such as corrective discipline or punishment, that is unpleasant but necessary or unavoidable.
  • 正确地宣传毛泽思想
  • 务必把这些西放对地方.
    Be sure to place them correctly.
  • 复查,复核对前面检查的正确性进行确定或否认的西
    Something that confirms or denies the correctness of a previous check.
  • 相互关联的西相互关联的一方
    Something that corresponds; a correlative.
  • 互相之间完全一致的四件西中的任意一件。
    any of four things that correspond to one another exactly.
  • 互相之间完全一致的三件西中的任意一件。
    any of three things that correspond to one another exactly.
  • 应贵公司京代理的要求,我方很高兴地委托贵公司办理方糖的寄售,同函奉上提单与发票请查收为荷。
    In conformity with the request of your Tokyo correspondent, we have much pleasure in make you a consignment of cube sugar.
  • 无任何西可以确证你的话。
    There's nothing to corroborate your story.
  • 而骄傲的人总觉得自己了不起,因而常常觉得党和别人对他重视不够,对他没有什么温暖,反而觉得那些拉拉扯扯、吹吹拍拍的人对他很好,对他有温暖,而这种西就是一种腐蚀剂。
    Conceited people always think of themselves as terrific, and they often complain that the Party and other people do not value them highly enough and are not warm-hearted to them. Instead they feel that those who flatter them and do favors for them are kind and warm-hearted to them. But this kind of thing has a corruptive influence.
  • 一个常绿或落叶性灌木或草本大属,几乎为世界性生长,花通常美丽;除热带苏格兰南部低地和北极圈或高纬和沙漠地区外世界性生长。
    large almost cosmopolitan genus of evergreen or deciduous shrubs and herbs with often showy yellow flowers; cosmopolitan except tropical lowlands and arctic or high altitudes and desert regions.
  • 这个西需要很多钱。
    This cost a lot.
  • 这东西要花多少钱。
    What does it cost.
  • 流通最广的最大面值钞票是20美元(这是故意要使大宗现金交易引人注目而且麻烦,以降低犯罪率)。不过一般美国人是不会被搞糊涂的,他们根本就不用现金支付,只要所买西比可乐贵,他们就用信用卡。
    Since the largest bill in general circulation is $ 20 (a deliberate move to make large cash transactions obvious and cumber-some and thus discourage crime ), the confusion doesn't affect the average American, who never pays cash anyway and uses a credit card for all purchases costlier than a Coke.
  • 法国南部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。
    a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur.
  • 大多数士兵都面朝,因为秦国在西边。
    Most of the terra-cotta warriors here face the east because the state of Qin was located in the west.
  • 西摸起来像棉花。
    It feel like cotton.
  • 北美部已引入的欧亚多年生植物有多刺的白色棉花似的叶子和麝香味的深红色的头状花序;水果原汁。
    Eurasian perennial naturalized in eastern North America having very spiny white cottony foliage and nodding musky crimson flower heads; valuable source of nectar.
  • 我得付给房500英镑押金才能搬进房里去.
    I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.
  • 在文明、物质、文化等方面的发展,方人偏离了自己的本位,在西方强势主导下,向来都处于摸索、抗拒与试图平衡的过渡时期。
    In both material and cultural senses, Oriental peoples have deviated more or less from their native origins and started exploring a fresh path of growth in an attempt to counterbalance the Western influence and pressure.
  • 北方从逆时针方向沿着90度经线的方向;日出时左边的方向
    The direction along a meridian90= counterclockwise from east; the direction to the left of sunrise.
  • 伪造品,赝品假冒的,伪造的或骗人的西
    Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent.
  • 爸爸要我们放下手里的西和他坐到屋外的台阶上,然后他微笑着和蔼地向我们解释了“伪造”一词的含义。
    He asked us to put everything down and sit with him on the front step of our house. With a smile, he gently explained what the word "counterfeiting" meant.
  • 而且我们可以人工地造成敌军的过失,例如孙子所谓“示形”之类(示形于而击于西,即所谓声击西)。
    In addition, we can induce the enemy to make mistakes by our own actions, for instance, by "counterfeiting an appearance", as Sun Wu Tzu called it, that is, by making a feint to the east but attacking in the west.
  • 广省中山市人民法院对假冒美国美孚石油公司“mobil”商标的5名责任人除依法处以罚金外,还分别判处被告1至2年半的有期徒刑。
    The People's Court of Zhongshan City in Guangdong Province in separate cases imposed fines on five persons directly responsible for counterfeiting the American Mobil Oil Corporation's trademark "MOBIL," further sentencing the defendants to fixed terms of imprisonment from one year to two and a half years.
  • 根据扶贫开发规划,继续做好部沿海发达地区对口帮扶西部贫困地区的西扶贫协作工作,进一步扩大协作规模,增强帮扶力度。
    In accordance with the development-oriented poverty reduction program, further efforts will be made to promote counterpart cooperation between the eastern developed coastal region and the poverty- stricken western region, enlarge the scale of the cooperation and increase the momentum of the relief work.
  • 我们会在环保工作上和内地,尤其是广省携手合作,因为环境保护,是内地和香港的共同目标。
    We will work closely with our counterparts on the Mainland, particularly in Guangdong Province, to achieve our common goal of improving the environment.