  • 别把绳索的头拆散。
    Don't ravel out the rope's end.
  • 拆开点剩布的线,缝补你的衣服上的撕裂处。
    Ravel a bit of the leftover cloth to mend the tear in your dress.
  • 为了防止散开而包着边儿缝的种缝法。
    a long whip stitch or overhand stitch overlying an edge to prevent raveling.
  • 他是个身材瘦长的青年,年龄约莫有十九岁左右的样子,有着双黑色的眼睛和头乌黑的头发;
    He was a fine, tall, slim young fellow of eighteen or twenty, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a raven's wing;
  • 四十天后,诺亚打开了他方舟上的天窗,放出只乌鸦去看看水退了没有,但乌鸦飞来飞去,到地面上的水都快干涸也没回来。
    After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had made in the ark, and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up.
  • 发出像乌鸦样的声音。
    utter a cry, characteristic of crows, rooks, or ravens.
  • 这就是四八二年的乌鸦①从圣母院钟楼顶上所见到的巴黎。
    Such was the Paris which the ravens, who lived in 1482, beheld from the summits of the towers of Notre-Dame.
  • 龙舌兰种原产于新大陆炎热干燥地区的龙舌兰属数种植物,具有由粗糙、呈剑形、带刺边的叶子构成的基生莲座。龙舌兰作为装饰品、纤维和食品而被种植
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Agave, native to hot, dry regions of the New World and having basal rosettes of tough, sword-shaped, often spiny-margined leaves. Agaves are grown for ornament, fiber, and food.
  • 时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。
    The folk tales of the period tell of " swan children", and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind, a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats.
  • 断层:淫媒和诱奸者
    The first ravine: pimps and panders
  • 河流在山的半山腰冲出了条沟壑。
    The river washed a ravine into the mountainside.
  • 那条河在两山之间已造成个深谷。
    The river had worn a ravine between the hills.
  • 她连同那些珠宝起掉进峡谷里了。
    She went into the ravine, together with the jewels.
  • 龙舌兰科个旧大陆热带多年生草本属;有些分类认为它是百合科的个属。
    Old World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave family; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae.
  • 道深沟在马路左边。
    A deep ravine is on the left of the road.
  • 龙舌兰任种属于龙舌兰属众多美洲植物,尤指龙舌兰
    Any of various American plants of the genus Agave, especially the century plant.
  • 横七竖八的街道,并没有把这片房屋切成大小过于参差不齐的碎块。
    The capricious ravine of streets did not cut this block of houses into too disproportionate slices.
  • 龙舌兰,丝兰种龙舌兰属植物,可产坚固的叶纤维
    Any of several plants of the genus Agave that yield strong leaf fibers.
  • 我们的目光继续朝这伸向远处的圆形行宫层层往上攀登,视线越过新城圣安东街那条在鳞次栉比的屋顶之间的峡谷,便可以看到——我们总是只谈主要的文物——昂古莱姆府邸,座经过好几个时期才告成的庞大建筑物。其中有些部分簇新雪白,在整体中显得有些格格不入,就好比件蓝色短外套补了块红补丁。
    Continuing to mount the stories of this amphitheatre of palaces spread out afar upon the ground, after crossing a deep ravine hollowed out of the roofs in the Town, which marked the passage of the Rue Saint-Antoine, the eye reached the house of Angoul阭e, a vast construction of many epochs,where there were perfectly new and very white parts, which melted no better into the whole than a red patch on a blue doublet.
  • 他自己的叫声在寂静的山谷回响,而再,再而三地传回到他耳中。
    His own cry, which clattered down the silent ravines, was borne back to his ears in the countless repetitions.
  • 龙舌兰酒墨西哥产的种用各种龙舌兰制成的含酒精的粘稠状发酵饮料
    A thick, fermented alcoholic beverage made in Mexico from various species of agave.
  • 饺子和醋加蒜起吃好吃。
    Ravioli serve well with some vinegar and garlic.
  • 龙舌兰酒种墨西哥烈酒,用蒸馏某种龙舌兰的发酵液汁制成
    A Mexican liquor distilled from the fermented juice of certain species of agave.
  • 墨西哥的种用各种各样的龙舌兰植物尤其是龙舌兰的汁液发酵制成的酒。
    fermented Mexican drink from juice of various agave plants especially the maguey.
  • 二月里个阴冷的早晨
    A raw February morning
  • 墨西哥的种用已发酵的龙舌兰植物的汁液制成的酒。
    Mexican liquor made from fermented juices of an Agave plant.
  • 手资料;产品的原始成本
    Raw data; the raw cost of production.
  • 马盖麻种龙舌兰属植物(马盖麻龙舌兰属),主要为获得其叶纤维而在东半球大陆的温暖地区种植
    A species of agave(Agave cantula) cultivated chiefly in warm regions of the Old World for its leaf fibers.
  • 泰波罗,乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特1696-1770意大利画家,他对透视、光线、色彩和构图有杰出的掌握,创作了大批世俗和宗教作品,其中有克利奥帕特拉的宴会和圣阿加莎的殉道(同为1750年)
    Italian painter. With his command of perspective, light, color, and composition, he produced a large body of secular and ecclesiastical works, including The Banquet of Cleopatra and The Martyrdom of Saint Agatha(both1750).
  • 明显的野心;明显的暴怒;以你蛮力总有天会害死某个人的。
    naked ambition; raw fury; you may kill someone someday with your raw power.
  • 玛吉恐惧地看着阿加莎小姐那张毫无表情的脸,确信自己又要挨顿痛打了。
    Maggie looked fearfully at Miss Agatha’s blank face, and felt in her bones that another good beating was coming.
  • 尼娜:我还有些生牛肉。
    I still have some raw beef left.