  • 他赢得了最佳戏奖。
    he won the prize for best costume.
  • 她穿起一身新装。
    She has got up in new costume.
  • 一套衣服,服(尤指特别的束)
    Set of clothes, esp an unusual one; costume
  • 村民在星期日仍然穿传统服
    Villagers still wear the traditional costume on Sunday.
  • 我们临时凑成了一件戏
    We patched up a costume for the play.
  • 戴着作为舞会服一部分的面具。
    a mask worn as part of a masquerade costume.
  • 亮片用来饰衣服或服的金属片
    A spangle used to ornament a dress or costume.
  • 玛丽穿上维多利亚时代的服出席舞会。
    Mary dressed up in Victorian costume for the ball.
  • 我可否看看你服上的小饰物?
    May I have a look at your costume trinketry?
  • 在假面舞会上作为扮的服饰。
    a costume worn as a disguise at a masquerade party.
  • 宗教服独特的衣服或束,尤指宗教教派所穿的
    A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order.
  • 具有某一时期服或化舞会所穿着的服特点。
    characterized by the use of period costume or fancy dress.
  • 在今晚的化舞会上我想换个新面具。
    I'm thinking of a new mask for tonight's costume dance.
  • 您从他们的服和脸谱就能很容易地分辩出来。
    You can easily tell them by their costume and make-up.
  • 不错,这是一次服盛会-我愿意穿上盛
    Good, it's a costume party – I love to dress up.
  • 任何一种不同的英国民间舞蹈由扮的男子进行。
    any of various English folk dances performed by men in costume.
  • 尽管天气很热,他还是坚持穿着他那套旧式服
    in spite of the heat he insisted on his woolen costume.
  • 她穿上伊丽莎白的服去参加化妆舞会。
    She dress up in elizabethan costume for the fancy dress ball.
  • 评判员赞赏她的服,她神经质地笑了起来。
    She giggled nervously when the judges congratulated her on her costume.
  • 男女演员们的服在聚光灯下十分耀眼。
    The actors' and actresses' costume was picked out by the spotlights.
  • 玛丽穿上北美印弟安人的服去参加一年一度的化舞会。
    May figged out in Red Indian costume for the annual Fancy-Dress Ball.
  • 当面对那个穿万圣节服的人时孩子尖叫起来。
    The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume.
  • 身穿传统苏格兰服的风笛手们对我们表示热烈欢迎。
    The piper dress in traditional scottish costume give us a warm welcome.
  • 这个歌剧的布景和戏顶刮刮。
    The scenery and costume for the opera is out of this world.
  • 虽然那件化服仅仅是一条被单,但效果很好。
    Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very effective.
  • 化妆成一个巨大的鸡,她因此获得最佳服
    Dressed up as a gigantic chicken, she won the prize for the best costume.
  • 和作为舞会服一部分的半截面罩一起穿戴的、有宽松头巾的斗篷。
    a loose hooded cloak worn with a half mask as part of a masquerade costume.
  • 在夜总会的年轻女侍者,她们的服带有兔子的尾巴和耳朵。
    a young waitress in a night club whose costume includes a rabbit-tail and ears.
  • 大学里教职员工或学生在正式场合穿的服
    a costume worn on formal occasions by the faculty or students of a university or college.
  • 复杂的实事讽刺剧。
    a revue with elaborate costuming.
  • 合同所订仪器,准备于6月中甸船,但须到26日才有船只,如用空运须另加285美元,请电复指示。
    Apparatus under cot ready shpt towards midjune but no steamer until 26th if airfrtd adtnl 285 required telegraph insert.
  • 合同所订仪器,准备于6月中甸船,但须到26日才有船只,如用空运须另加285美元,请电复指示。
    Apparatus under cot ready shpt towards midjune but no steamer until 26th if airfrtd adtnl d285 required telegraph insert.