  • 国法定容积单位(液态或固态)等于咪或立方厘米。
    a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 60 minims or 3.5516 cubic centimeters.
  • 旋涡主义国一个短暂的艺术和文学运动,兴起于1914年,受到立体主义和未来主义的很大影响
    A short-lived English movement in art and literature that arose in1914 and was heavily influenced by cubism and futurism.
  • 国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。
    In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.
  • 副总理李显龙准将本月10日在国会针对三巴旺集选区议员尚穆根较早时提到我国种族和谐以及文化精的问题,即席作出答复。
    DPM Lee Hsien Loong delivered an off-the-cuff speech in Parliament on March 10 in response to views expressed earlier by MP for Sembawang GRC, Mr K Shanmugam, on racial harmony and cultural elites.
  • 在华双语这道“菜谱”中,先让华语“下锅煮熟”,才能享有“美肴”。
    To produce a fine "Sino-Anglo" cuisine, Chinese language must be "cooked " first.
  • 这塔的顶端是一个40尺高的塔尖。
    The tower culminates in a 40-foot spire.
  • 民间文化;民族英雄
    Folk culture; a folk hero.
  • 我遇见过成百上千的国男人,他们举止得体,态度文雅,很有涵养——比美国男人强多了。
    I've met hundreds of British men and they are extremely well?mannered,refined and cultured??much more so than American men.
  • 弗吉尼亚州最吸引游客的地方不是芒特弗农(乔治·华盛顿总统的故乡),蒙蒂塞洛(汤姆斯·杰斐逊总统的故乡),甚至不是威廉斯堡(由洛克非勒家族重建的殖民地时代的首府和主题公园),而是波托马克·米尔斯,华盛顿南二十里的一家商业中心。
    The most popular tourist attraction in the state of Virginia is not Mount Vernon, home of president George Washington, nor Monticello, home of presi- dent Thomas Jefferson, nor even Williamsburg, the colonial capital-cum-theme park originally restored by the Rockefellers. It's Potomac Mills, a shopping cen-tre about twenty miles south of Washington, D.C.
  • 国,卡姆柏兰海岸上的考尔德豪尔电站在1957年首次为国家电网做出了贡献。
    In Britain, Calder Hall on the coast of Cumberland first made its contribution to the National Electricity grid in 1957.
  • 龙卷风,陆龙卷一种纵向的气旋,伴随有倒漏斗形的积雨云,涡流直径达几百码,以每小时五百里(八百公里)的速度移动,其旋转具有极大的毁坏性
    A rotating column of air usually accompanied by a funnel-shaped downward extension of a cumulonimbus cloud and having a vortex several hundred yards in diameter whirling destructively at speeds of up to500 miles(800 kilometers) per hour.
  • 当这个故事发生时,丘比特已是一个十分俊的小伙子,当然背上仍长着翅膀。
    When this story took place,Cupid had grown into a very handsome young man,but still with the wings.
  • 我肯定地说他是个俊的小伙--卷发、黑黑的眼睛,如此等等。
    And I must say he's a good-looking fellow—curly hair, dark eyes, and all that.
  • 该署亦向教师提供意见,为内地来港修读小一至中三的学童剪裁合适的中、文科课程。
    Teachers are advised on tailoring the curricula in the subjects of Chinese Language and English Language for Primary 1 to Secondary 3 students.
  • 该署亦向教师提供意见,为新来港入读小一至中三的学童剪裁合适的中、文科课程。
    Teachers are advised on tailoring the curricula in the subjects of Chinese Language and English Language for Primary 1 to Secondary 3 new arrival students.
  • 姑且不论是对是错,国的一些大学,特别是牛津大学,一向迟缓或不情愿去加强其他大学都很重视的商业赞助课程。
    Rightly or wrongly, Oxford in particular has been slow or unwilling to put the kind of emphasis other universities have on more business friendly curricula.
  • 一九九九年九月,香港有44所国际学校,合共提供美国、澳洲、国、加拿大、法国、德瑞、日本、韩国及新加坡等国家的课程,学生总数为23900人。
    In September, 23 900 students were enrolled in 44 international schools offering curricula such as American, Australian, British, Canadian, French, German-Swiss, Japanese, Korean and Singaporean.
  • 香港的国际学校提供适合国人、法国人和德国/瑞士人修读的课程,让在港居住和工作的欧洲人的子女可接受与其国家相若的教育。
    International schools offer British, French and German/Swiss curricula to ensure that those living and working in Hong Kong can provide their children with an education that is compatible with that in their own countries.
  • 二零零一年十二月,香港有70所国际学校,分别提供美国、澳洲、国、加拿大、法国、德瑞、日本、韩国和新加坡等国家的课程,共有31000个学额。
    In December, there were 70 international schools offering different curricula such as American, Australian, British, Canadian, French, German-Swiss, Japanese, Korean and Singaporean, providing a total of 31 000 places.
  • 我们的课程共有四门:政治、汉语、语、历史。
    Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History.
  • 又阿如的通讯处,己由郑先生(他母亲)处抄来,文字母(对我来说)太草,只得将原件照贴如下:
    We have obtained Ah Ru's address from (her mother) Madam Zheng. The handwriting in English is too cursive (for me) to copy; the original written address is therefore pasted below.
  • 我们已经幔跑了两里。
    The curtain has been run two miles us.
  • 天不作美,国的天气往往专门与人作对。
    It rained, with the usual cussedness of the english weather.
  • 那个字很难直译成文,它是我们开始用餐的惯用语。
    It's difficult to translate that word directly into English, it's an expression we customarily use to start a meal.
  • 你的一份是200英镑.
    Your cut will is 200.
  • 格兰北部一钢铁制造业城市,以其餐具工业闻名。
    a steel manufacturing city in northern England famous for its cutlery industry.
  • 我已年纪太大不能骑车了。最近,我只骑了几里就感到筋疲力尽了。
    I'm getting too old for cycling. These days I'm played out after only a few miles.
  • 20世纪20年代,国际体育运动规模日益扩大,主要得益于温布尔登和法国网球公开赛、国和法国高尔夫球公开赛,以及欧洲的主要自行车赛事。
    International sports became big during the 1920s, mainly because of Wimbledon and the French Open in tennis, the British and French Opens in golf, and major cycling events in Europe.
  • 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多里.
    A good cyclist can cover distances of over a hundred miles a day.
  • 自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多
    A good cyclist can cover distance of over a hundred miles a day
  • 这个气缸直径15英寸。
    this cylinder measures 15 inches through.
  • 货币单位塞浦路斯、埃及、爱尔兰、黎巴嫩、苏丹、叙利亚及国的基本货币单位
    A basic unit of currency in Cyprus, Egypt, Ireland, Lebanon, Sudan, Syria, and United Kingdom.