  • 营造商这活儿估价为6,500美元。
    The builder cost out the job at$6, 500.
  • 营造商这活儿估价为6,500美元。
    The builder cost out the job at $ 6,500.
  • 邻居修理房子,建造者他开了账单。
    The builder bill him for the repair to his neighbour's house.
  • 邻居修理房子,建造者他开了账单
    The builder billed him for the repair to his neighbour 's house
  • 我造了一个飞机模型。
    He built me a model plane.
  • 请您我的车灯安装一个新灯泡好吗?
    Could you fit me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car?
  • 约翰将大部分财产遗留他的弟弟。
    John left the bulk of his property to his brother.
  • 那银行职员半闭着眼在打瞌睡。他一条胳膊穿进皮带圈,借助它的力量使自己不至于撞着身边的乘客,也不至于在马车颠簸太厉害时扔到车旮旯儿里去。马车车窗和车灯朦胧映入他的眼帘,他对面的旅客的大包裹便变成了银行,正在忙得不可开交。
    As the bank passenger--with an arm drawn through the leathern strap, which did what lay in it to keep him from pounding against the next passenger, and driving him into his comer, whenever the coach got a special jolt--nodded in his place, with half-shut eyes, the little coach-windows, and the coach-lamp dimly gleaming through them, and the bulky bundle of opposite passenger, became the bank, and did a great stroke of business.
  • 有人送她一条叭喇狗。
    Someone gave her a bulldog.
  • 有人送她一条叭喇狗。
    She was given a bulldog.
  • 赠给她一条叭喇狗。
    A bulldog was given to her.
  • 他最后一次送我的这张贺卡如今仍保存在我的记事牌上。
    His final card remains on my bulletin board today.
  • 父亲最后我的那张卡片至今仍留在我的记事板上。
    His final card remains on my bulletin hoard today.
  • 天文台将网络所录得资料,每天发布传媒知道,并刊载于月报内。
    Data are disseminated to the media daily and published in a bulletin every month.
  • 你让我把它寄布洛克小姐,可忘了我她的地址。
    You asked me to forward it to Miss Bullock but forgot to give me her address.
  • 当那个无赖正在嘲弄斯蒂芬时,斯蒂芬突然挥起拳头了他几击。
    The bully was taunting Stephen, when suddenly Stephen pitched into him with fists flying.
  • 了我毫无价值的建议;修车修得真差劲
    Gave me bum advice; did a bum job of fixing the car.
  • 上次考试他我指点错了,所以我没及格。
    He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed.
  • 水泵加点水使之启动。
    Prime the bump with some water to get it stared.
  • 撞倒了桌子,把花瓶打翻了
    Bumped the table and tipped a vase.
  • 请给我斟一满杯。
    Please give me a bumper.
  • 农业生产连续13年丰收,粮油肉实现基本自
    There have been bumper harvests for the past 13 years, and now the Tibetans can support themselves with the grain, oil and meat produced by themselves.
  • 生态环境的改善促进了农业发展水平的稳定提高,到2001年,西藏农业已经连续十四年获得丰收,粮食总产量达到98.25万吨,基本实现了自
    The improvement of the ecological environment has steadily increased agricultural productivity. By 2001, agriculture in Tibet had had bumper harvests for 14 years in a row. The total grain output had reached 982,500 tons, enough to make Tibet basically self-sufficient.
  • 他送给女友一束花。
    He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend.
  • 他送给我一束花。
    She gave me a bunch of flowers.
  • 他送给她一束花。
    He presented her with a bunch of flower.
  • 他们献他一束鲜花。
    They presented him with a bunch of flowers.
  • 重新改组会我们带来一连串的问题。
    The reorganization will give us a whole bunch of problems.
  • 扔一支香烟给我。
    Bung me a cigarette.
  • 我扔支香烟过来,好吗?
    Bung me a cigarette, will you?
  •  英国一个自己取名代号为“小猪”的航天部工作人员将情报卖“俄罗斯间谍”——而实际上“俄罗斯间谍”正是军情五处的情报人员,他因此被捕,面临14年的监禁。
    He''s definitely NOT James Bond - nor even Austin Powers. And now the world''s worst spy, codenamed Piglet, is facing 14 years in jail after bungling an attempt to sell secrets to the Russians.
  • 船的燃料舱装煤或油。
    fill a ship's bunker with coal or oil.