  • 竟是什么因素导致哮喘病还不完全清楚。
    Precisely what elements are involved is not entirely clear.
  • 我们注定要遭到永久的死亡,我们终要死。
    We are predestinated to eternal death.
  • 第九条 国家加强地震监测预报工作,鼓励、扶持地震监测预报的科学技术研,逐步提高地震监测预报水平。
    Article 9 The State strengthens the work of earthquake monitoring and prediction, encourages and gives aid to scientific and technological research in earthquake monitoring and prediction in order to promote such monitoring and prediction gradually.
  • 这个预测最近被穿过地核的地震波研所证实。
    This prediction was recently supported by studies of seismic waves passing through the core.
  • 表明根据人的不同活动水平,尽管在任意给定的时间内一种脑电波状态占据优势,其他三种脑电波状态也会一直混合存在着。
    Research has shown that although one brainwave state may predominate at any given time, depending on the activity level of the individual, the remaining three brain states are present in the mix of brainwaves at all times.
  • 这个研小组的负责人--体形专家西蒙·布莱肖认为仅仅通过观察一个人的体形就可以假定其饮食偏好。
    Body shape expert Simon Bradshaw, Who takes charge of this team, said:" It appears that simply by looking at an individual's body shape we can make assumptions about their taste preferences.
  • 人们认为我应该研过这些问题,看过最畅销的讲怀孕知识的书。
    I'm supposed to have studied these questions, read the best?selling pregnancy books.
  • 古物(特别是史前的)的研
    the study of (especially prehistoric) antiquities.
  • 人类学中研史前人类与人类社会的分支。
    the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures.
  • 没有文字记载的难以研的社会
    preliterate societies whose past is hard to study
  • 如果这项研持续获得进展的话,老鼠机器人的时代就将会为这样一天的到来而拉开序幕,即瘫痪病人可以像科幻小说里的半人半机械人那样操作假肢。
    If this research continues to advance, the age of Ratbot could be a prelude to the day when paralysed humans could operate artificial limbs, just like the half-human cyborgs of science fiction.
  • 表明,这会妨碍胎儿获得发育所需要的氧气和营养物质,这可能对胎儿造成伤害,引起早产或胎儿体重不足。
    Research indicates this can prevent the baby from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs to grow--potentially leading to fetal injury, premature birth, or low birth weight.
  • 除此之外,根据《自然》杂志令天所报道的研结果,多莉看上去健康、正常,没有迹象表明她会过早衰亡。
    Otheiwise, Dolly appears to be healthy arid normal, and there is no indication that she will die prematurely according to findings reported today in the journal Nature.
  • 他的病理研工作对全世界至关重要。
    His work on the cause of the diseases is of premier importance to the whole world.
  • 有时王婕梦想达到她的目标,并且设法到美国去,可是如果她获准进入一所美国补习学校,再入美国大学,以后竟会怎么样,她多少有些畏惧。
    Sometimes Wang Jie dreams of achieving her goal and making it to America, but there is just a hint of apprehension about what will happen if she is admitted to an American prep school and later to an Americna college.
  • 重点开展奥运会气象保障科学技术试验与研;奥运会期间灾害天气预警及对策预案研;奥运期间的地震预测及应急预案研等。
    We shall conduct scientific test and research on meteorological guarantee of the Olympics and shall study the early warning of disaster weather and preparatory scheme for countermeasures and earthquake prediction and emergency preparatory scheme etc.
  • 为医学研学习做准备的学习。
    preparing for the study of medicine.
  • 仔细研市场情况是取得成功的先决条件.
    Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success.
  • 不巧的是,新观念并非为长时间从事研工作的人所垄断。
    Unfortunately new idea is not the prerogative of those who spends a long time do research.
  • 文化部文物保护科学技术研
    Institute of Antiquities Preservation Sciences and Techniques, Ministry of Culture
  • 为了专心于研人类对家猫的影响,尼卡斯特罗去了南非的比勒陀利亚的一个动物园,并已录下了沙漠野猫(这种动物据说是家猫的祖先)的叫声。
    To zero in on possible human influence on the domestic cat, Nicastro went to a zoo in Pretoria, South Africa, and recorded the calls of wild desert cats (the animals thought to be the ancestors of domestic cats).
  • 真理终究会胜利。
    Truth will ultimately prevail.
  • 由警队各级人员组成的研预防投诉警察委员会于一九九二年成立,旨在就如何减少一些可以避免的投诉给予建议,并提出最佳的实施方法。
    A Complaint Prevention Committee, made up of various ranks in the Force, was formed in 1992 to recommend on how preventable complaints may be reduced and how its recommendations may best be implemented.
  • 肿瘤学研肿瘤的医学分支,他的研包括其发展、诊断、治疗和预防
    The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  • 大多数语言学家都会说,他们主要研各种语言的结构。
    Most linguists would say they were concerned primarily with the structure of languages.
  • 为了研笑的根源,科学家们转而求助于人类的灵长类远亲。
    To invesigate to roots of laughter, scientists have turned to our primate cousins.
  • 动物学中研灵长类动物的分支。
    the branch of zoology that studies primates.
  • 灵长类学动物学的分支,主要研灵长目动物
    The branch of zoology that deals with the study of primates.
  • 就典型钥匙的位长而言,因为素数的数目是非常少的,故公开密钥系统必须使用非常大的密钥,以防止穷尽研把使用的素数猜出来或把密钥的因子算出来。
    Because, at the bit-length of typical keys, very few numbers are primes, public-key systems must use very large keys to prevent exhaustive searches that try to guess the prime numbers used or to factor the keys.
  • 我们先研这张照片吧。
    Let's take this print first.
  • 作为先决条件或者研课程而必需的。
    required as a prior condition or course of study.
  • 对文字创造前人类的研
    the study humans prior to the invention of writing.