  • 事情发生在井台旁,我拿一个水罐,安妮在抽水。
    It happened at the well where I was holding a jug while annie pumped.
  • 但是如果红军集中主力消灭其一路,敌军统帅部就不得不把他们的注意力和他们的军力更大地向红军。
    Part of his over-all plan is to reduce the size of our base area, but if the Red Army concentrates its main force to annihilate one of his columns, the enemy's supreme command will be compelled to focus greater attention on the Red Army and concentrate larger forces against it.
  • 中间还有些插曲,就是部队的同志急,总想打个把歼灭战。
    Incidentally, some comrades were eager to fight a few battles of annihilation.
  • 20多年来,萨达姆用语言和行动追逐自己的野心,企图独霸伊拉克和广大的中东地区。他使用他仅知的威胁、强迫和灭绝手段来对付那些可能挡他道路的人。
    For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way.
  • 我们说日本技术条件虽优,但它终必失败,除了我们给以歼灭和消耗的打击外,就是它的军心终必随我们的打击而动摇,武器和兵员结合不稳。
    When we say that Japan will finally be defeated despite her technical superiority, we mean that the blows we deliver through annihilation and attrition, apart from inflicting losses, will eventually shake the morale of the enemy army whose weapons are not in the hands of politically conscious soldiers.
  • 机长宣布飞机就要陆了。
    The captain announced that the plane was going to land.
  • 孩子们等听时钟报新年。
    The children listened for the clock to announce the New Year.
  • 收音机一直广播这个通知。
    The radio-ried the announcement all the time.
  • 他妻子不耐烦地咂嘴.
    His wife tut tutted with annoyance.
  • 我反问,带一丝不快。
    " I asked, with a twinge of annoyance.
  • 恼怒地看法官;用热诚的眼神看
    Looked annoyance at the judge; looked his devotion to me.
  • 她苦恼时便扭歪脸。
    Her face contorts when she's annoyed.
  • 他正忙编制年度财务报表。
    His busy prepare the annual account.
  • 他正忙编制年度财务报表。
    He is busy preparing the annual account.
  • 他眼看他的树林渐渐被雪覆盖。
    He watched his woods filled up with snow.
  • 嘎吱嘎吱地踩雪前进
    Crunching through the snow.
  • 顶上盖着雪的小山
    Hills capped with snow.
  • 雪遮盖着大地。
    Snow covered the ground.
  • 雪覆盖着山顶。
    Snow crowned the mountain.
  • 雪覆盖着地面。
    Snow mantled the ground.
  • 冰雪摸着是冷的。
    Ice and snow feel cold.
  • 雪花的薄片裹饰树木。
    snow flakes tinseled the trees.
  • 但这种生活方式不会每年改变,或者随经济增长而起伏。
    Such lifestyle doesn't change annually, nor does it follow the ups and downs of economic growth.
  • 联合养老金制一种集资办法,所有的参加者共同使用一笔基金,每当一个参股者死后,剩下的人得到一份增加的份额,最后一个活的人或过了一定时间依然活的人获得剩下的所有金额
    An investment plan in which participants buy shares in a common fund and receive an annuity that increases every time a participant dies, with the entire fund going to the final survivor or to those who survive after a specified time.
  • 为了取消以前的一些行为。
    live so as to annul some previous behavior.
  • 汤姆被送进了疯人院;他在疯人院里说傻话;他已彻底从他们的生活中消失,只是每年给他们留下150镑的收入。
    Tom had been put away; he was gibbering in a madhouse; he had passed completely out of their lives, leaving them £ 150 per annum to the good.
  • 自一九九一年开始,我们与马来西亚的贸易额显增长,每年平均增加百分之二十五,至今,贵国已成为我们第十大贸易夥伴。
    Trade with Malaysia has risen markedly since 1991 - an average of 25 per cent per annum - and to the extent that you are now our tenth largest trading partner.
  • 依据香港特区政府经济顾问的分析,随内地加入世贸组织,香港与内地相关的出口由现在至二零一零年累计会增加15%(平均每年增长1.3个百分点),而本地生产总值于同期则会增加5.5%(平均每年0.5个百分点)。
    An analysis by the HKSAR's Government Economist shows that the Mainland's WTO membership will bring about an estimated increase of 15 per cent in Hong Kong's exports involving the Mainland by 2010 (averaging 1.3 per cent per annum); and an increase of 5.5 per cent in GDP during the same period (averaging 0.5 per cent per annum).
  • 尽管如此,世界人口每年仍以约9000万的规模增长,到本世界末世界人口将达到62.5亿,到2025年将达到84亿,控制世界人口的任务依然紧迫而艰巨。
    Still, world population continues to increase by 90 million per annum, and it will reach 6.25 billion by the end of the century and 8.4 billion by 2025. Control of world population remains an urgent and difficult task.
  • 尽管如此,世界人口每年仍以约9000万的规模增长,到本世界末世界人口将达到62.5亿,到2025年将达到84亿,控制世界人口的任务依然紧迫而艰巨。
    The rate of increase in world population has been further slowed. Still, world population continues to increase by 90 million per annum, and it will reach 6.25 billion by the end of the century and 8.4 billion by 2025. Control of world population remains an urgent and difficult task.
  • 吼叫着回答
    Snarl out an answer
  • 洛佩兹接演活了在梦工场的故事片《蚂蚁》。
    For her next outing,Lopez got ant? imated20,in the DreamWorks tale Antz.