  • 未漂的面粉;本色的亚麻布
    Unbleached flour; unbleached linen.
  • 被广泛移植的北美的一种开花草本植物。
    widely naturalized white-flowered North American herb.
  • 原产欧洲的北美野生花杂草。
    European white-flowered weed naturalized in North America.
  • 加洲一种长有色绒毛且开黄花的低矮丛生草本植物。
    low tufted white-woolly yellow-flowered herb of California.
  • 鸢尾鸢尾属植物,尤指开花的德国鸢尾
    An iris, especially a white-flowered form of Iris germanica.
  • 欧亚草本植物,花色,因其可作饲料且具有控制土壤侵蚀作用而广泛种植。
    white-flowered Eurasian herb widely cultivated for forage and erosion control.
  • 美国东南部一种矮生、开花的延龄草。
    a low perennial white-flowered trillium found in the southeastern United States.
  • 花的藤蔓植物,有很粗的根,结小黑色的果实;欧洲至伊朗。
    white-flowered vine having thick roots and bearing small black berries; Europe to Iran.
  • 病人苍的脸;她苍的脸突然红了起来。
    the pallid face of the invalid; her wan face suddenly flushed.
  • 一只色的小鸟在早地上拍打着翅膀。
    A white bird fluttered its wings on the grass.
  • 杨一种树杨属,叶长在扁平的叶柄上,因此易于随风飘动
    Any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves attached by flattened leafstalks so that they flutter readily in the wind.
  • 白沙集团:越飞越高.
    Fly higher.
  • 生活于美国西部,墨西哥和中美洲的灰色霸鹟,有长且分叉的尾部,胸部色并有粉红和鲜红色的斑纹。
    gray flycatcher of the southwestern United States and Mexico and Central America having a long forked tail and white breast and salmon and scarlet markings.
  • 这卷书的空页发黄了。
    This volume is foxed on the flyleaf.
  • 疯狗口吐白沫。
    The mad dog was foaming at the mouth.
  • 天空乌云密布,波涛掀起色的浪花。
    Dark clouds were gathering in the sky;big waves threw up white foam.
  • 膨胀的聚苯乙烯象色硬泡沫,用于包装或绝缘。
    expanded polystyrene looks like a rigid white foam and is used as packing or insulation.
  • 那只将死的动物被发现口吐沫。
    The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth.
  • 要躲避口吐沫的狗,这种狗带有病毒。
    Avoid any dog that is foaming at the mouth, it has a dangerous disease.
  • 生长在中国和满洲的高粱具有小而或褐的种子(用于食物)和干而小的茎(用于饲料,燃料和茅屋建造上)。
    sorghums of China and Manchuria having small white or brown grains (used for food) and dry pithy stalks (used for fodder, fuel and thatching).
  • 碱基是由不同的蛋质构成的密码,颇像组成一些单词和句子的一个字母表的字母。
    The bases constitute a code for different proteins, much like the letters of an alphabet foiling words and sentences.
  • 晚餐过后,他和巴狄斯丁姑娘与马格洛大娘闲谈半小时,再回到自己的房间从事写作,有时写在单页纸上,有时写在对开本书本的空边上。
    After supper he conversed for half an hour with Mademoiselle Baptistine and Madame Magloire; then he retired to his own room and set to writing, sometimes on loose sheets, and again on the margin of some folio.
  • 沿此线可观赏高山幽谷、夏日雪景、高原湖泊等美丽风光,寻找世外桃源──香格里拉,体验藏族、纳西族、族以及摩梭人等的独特民族风情,欣赏东巴文化和世界文化遗产──丽江古城的古朴风貌。
    Following this line, tourists will get chances to view magnificent natural beauties such as high mountains and deep valleys, snow on the mountains which never melt even in summer, highland lakes, explore a land of peace the Shangri-La. They will be exposed to specialized folklore of the ethnic Bai, Naxi, Tibetan and the Mosuo minorities in Yunnan. Visitors will also get chances to admire the Dongba culture of the Naxi people, Lijiang Old Town one of the World Cultural Heritages.
  • 我们和人关系极好。
    We are in strong with the white folks.
  • 我不太明,你能再解释一下吗?
    I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again?
  • 是的,我能明你的意思。
    Yes, I follow you.
  • 葡萄酒溶化的干酪做成的溶化干酪,是面包有时也是水果的蘸料。
    fondue made of cheese melted in wine for dipping bread and sometimes fruits.
  • 另一方面,风格单处理表示方面的问题,如字体、颜色和页边空,其意图是简化网站,缩短下载时间和更容易把相同的内容让多种类型的设备显示。
    Style sheets, on the other hand, handle issues of presentation: fonts, colors and margins.The intent is to simplify sites, decrease download times and more easily present the same content to multiple types of devices.
  • 通过把油墨挤过精细的(丝绸)网眼而制作出的一种印刷品,网眼是经过处理用来画出空区域的。
    a print made by forcing ink through a fine (silk) mesh that has been treated to give blank areas.
  • 不明祖先过去的经历,华人也无法自信地面对生活和挑战,因此致力在新加坡推广中华文学是很重要的任务。
    Without a sense of what our forefathers have gone through, we cannot face life and its challenges with confidence. It is therefore very important for us to promote Chinese literature in Singapore.
  • 不明祖先过去的经历,华人也无法自信地面对生活和挑战,因此致力在新加坡推广中华文学是很重要的任务。
    Without a sense of what our forefathers have gone through, we cannot face life and its challenges with confidence. It is therefore very important for us to promote Chinese literature in Singapore.Not every one of us can be a great writer, poet or historian, but we can all share in the stories.
  • “我明了,”海茨帕说,她用拇指和食指摘下一朵凋谢的玫瑰。
    “I see,” said Hesper as she nipped a tattered rose with her thumb and forefinger.