  • 扩音器的噪音突传进我们的耳中。
    The blare of the speaker burst upon our ears.
  • 他在竞选演说中猛地抨击他的对手。
    In his campaign speech he blasted the opposition.
  • 火山突然爆发了。
    The volcano unexpectedly blew up.
  • 昨天他突然来看我。
    He blew in on me yesterday.
  • 他昨天晚上突进城。
    He blew into town last night.
  • 杰克昨天晚上突进城。
    Jack blew into town last night.
  • 导致伤害或者破坏;特别是突性的暴力、瘟疫或者崩溃。
    causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin.
  • 他太鲁莽对自己粗话可能引起的后果全不顾。
    He is so rash that he is blind to the probable results of his rude words.
  • 使我们惊讶的是校长对他们学校学生们的坏行为居熟视无睹。
    To our surprise, the headmaster turned a blind eye to the bad behaviour of his pupils.
  • 后,他们使门外的人不论老少眼睛全都变瞎,看不到门在哪里。
    Then they struck the men in the door way with blindness, both small and great, so that they could not find the door.
  • 我的双眼用绷带包扎了3个星期,虽我知道这仅是暂时的,但我得对付眼睛看不见的问题。
    My eyes were bandaged for three weeks and I had to get to grips with the problem of blindness, even though I knew it was only temporary.
  • 你们同情见不到阳光的瞎子,同情听不到大自音响的聋子,同情不能用声音来表达自己思想的哑巴;但是,在一种虚假的所谓廉耻的借口之下,你们却不愿意同情这种心灵上的瞎子,灵魂上的聋子和良心上的哑巴。这些残疾逼得那个不幸的受苦的女人发疯,使她无可奈何地看不到善良,听不到天主的声音,也讲不出爱情、信仰的纯洁的语言。
    You pity the blind man who has never seen the light of day, the deaf man who has never heard the harmonies of nature, the mute who has never found a voice for his soul, and yet, under the specious pretext of decency, you will not pity that blindness of heart, deafness of soul and dumbness of conscience which turn the brains of poor, desperate women and prevent them, despite themselves, from seeing goodness, hearing the Lord and speaking the pure language of love and religion.
  • 而来的光亮让我睁不开眼睛
    A sudden light that made me blink.
  • 尽管结果看起来是合理的,他仍可能对这些-方法感到惊讶。
    He might blink at these methods though the results seem reasonable.
  • 这些事实固令人不快,可是我们不能不正视它们。
    Although these facts are indeed unpleasant, we must not blink at them.
  • 这些事固是令人不愉快的,可是我们不可熟视无睹。
    These facts are indeed unpleasant ones, but we must not blink at them.
  • 的亮光使她的眼睛眨动。
    She responded to the sudden light by blinking her eyes.
  • 有些开阔地区还没有房子遮风挡雨。而一到夜里,一长排一长排煤气街灯就亮了起来,灯光在风里摇曳。
    There were regions open to the sweeping winds and rain, which were yet lighted throughout the night with long, blinking lines of gas-lamps, fluttering in the wind.
  • 维持夫妻之乐,祖母们旧的格言仍有效:如果男人不知晓,他不会受到伤害。
    When it comes to preserving marital bliss, Grandma's old adage still holds true: What he doesn't know can't hurt him.
  • 乔治和吉尔在一起无比幸福,他们显是天生的一对。
    George and Jill are blissfully happy together-they were obviously made for each other.
  • 困难重重,她却仍无忧无虑地干下去。
    She continued blithely on in spite of all difficulties.
  • 一场突的不合时宜的大风雪;十一月里不合季节的阴郁的天气。
    a sudden unseasonable blizzard; unseasonable bright blue weather in November.
  • 经费已备妥,下一步就看格林先生了。他可以先从削减总局过分庞大的组织开始,后经过暑期小心计划,以保证九月开学时新课程业已就绪。
    With the money in place, the next move is up to Mr.Green. He could begin by reducing the bloated bureaucracy at board headquarters, then plan carefully through the summer to ensure that the new programs are in place when schools open in September.
  • 而我们领导广大的群众和红军,不但屡次击溃了敌人的“围剿”,而且从事于一切可能的和必须的经济建设,去冲破敌人的经济封锁的毒计。
    But, leading the broad masses and the Red Army, we have not only smashed one enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign after another, but have also been doing all the essential work of economic construction within our power in order to defeat this vicious economic blockade.
  • 而,isdn没有证明它是一种威力无比的东西。
    However, ISDN did not prove to be a blockbuster.
  • 我知道了。你没来过这儿。向前走两个街区,后向左拐。你不会错的。
    I see. you're a stranger here. Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left. You can't miss it.
  • 向前走两个街区,后向左拐。
    Walk two blocks ahead, then turn left.
  • 向前走两个街区,后向左拐。
    Go two blocks ahead and turn left there.
  • 我怀疑李的发色是自的;她给我一种染色的感觉。
    I doubt that Lee's hair colour is natural; she strikes me as a bottle blond.
  • 天生的金发;她的头发没染色;天色的棉线。
    unbleached blonde hair; her hair is uncolored; undyed cotton.
  • 珍珠;钾盐的自沉淀物;自资源;天纤维;天生的金发;生丝的天色彩。
    a natural pearl; natural deposits of potassium salts; natural resources; natural fibers; natural blonde hair; the natural color of raw silk.
  • 她的发色“总在变化”,从淡黄到乌黑,目前是栗棕色并且“觉得很自”。
    In terms of color, she's in "constant change mode," going from bleached blonde to jet black, settling now briefly on a chestnut brown that "feels quite normal.