  • 在西西里岛的西罗马人的海军在公元前241年战胜了迦太基人结束了第一次迦太基战争(现为egadi岛)。
    islands west of Sicily (now known as the Egadi Islands) where the Romans won a naval victory over the Carthaginians that ended the First Punic War in 241 BC.
  • 让位通过退位或遗嘱式转让(统治权)
    To transfer(sovereignty) by abdication or will.
  • 给老板工作了几星期后,我对他的那套法便讨厌极了。
    After a few weeks' working for the boss I sickened of his method.
  • 恶劣地以一种病态的或不好的式;不好地
    In a sickly or unsound manner; not well.
  • 患病方知健康好。
    In sickness health is known.
  • 患病方知健康乐。
    By the side of sickness health become sweet.
  • 米克·克拉克,又名锡德·布朗,被警通缉审问。
    Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, is wanted for questioning by the police.
  • 米克·克拉克,又名锡德·布朗,被警通缉审问。
    Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, was wanted for questioning by the police.
  • 初等教育有2个面,传统一面和现代一面。
    Secondary education have two sides, a classical side and a modern side.
  • 面的监管是不足够的,我们必须双管齐下。
    Not just one side, but both sides of the fence.
  • 每一个问题都有两个面,如果你根据一个面作出决定并依其办事,那么站在另一面的人当然就会对你的行动反感。
    There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your action.
  • 仅有一方的
    Having only one side.
  • 美国广播公司,经过多次试图挽救它4000万元投资而无功后,决定在第一年结束后罢手,并以和解的式来结束两年的合约。
    After many attempts to save its $40 million investment…ABC decided to call it quite at the end of the first year and make a settlement on the two-year contract.
  • 一方得10分。
    Side scores ten points.
  • 例如你应该解释某某奖是某某大学授与本科生在科研面的优秀奖,每学年只有两名获奖者。
    For instance,you might explain that the XYZ Award is given for excellence in scientific research by undergraduates at ABC University; only two students a year receive it.
  • 哪一方胜利了?
    Which side has won?
  • 买方讨价还价
    Bargaining on the buy side
  • 考虑到学生们就是未来的店主,教官们会严惩那些在腮胡、镜架面出格的学生。
    Mindful that the students are future shop owners, the teachers hector slackers about their sideburns and eyeglass frames.
  • 矩形,长形具有四个边的形,有四个直角
    A four-sided plane figure with four right angles.
  • 这种训练的每个阶段都有两面的结果。
    Every stage of the training has a double-sided result.
  • 以上可能是防止我们单面出口的一些办法。
    Above may present some solution prevent our one sided export.
  • 那场比赛双水平悬殊。
    It was a very one-sided game: our team won easily.
  • 他们看问题的法是主观的和片面的。
    People with such tendencies are subjective and one-sided in their approach to problems.
  • 这些都是互助的原则和针,是积极的针,不是消极的片面的针。
    All these principles and policies of mutual assistance are positive, not negative or one-sided.
  • 他们看问题的法都是主观的和片面的,一句话,非科学的。
    Both approaches to the problem are subjective and one-sided, or, in a word, unscientific.
  • 〔19〕唐生智是当时站在革命面参加北伐的一个将军。
    [19] Tang Sheng-chih was a general who sided with the revolution in the Northern expedition.
  • 这种比较法虽然不全面,但是我们不能因此而不加以重视。
    Such comparisons may be one-sided, but we must not just dismiss them on that account.
  • 以横斜的式向下移动——布朗姆·斯托克。
    moved downward in a sidelong way_ Bram Stoker.
  • 四面八方齐喊着。
    came from all sides.
  • 我从不偏袒哪一方。
    I never take sides.
  • 转变方法;转换立场
    Change methods; change sides.
  • 立方体有六面。
    A cube has six sides.