Chinese English Sentence:
  • 眼镜蛇眼镜蛇科中几种毒性剧烈的蛇的一种,包眼镜蛇,树眼镜蛇和珊瑚眼镜蛇
    Any of several venomous snakes of the family Elapidae, which includes the cobras, mambas, and coral snakes.
  • 晚祷包晚祷仪式的一种宗教仪式
    A service that includes the office of Vespers.
  • 礼拜仪式在星期天或者圣日里包祈祷仪式的一种仪式
    A service held on Sundays or holy days that includes the office of vespers.
  • 而且他还能穿着特殊制服,其中包他自己设计的背心。
    It also meant he got to wear a special uniform,including vests of his own design.
  • 当时很多老干部受迫害,包我在内。
    During that period many veteran cadres suffered persecution, including me.
  • 为确保食物安全,当局实施新规例,管制以农业和兽医用化学物(包盐酸克仑特罗)喂饲食用动物的做法;自愿应用于猪、牛、羊的辨认制度,亦已凭藉该新规例确立法律效力。
    To ensure food safety, a new regulation to control the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals (including clenbuterol) in food animals and to formalise the voluntary identification system for pigs, cattle and goats destined for market was introduced.
  • 大会收到的提案包增加常任理事国和非常任理事国的数目、轮换或分享安理会的席位、修改否决权和改进安理会的工作方法。
    Proposals before the General Assembly include increasing the number of permanent and non-permanent members, rotating or sharing Council seats, modifying the veto power, and improving the Council's working methods.
  • 这部书可以使你对于世界大战有一个概的认识。
    This book will give you a general view of the world war.
  • 这些额外的选择包宽屏(16:9)或全屏(4:3)观看、不同语言的声音跟踪和加字幕观看。
    The additional options include the choice of wide (16:9) or full-screen (4:3) viewing, sound tracks in different languages and captioned viewing.
  • 向风岛中部的一个岛屿;包和的群岛中的最大的一个。
    an island in the center of the Windward Islands; the largest of the islands comprising Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
  • 帕格尼尼,尼科罗1782-1840意大利小提琴家和作曲家,他的作品包六部小提琴协奏曲和许多其它艺术鉴赏小提琴片段
    Italian violinist and composer whose works include six violin concertos and many other virtuoso violin pieces.
  • 海外办事处也协助政府新闻处及其他部门制订重要访客(如决策者、政府官员、政要人物、舆论领袖及记者)的访港计划,并就这些计划提供意见,目的是协助这些访港人士更加了解本地事务,包香港的利益及香港与国际社会的关系。
    The overseas offices also advise and assist the ISD and other departments in drawing up programmes for VIP visitors, such as policy-makers, government officials, politicians, opinion leaders and journalists, to help them learn more about Hong Kong, its interests and relationships with the world community.
  • 如果你的命令中包一栋漂亮的房屋,一辆豪华的汽车和一个高品质衣橱,那就常常想着这些目标吧?
    If your motives include a fine home,a nice car,and a good wardrobe,visualize those thing around you.
  • 截至一九九九年十二月,本港共有62所特殊学校,包一所医院学校,以及为视觉受损、听觉受损、身体弱能、弱智或有适应困难儿童而设的学校,其中19所设有宿舍。
    In December, there were 62 special schools including a hospital school, schools for children who were visually-impaired, hearing-impaired, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped or with adjustment problems. Of these, 19 provided residential places.
  • 语言被看作由特定人群使用的包单词、语法和发音的语言系统
    Language viewed as a system including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of a particular community.
  • 大多数小型新域啮齿动物包新域鼠或旅鼠或田鼠或仓鼠。
    mostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters.
  • 您点的蛋恐怕不包在餐券内,请分开付钱好吗?
    I'm afraid that your order of eggs is not covered by this voucher. Could you pay for them separately, please?
  • 两岸同胞为反对外国殖民者侵占台湾进行了包武装起义在内的各种方式的斗争。
    The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits waged various forms of struggle including armed insurrections against the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by foreign colonialists.
  • 三件套西装包裤子、上衣和背心。
    A tree-piece suit consists of trousers, jacket and waistcoat.
  • 这里有3000多种动物,包非常受人欢迎的袋鼠、沙袋鼠、树袋熊和袋熊。
    There are some 3 000 species of animals here, including the ever-popular kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, and wombats.
  • 荃湾新市镇包荃湾、葵涌及青衣岛。
    Tsuen Wan new town embraces the areas of Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung and Tsing Yi Island.
  • 其他正在规划中的新道路工程包连接土瓜湾和油麻地的中九龙干线、连接中环及湾仔填海区的中环至湾仔绕道和由青衣至长沙湾的一段九号干线等。
    Other major new road projects under planning include the Central Kowloon Route between To Kwa Wan and Yau Ma Tei, the Central-Wan Chai Bypass and another section of Route 9 connecting Tsing Yi and Cheung Sha Wan.
  • 我们只保水渍险,包仓对仓条款有效期十五天。
    Out insurance covers only W. P. A. including warehouse to warehouse clause valid for 15 days.
  • 今年跌出排行榜的富翁包:全球最大的媒体公司美国在线-时代华纳主席史蒂夫·凯斯,该公司股票自去年以来已经下跌了将近一半;美国电信公司主席加里·温尼克,该公司今年1月份申请了破产保护。
    Among the missing: AOL Time Warner Chairman Steve Case, whose company stock has declined by about half since last year, and Gary Winnick, chairman of Global Crossing, which filed for bankruptcy protection in January.
  • 担保包零配件,但不包人工费用。
    The warranty covers spare parts but not labour cost.
  • 猪猪科动物的各类哺乳动物,包家养猪及野猪和疣猪等野生猪
    Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the boar and the wart hog.
  • 他的题目是英国的政党制度—包其优点和弊端—而他最关心的是怎样改革这种制度。
    His subject is the British party system—warts and all—and he is concerned, above all, to discover how it can be improved.
  • 房价里不包洗衣机和烘干机。
    The washer and dryer are not included in the price of the house.
  • 该《通讯》探索了包各国间条约和协定在内与国际水道有关的法律、经济和政治问题。
    The Newsletter explores the legal, economic and political issues related to international watercourses,including treaties and agreements among countries.
  • 南瓜科的一个双子叶的属,包西瓜。
    a dicot genus of the family cucurbitaceae including watermelons.
  • 史密斯,我相信华生先生不会反对由贵方费神按排的日程表中包一天游览……
    Well. Smith, I'm sure Mr Watson wouldn't mind a day of sightseeing as our hosts have taken all the trouble to arrange things.
  • 据伊普女士和设在香港的沃森·怀亚特(watsonwyatt)的董事莫娜·w·钱(monaw.chan)说,最急需和跳槽倾向最强的是金融、会计、销售和市场营销各部门的人员,还包那些担任总经理职务的人。
    The people most in demand, and most likely to job hop , are in finance and accounting, sales and marketing , and include those filling general-manager posts, according to Ms.Yip and Mona W. Chan, a director at Watson Wyatt in Hong Kong.