  • 医生盘尼西林注射入血液。
    The doctor injected penicillin into the bloodstream.
  • 护士必须小心,避免空气注入病人的血流中。
    A nurse has to take care not to inject air into the bloodstream of her patients.
  • 高浓度脂蛋白和低浓度脂蛋白都是胆固醇的运输者,能从你的血液中胆固醇清除并另置他处。
    Both HDL and LDL,low? density lipoprotein,are transporters of cholesterol, clearing the stuff out of your bloodstream and depositing it elsewhere.
  • 胰一种长的形状不规则的脊椎动物腺体,在胃的后边,胰液送到十二指肠,且胰岛素、葡萄胱和生长激素抑制素送入血液
    A long, irregularly shaped gland in vertebrates, lying behind the stomach, that secretes pancreatic juice into the duodenum and insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin into the bloodstream.
  • 人们终于认识到,这场战争是持久的和流血的。
    It eventually came home to the people that the war would be long and bloody.
  • 一个月后整个山坡上开满鲜花。
    The whole slope will burst into bloom in another month.
  • 阳光将使花朵开放.
    The sunshine will bring out the blossom.
  • 到五月时,我的花园里是花团锦簇。
    By May my garden will be a mass of blossom.
  • 请用吸墨纸它吸干!
    Blot it with blotting - paper , please!
  • 他虐待自己的妻子,这永远是他名誉上的污点。
    His brutal treatment of his wife will always be a blot on his escutcheon.
  • 美国也违反了国际公约的规定,在战争进行的时候,没有设法捍卫和保护文化遗产。美国的国际形象因此蒙上永远抹不去的污点。
    It is a permanent blot on its international image and violates US obligations under international conventions to safeguard and protect cultural properties in times of war.
  • 她的连衣裙扣好。
    She buttoned up her blouse.
  • 风箱造的风女孩的帽子吹走了
    The wind created by the blower blows away the girl 's hat.
  • 为什么能食物吹凉?
    Why does blowing on food cool it?
  • 如果她停下未一段时间,小仔开始下沉,这是因为它没有足够的脂肪或鲸脂使其轻松漂浮。
    If she does for any length of time, the calf will begin to sink, because it is not born with enough body fat or blubber to float easily.
  • 布鲁克军到达滑铁卢,使得拿破仑转胜为败。
    The coming of General Blucher at Waterloo turned the day against Napoleon.
  • 不久前,政府发表了一份促进艺术发展的蓝图,它是我们精神生活的重要指标。政府也会更慷慨的资助艺术团体。
    Recently, it formulated a blueprint aimed at propelling the arts as an important marker of the spiritual life of the community, with more generous funding to match.
  • 《改革方案》是香港自摆脱殖民统治,回归中国以来首次为自己未来的教育政策制定总蓝图。
    This will be the first time that Hong Kong has ever drawn up a blueprint for its own education system since it returned to the Chinese sovereignty in 1997.
  • 60.我们还会在九九年完成第二次铁路发展研究和第三次整体运输研究,研究结果有助我们制定扩展道路和铁路网络的蓝图,以满足直至二零一六年的运输和发展需要。
    60. Apart from these commitments, in 1999 we will complete the Second Railway Development Study and the Third Comprehensive Transport Study. These will provide us with a blueprint for road and railway expansion to meet transport and development needs to the year 2016.
  • 中国规划了今后五年的发展蓝图,坚持把发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点,继续推进经济增长和社会进步。
    China has drawn up a blueprint for development in the next five years. It will unswervingly focus on development and carry out restructuring all the way through with reform, opening up and advances in science and technology as the driving force and the improvement of the living standard of people as the fundamental objective. It will continue to promote economic growth and social progress.
  • 这些形式连接在一起的是蓝调音乐的这一根基,以及依靠的是整个乐队成员的交互演奏和不可预知的即兴演奏。
    What tied it all together was a foundation in the blues, a reliance on group interplay and unpredictable improvisation.
  • 答:很多公司已声称他们的产品支持企业javabeans,其中有:bluestone、gemstone、informix、ibm、inprise(即以前的borland)、ncr、netscape、novell、oracle、persistence、sybase、symantec和weblogic等公司。
    A: A wide range of firms have said their products will support Enterprise JavaBeans, including the following: Bluestone Software, Inc. Gemstone Systems, Inc., Informix Corp., IBM, Inprise Corp. (formerly Borland), NCR Corp., Netscape Communications Corp., Novell, Inc., Oracle Corp., Persistence Software, Inc., Sybase, Inc., Symantec Corp., WebLogic, Inc.
  • 尤其,赫鲁晓夫先生尽是在虚张声势。为使美国高估苏联的军力,他用木材建成假导弹基地,并可充气的橡皮“潜艇”停放在苏联港口。
    Mr.Khrushchev, moreover, was all bluff and bluster. To make the U.S. overestimate Soviet power, he had fake rocket sites constructed out of wood and placed inflatable rubber "submarines" in Soviet harbors.
  • 历史永远谴责他的这一错误。
    History will ever throw this blunder in his teeth.
  • 我们不赞成任何一个抗日战争的指挥员,离开客观条件,变为乱撞乱碰的鲁莽家,但是我们必须提倡每个抗日战争的指挥员变为勇敢而明智的军。
    We do not want any of our commanders in the war to detach himself from the objective conditions and become a blundering hothead, but we decidedly want every commander to become a general who is both bold and sagacious.
  • 粗针用于带或带状物拉过环或圈的钝针
    A blunt needle for pulling tape or ribbon through a series of loops or a hem.
  • 为了进一步消除台式机和笔记本机之间的界限,英特尔在1999年下半年推出双速功能的移动用处理器,此设计用于节省笔记本机的电池寿命。
    To further blur the lines between desktops and notebooks, Intel will introduce in the second half of 1999 its mobile processor with dual speed capability, designed to save notebook battery life.
  • 小孩整个地抱出房间
    Carried the child bodily from the room.
  • 为了简便起见,我要叫你波芬……。你要是不喜欢,就就点吧。
    I'm a-going to call you Boffin, for short… If you don't like it, it's open to you to lump it.
  • 缺乏资料会拖这项工作的后腿。
    Lack of data will bog the work down.
  • 我们担心平原上的大雨很快使我们的汽车陷入淤泥。不要让我陷入这些难缠的琐事中
    We worried that the heavy rain across the prairie would soon bog our car. Don't bog me down in this mass of detail.
  • 这场暴风雪使所有的车辆都陷在田野里。
    This snowstorm will bog all the cars down in the field.