  • 我们决不忍对我们祖国的任何侵犯。
    We will not tolerate any invasion of our motherland.
  • 以他的百万富翁的心理错综,我相信在天堂住到第二星期,对于那些珍珠门一定会感到相当厌倦,而上帝到那时候一定是束手无策,想不出什么办法可以博得这个纵坏了的孩子的欢心了。
    I am sure that with his millionaire complex, he will be pretty sick of the Pearly Gates during his second week in Heaven, and God will be at His wits' end to invent something else to please this spoiled child.
  • 颠倒容易颠倒
    To be subjected to inversion.
  • 无论是农村改革还是城市改革,其基本内和基本经验都是开放,对内把经济搞活,对外更加开放。
    We can say this will be a comprehensive reform. The basic content of both rural and urban reform is to invigorate the domestic economy and open China wider to the outside world.
  • 每个特定国家的每个契约只是永存社会的伟大原始契约的一项条款,使得低等与高等的本性环环相扣,把看得见与看不见的世界联系起来,依据的是一个为不违背的誓言所认可的固定协议,它约束着一切物质的和一切精神的本性,各得其所。
    Each contract of each particular state is but a clause in the great primeval contract of eternal society, liking the lower with the higher natures, connecting the visible and invisible world, according to a fixed compact sanctioned by the inviolable oath which holds all physical and all moral natures, each in their appointed place.
  • 相比之下,其他星星就显得黯淡无光,因而不是很易被发现了。
    It is so bright that it outshines the stars making them look invisible.
  • 对于伊拉克收扎卡威和他的手下我们并不奇怪。
    We are not surprised that Iraq is harboring Zarqawi and his subordinates.
  • 具有讽刺意味的是,人们对歧视胖人要宽得多,这种宽对其他形式的偏见来说是不可想像的。
    Ironically, discrimination against fat people is tolerated in a way that would be unthinkable for any other form of prejudice.
  • 处理过的所以可以很易很快的洗涤,而且通过少量的熨烫或甚至是不熨烫就可以很快干的。
    treated so as to be easily or quickly washed and dried and requiring little or no ironing.
  • 天下事不合理的尽多,似乎不我们事事讲理。
    There are so many things under the sun that are irrational that it looks as though we cannot approach everything in a completely rational way.
  • 如水火不相容
    irreconcilable as fire and water
  • 有些时候,一些水火不的夫妇没能闹上法庭,完全是因为孩子的缘故。
    Very often, couples who can no longer get along stop short of taking their irreconcilable differences to court for the sake of their children.
  • 伊拉克未能经受考验,根据第四章的规定,伊拉克对其义务已构成重大违反,我深信结论是不置疑的。
    They failed that test. By this standard, the standard of this operative paragraph, I believe that Iraq is now in further material breach of its obligations. I believe this conclusion is irrefutable and undeniable.
  • 不稳定、易变化和不规则的属性。
    the quality of being unsteady--varying and irregular.
  • 当然,纳多方面的观点,是不可逆转的大潮,我们不能把头埋在沙堆底下,装着若无其事,而是应该抬起头来迎接新的时代,面对新的现实。
    Of course, tolerance of different ideas is gaining ground, and we cannot shut our eyes to the irresistible trend. Instead, we must face the reality of the new era.
  • 他的不负责任到了不能忍的程度
    He is the limit of irresponsibility.
  • 她不高兴时,易发脾气。
    She was irritable when she was unhappy.
  • 易发怒、爱找麻烦。
    irritable and looking for trouble.
  • 我的室友有许多惹人讨厌的习惯,但是为了相安无事,我能忍的尽可能忍。
    My room-mate has many irritating habits but I just live and let live to keep the peace。
  • 第二、形回教为中庸是不必要的,回教所提倡的价值观显示它原本就是一个温和的宗教。
    Secondly, describing "Islam" as "moderate" is tautological since they are one and the same. Islam itself is moderate because of the values it espouses.
  • 清真寺由香港伊斯兰联会负责管理,可纳会众700人,若使用中心内其他地方,便可纳多至1500人。
    The masjid is managed by the Islamic Union of Hong Kong and accommodates 700 people but can hold up to 1 500 by using other space in the centre.
  • 全部内中分开来讨论的单独实情。
    an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole.
  • 借鉴国际上通行的预算方法,全面改革军队预算编制形式、方法和内,重点推行零基预算等方法,以充分发挥预算的宏观调控作用,逐步建立起财权财力集中、军费分配科学、项目具体透明、监督制约严密的预算新模式。
    Drawing on the internationally adopted budgeting method, the PLA reformed its budgeting form, method and content extensively, with emphasis placed on implementation of the zero-base budget method, so as to give full play to the budget's macro-control role and gradually establish a new budgeting pattern featuring the concentration of financial power and resources, scientific distribution of military expenditures, concrete and transparent itemization, and tight supervision and control.
  • 国家禁毒委员会还将展览内制作成《全国禁毒展览挂图》,下发全国各地,并组织了长达半年的巡回展览,直接接受教育的观众达1.66亿多人次。
    The NNCC also turned the contents of the exhibition into a Wall Map of the National Exhibition on Drug Control for distribution throughout the country. It also organized half-year itinerant exhibitions throughout China, at which a total of over 166 million people received education directly.
  • 狱吏纵犯人的逃狱。
    The jailer connived at the escape from prison.
  • 一罐一个罐子能装的
    The amount that a jar can hold.
  • 许多其他海蜇是透明的,很易观察到它们的四个胃在工作。
    Many other jellyfish are clear, making it easy to see their four stomachs at work.
  • 耶路撒冷希伯来大学的尼西姆·加尔蒂教授和他的助手亚布拉罕·阿塞林博士发明了一种微型的"纳米车",它能促进营养食品和药用美品进入人的血液和组织。
    Prof. Nissim Garti, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's and his associate Dr. Abraham Aserin have developed what they refer to as “nanovehicles” to improve the delivery of nutraceuticals and cosmetoceuticals into the body's blood stream and tissues.
  • 在整个会见过程中,她从不迫,谈笑自如。
    Throughout the interview she kept her temper perfectly, laughing and jesting.
  • 该局又为若干行业的工人举办技能测验,包括汽车业、中菜烹饪、电机业、珠宝业、金属品制造业、塑胶业、印刷业、精密工具业、保安服务及美护理等。
    Trade tests were offered to workers in a range of trades — automobile, Chinese cuisine, electrical, jewellery, machine shop and metal working, plastics, printing and precision tooling, security services and beauty care.
  • 我不知道吉尔是怎么忍她丈夫的——他把她看得一钱不值。
    I don't know how Jill puts up with her husband-he treats her like dirt.
  • 另一封信是乔尔女朋友的弟弟发来的,内是让乔尔搞到免费的音乐会门票。
    Another was from Joel's girlfriend's brother asking Joel to score free concert tickets.