  • 有很大影响的作家
    A writer of considerable influence.
  • 管道管类,集合名词
    Tubes considered as a group.
  • 我们在考虑任命一新经理。
    We are considering the appointment of a new manager.
  • 我们在考虑任命一新经理。
    We is considering the appointment of a new manager.
  • 我们在考虑任命一新经理。
    We're considering the appointment of a new manager.
  • 嗯!你可以看出直接提单上填的是进口商的称,但是记提单上的接货人,则填出口商或银行的称。
    Well, you could see the name of the importer written on straight bills of lading, but order bills of lading carry the name of the exporter or a bank as the consignee.
  • 如果案件确系侵权已有定论,则成员可授权该主管当局将发货人、进口人及收货人的姓、地址以及有关商品数量等信息提供给权利持有人。
    Where a positive determination has been made on the merits of a case, Members may provide the competent authorities the authority to inform the right holder of the names and addresses of the consignor, the importer and the consignee and of the quantity of the goods in question.
  • 第九条专利代理机构接受委托,承办业务,应当有委托人具的书面委托书,写明委托事项和委托权限。
    Article 9 When patent agencies accept consignments and handle business, they shall have a consignor's letter of commitment clearly stating commissioned items and powers.
  • 每个队由几队员组成?
    How many players does a team consist of?
  • 棒球队由几队员组成?
    How many players does a baseball team consist of?
  • 波伊提乌,阿尼修斯·马尼利乌斯·塞维里努斯罗马哲学家,被误判判国罪处死。在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的著哲学的慰藉
    Roman philosopher. Falsely accused of treason, he wrote The Consolation of Philosophy, an account of classical thought, while awaiting his execution.
  • 我认为查理的成绩在这么多课程中均列第二,他至少应该得到一个安慰奖。
    I thought that after coming second in so many of his subjects, Charlie ought to have been given a consolation prize at least.
  • 我本不会寻求提,因为我已志在另一个部门,作为依利诺斯州的最高长官并不是一项无奈的选择,也不是给我的一个安慰奖,在那里,我的雄心壮志得到充分地发挥。
    I could not seek it because I aspire to another once, which was the full measure of my ambition, and one does not treat the highest office within the gifts of the people of Illinois as an alternative or as a consolation prize.
  • 这两个公司以新的称合并起来
    The two firms consolidated under a new name.
  • 在民意测验中该党列第一的地位得以巩固
    The consolidation of the party's position at the top of the opinion polls
  • 被确证与匪徒有来往的政界人物
    A politician known to consort with gangsters.
  • 据一个叫tcl/tk的贸易团体称,有50万~100万程序员使用拥有tk的tcl,能生成作为其他程序前端的基于gui的程序,或者把几个程序连在一起。
    The 500,000 to 1 million programmers who use Tcl with Tk -- according to the trade group The Tcl/Tk Consortium -- can create GUI-based programs that serve as front ends to other programs or string together several programs.
  • 林肯是一个穷苦孩子而功成就的出色例子。
    Lincoln is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.
  • 他因骁勇而出名。
    He was conspicuous for his bravery.
  • 最近有消息披露:又有一高级官员与这个阴谋有牵连。
    It has recently come to light that a second official was implicated in the conspiracy.
  • 以损毁某人的声的办法迫使他离职
    Have sb. hounded out by a conspiracy to damage his good name
  • 其他被认为与这个阴谋有牵连的人以捏造的罪遭到逮捕。
    Others felt to be involved in the conspiracy were arrested on trumped-up charges.
  • 他们以损毁他声的办法迫使他离职。
    They have him hounded out by a conspiracy to damage his good name.
  • 站在街角的那个女孩是一警察。
    The girl standing at the street corner is a constable.
  • 治安官管辖区受一治安官管辖的地区
    The district under the jurisdiction of a constable.
  • 在离婚案中提到警察局长的字。
    The chief constable is named in the divorce case.
  • 在离婚案中提到警察局长的字。
    The chief constable was named in the divorce case.
  • 拜占庭城在今土耳其伊斯坦布尔城址上的一座色雷斯古城。公元前7世纪时由希腊人所建。公元196年被罗马人强占。康斯坦丁一世于330年命令重建该城,并重新将之命为康斯坦丁堡
    An ancient city of Thrace on the site of present-day Istanbul, Turkey. It was founded by the Greeks in the seventh century b.c. and taken by the Romans in a.d.196. Constantine I ordered the rebuilding of the city in330 and renamed it Constantinople.
  • 她的字经常出现在艺术圈里
    Her name constantly turns up in art circles.
  • 一种常数、变量、函数或表达式。
    A constant, variable, function name, or expression.
  • 若该选区(提日没有竞争对手的选区)的得票率少过50%就应该举行补选。
    If the MP or MPs in the uncontested constituencies, whether they are Single-Member Constituency or Group Representation Constituency, obtained less than 50% of valid vote, by-elections should be held.
  • 那些自由党党员们已推举一参加首相选举的候选人,但是那必定是绝少成功希望的计划而已。
    The Liberals have put up a candidate in the Prime Minister's constituency, but it must be a forlorn hope.