Chinese English Sentence:
  • (解剖学)属于身体腔、室(特别是心脏的上心室)或与之相关。
    (anatomy) of or relating to a cavity or chamber in the body (especially one of the upper chambers of the heart).
  • 现在,约翰.查伯斯的主要任务就是将众多的语音、数据和视频信号通过电缆公司的“管道”发送到全世界范围的各个用户家中。
    Now Chambers is concentrating on sending bundles of voice, data, and video signals into the world's homes via cable companies' "fat pipes.
  • 12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的莱文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。
    On Dec. 1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder of Jennifer Levin, 18.
  • 它在很长的一段时间将仍是一个主要的问题,部网要花很多年才能从混乱中脱颖而出。
    It will remain a major problem for a very long time, and intranets will take many years to emerge from the chaos.
  • 这里有十年乱遗留下来的消极东西,也有在新的历史条件下产生和发展起来的消极东西。
    Some negative things have been left over from the ten years of domestic chaos, and others have appeared and grown under the new historical conditions.
  • 于某种原因彩票抽奖活动在90年代初阿富汗混乱的战期间就终止了。1996年塔利班上台后实行阴沉毁灭主义的统治,大多数娱乐形式都被禁止了。值得庆幸的是塔利班政府去年已经土崩瓦解了。
    It was not clear why the lottery was halted during the chaotic civil war of the early 1990s, but most forms of entertainment were banned under the solemn and destructionist rule of the Taliban who swept to power in 1996 and were sent packing last year.
  • 大教堂的一个小教堂;是用来纪念圣母玛利亚的。
    a small chapel in a church; dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
  • 公众喜爱他,并且电影销售商索要越来越多的卓别林的片子,在极短的时间,他成了电影界的重要人物……
    The public loved him and distributors were demanding more and more Chaplin films. In an incredibly short time, Charlie had become a very important man in motion picture...
  • 来自英国、加拿大、德国、意大利、日本、俄罗斯和美国的国家首脑们享受了希拉克为他们准备的丰盛大餐:小龙虾、临近的日瓦湖中的特产湖红点鲑鱼、鸽子肉配新鲜土豆、各式各样的奶酪、还有松软的奶油蛋糕。
    The assembled heads of state or government from Britain, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the United States joined Chirac for crayfish, char -- lake trout -- from the nearby Lake Geneva, pigeon accompanied by new potatoes, assorted cheeses and a soft and creamy cake.
  • 集团一群因共同的信仰、态度和兴趣而集合在一起并明显排斥外人的小集团;小集团
    A group of people united by common beliefs, attitudes, or interests and characteristically excluding outsiders; a clique.
  • 萤火虫几种夜间活动的萤科昆虫中的任意一种,明显的特征是腹部的后端有发冷光的物质,能产生闪烁的亮光
    Any of various nocturnal beetles of the family Lampyridae, characteristically having luminescent chemicals in the posterior tip of the abdomen that produce a flashing light.
  • 这位官员没透露电话的容,不过相关报道说总统"不是很痛快"。
    The official would not characterize the call but published reports described him as "not happy."
  • 同函奉上面额40,000元的邮局汇票一纸包括快递费在
    I have enclosed a post office money order for$40, 000 which include the express charges.
  • 小费包含在内吗?
    Are service charges included?
  • 价格包括邮费在内。
    The price includes postage charges.
  • 这个价钱包括服务费在
    This price includes service charges.
  • 我们将免费替你修理汽车,因为它仍在保修期
    We'll repair your car without charging because it's still under warranty.
  • 协会成员夏洛特·鲍德温警告说:"目前对于(英国)国的狗来说,最普遍的问题就是肥胖。
    Society member Charlotte Baldwyn warned: "By far the most common concern for domestic dogs is obesity.
  • 谢尔比美国北卡罗来纳州西南部的一个城市,位于夏洛特以西,它是-个农业区的纺织和加工中心。人口15,310
    A city of southwest North Carolina west of Charlotte. It is a textile and processing center in an agricultural region. Population,15, 310.
  • 苏铁目的模式属。
    type of the Bennettitales.
  • 最近货运市场十分坚挺,所以要想在一周租船几乎不大可能。
    Recently the freight market have become so firm that it is practically impossible for us to charter a ship within one week.
  • 私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围从事未经许可的贸易活动
    One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.
  • 另一方面,香港汇丰银行集团、东亚银行及渣打银行则是在地最具代表性的其中三家外资银行。
    Meanwhile, the HSBC Group, together with the Bank of East Asia and the Standard Chartered Bank, are among the best-represented foreign banks in the Mainland.
  • 它修长的折式车篷和两种色调的部装饰下,隐藏着是一个可对驾驶做出灵敏反应的底盘,其中融合了一个完全独立的悬架和齿条齿轮式转向装置,它们可应付起伏不平的路面和高速公路转弯的各种情况。
    Its longish hood and two-tone interior cloak a responsive chassis that incorporates a fully independent suspension and rack-and-pinion steering, tuned to handle everything from rough pavement to highway curves.
  •  因此之故,网景、英特尔、思科、雅虎等出类拔萃的公司里,包括秘书等后勤职工在的许多雇员成了网络公司的股东,往往还在二十几、三十几岁时便一夜致富而身家百万。
    Those that have become high flyers, such as Netscape, Intel, Cisco and Yahoo, have turned many of their employees, including support staff like secretaries, into millionaires overnight, often at the relatively young age of 20s or 30s.
  • 莱昂尔很会与陌生姑娘搭讪,并邀她们一起外出。
    Lionel is very good at chatting up strange girls and getting them go out with him.
  • 这主要是过去推行大汉族主义的反动统治阶级挑起来的,是大民族主义统治弱小民族的手段,但是他们部也有很多利害关系。
    This was instigated primarily by the reactionary ruling class, which pursued Han chauvinism; it was used by chauvinists from large nationalities to dominate small and weak nationalities. However, the minority nationalities themselves also had many problems involving their gain and loss.
  • 为防止和杜绝意识形态领域的大民族主义和不平等现象的出现,中国政府有关部门、机构专门就严禁在新闻出版和文艺作品中出现损害民族团结容等事项作出了规定。
    Besides, to prevent and eliminate big-ethnic-group chauvinism and inequality in the ideological field, the relevant departments and organs of the Chinese government have worked out special provisions to strictly prohibit contents damaging ethnic unity in the media, publications, and literary and art works.
  • 流行学派以单纯的价值理论为依据,认为国家应当象商人那样,向最便宜的供应处采购商品,如果在国外可以用较低代价买得到的任何商品,我们不去买而自己动手制造,那就是愚不可及的举动,认为国家的工业应当完全听任个人私利的摆布,认为保护关税造成垄断者,是牺牲了国家利益使国工商业者个人获得优惠待遇。
    how can anyone possibly undertake to prove by arguments only based on the mere theory of values, that a nation ought to buy its goods like individual merchants, at places where they are to be had the cheapest -- that we act foolishly if we manufacture anything at all which can be got cheaper from abroad --that we ought to place the industry of the nation at the mercy of the self-interest of individuals -- that protective duties constitute monopolies, which are granted to the individual home manufacturers at the expense of the nation?
  • 但是同样正确的,而且也为流行经济学派所认可的是,经过相当时期,国家建成了自己的充分发展的工业以后,这些商品由于在国生产成本较低,价格是会低落到国外进口品价格以下的。
    but it is just as true, and moreover acknowledged by the prevailing economical school, that in the course of time, by the nation being enabled to build up a completely developed manufacturing power of its own, those goods are produced more cheaply at home than the price at which they can be imported from foreign parts.
  • 如果只有一个鼻孔受影响,则可能意味着鼻腔畸形或鼻腔生了息肉,你应该找医生做一次检查。
    If only one nostril is involved,it could signal a deviated septum or a nasal polyp.see your doctor for a checkup.
  • 美国人的乐观性情的阴暗面是一种在的不安全感和抑郁,就是这种不安全感和抑郁推动了这个国家的商业和几乎全部精神病学。
    The dark side of American cheerfulness is the under-current of insecurity and depression that drives much of the country's commerce and nearly all of its psychi-atry.