  • 中國是一個有着多種宗教的國傢,主要有佛教、道教、伊斯教、天主教、基督教等。
    China is home to many religions, mainly Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Christianity. Most people belonging to ethnic minorities in China hold religious beliefs.
  • 伊斯教成為維吾爾等民族信仰的主要宗教後,原來主要由這些民族信仰的祆教、摩尼教、景教在新疆隨之逐漸消失,但佛教、道教仍然存在。
    After that, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism, the main religions of the Uygur and other ethnic groups, gradually went out of the picture in Xinjiang, but Buddhism and Taoism continued to make themselves felt there.
  • 早在伊斯教傳入前,祆教、佛教、道教、摩尼教、景教等多種宗教,就相繼沿着絲綢之路傳播到新疆,與當地土生土長的原始宗教一起在各地流傳。
    Before Islam was introduced into Xinjiang, there had already been believers in Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism. These religious faiths had spread to Xinjiang along the Silk Road and thrived together with the local primitive religions.
  •  在中國,全國性的宗教團體有中國佛教協會,中國道教協會,中國伊斯教協會,中國天主教愛國會,中國天主教主教團,中國基督教三自愛國運動委員會,中國基督教協會等。
    China has the following national religious organizations: Buddhist Association of China, Taoist Association of China, Islamic Association of China, Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, Chinese Catholic Bishops' College, Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee of the Protestant Churches of China, and China Christian Council.
  • 彩格呢披風一種蘇格高地人穿的搭於左肩上的彩色格子圖案的長方形羊毛呢披風
    A rectangular woolen scarf of a tartan pattern worn over the left shoulder by Scottish Highlanders.
  • 回、維吾爾、哈薩剋、塔塔爾、塔吉剋、烏孜別剋、柯爾剋孜、東鄉、撒位、保安等少數民族信奉伊斯教,總人口達1700多萬人。
    Minority nationalities such as the Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Tatar, Tajik, Uzbek, Kirgiz, Dongxiang, Salar and Bonan believe in Islam, a total of 17 million people.
  • 在中國,不論是信仰藏傳佛教的藏、蒙古、土、裕固、門巴等民族的群衆,還是信仰伊斯教的回、維吾爾、哈薩剋、東鄉、撒拉、保安、柯爾剋孜、塔吉剋、烏孜別剋、塔塔爾等民族的群衆,以及部分信仰基督教的苗、瑤等民族的群衆,他們正常的宗教活動都受到法律的保護。
    In China, all normal religious activities, such as those of Tibetan Buddhism, which is followed by the Tibetan, Mongolian, Tu, Yugur and Moinba ethnic groups, Islam, followed by the Hui, Uygur, Kazak, Dongxiang, Salar, Bonan, Kirgiz, Tajik, Ozbek and Tatar ethnic groups, and Christianity, followed by some people of the Miao and Yao ethnic groups, are all protected by law.
  • 法夫蘇格東部一地區,位於福斯灣和泰灣之間。曾是皮科特王國的土地
    A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.
  • 《新英格醫學期刊》的研究試圖區分基因和環境對癌癥的影響。
    The NEJM study attempted to tease apart the effects of genes and the environment on the risk of cancer.
  • 它的一面是一隻拿着紅色的弓的艾德熊,另一面是淺色的格子圖案。
    It had teddy bears with red bows on one side and light blue checks on the other.
  • 在德黑有一個青年,由於厭倦了在地板上睡覺,多年來攢錢買了一張真正的床。
    Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.
  • 1994年4月,中國政府副總理兼外長錢其琛在會見聯合國前秘書長瓦爾德海姆時重申:“中國尊重《世界人權宣言》、《德黑宣言》、《發展權宣言》等國際人權文書”,並“將一如既往地同國際社會一道,為更好地加強人權領域的國際合作而共同努力”。
    In April 1994 Qian Qichen, Vice-Premier and concurrently Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese government, reiterated while meeting with the former UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, "China respects the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Proclamation of Teheran, the Declaration on the Right to Development and other international documents related to human rights" and "will, as always, make a joint effort with the international community to further strengthen international cooperation in the sphere of human rights."
  • 亞茲德伊朗一城市,位於德黑東南偏南,從公元前5世紀起,便是紡織及地毯編織中心。人口193,000
    A city of central Iran south-southeast of Tehran. Dating from the fifth century b.c., it is a textile and carpet-weaving center. Population,193, 000.
  • 聽到布什在《國情咨文》中嚮世界宣稱伊朗是"恐怖之源"後,25歲的內達·卡西米在德黑傢中的起居室接收記者采訪時說,她懷疑西方國傢將永遠不會對伊朗有正確的認識。
    Sitting in a Tehran living room just days after Bush told the world her country exports terror, 25-year-old Neda Ghasemi said she wondered if the West would ever get the picture right.
  • 哈馬丹伊朗西部城市,位於德黑的西南偏西。它是一座古城,公元前330年被亞歷山大大帝徵服,後來被塞琉西地國王、羅馬、拜占庭以及阿拉伯(公元645年以後)統治。人口234,000
    A city of western Iran west-southwest of Tehran. An ancient city, it was captured by Alexander the Great in330 b.c. and later ruled by Seleucid kings, Romans, Byzantines, and Arabs(after a.d.645). Population,234, 000.
  • 伊拉希是一傢劇院的經理,她參加了在德黑舉行的一次悼念9·11遇難者的燭光守業活動。她說,人們冒着被逮捕的危險參加這樣的活動,但卻聽到布什將伊朗視為恐怖主義的支持者,這令她感到非常氣憤。
    Elahe, a theater director who attended one of a few candlelight vigils in Tehran for the victims of the Sept.11 attacks, said she felt angry that after risking arrest to take part in these vigils, she heard Bush brand her country a supporter of terror.
  • 外界談及伊朗,總會聯想起23年前發生伊斯革命時的伊朗,卡西米和她的三位室友對此感到十分沮喪。在那次革命中,憤怒的人群焚燒了美國國旗和被軟禁在德黑美國使館中444天的美國人質的照片,並高喊"去死吧,美國人!"
    Like her three friends gathered in the apartment, Ghasemi said she was frustrated that the outside world still associated Iran with the images of the Islamic Revolution 23 years ago - angry crowds burning the U.S. flag amid chants of "Death to America," and the faces of the American hostages held for 444 days in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
  • 熱帶非洲和亞洲的加屬中的任何一種植物;靠葉尖的捲須來攀援的一種草本植物,具有豔麗的黃色至紅色或紫色花朵;所有部分都有毒。
    any plant of the genus Gloriosa of tropical Africa and Asia; a perennial herb climbing by means of tendrils at leaf tips having showy yellow to red or purple flowers; all parts are poisonous.
  • 剋利夫美國田納西州東南部,查塔努加東北偏東的一座城市,是一個有多種工業的貿易中心。人口30,354
    A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population,30, 354.
  • 我先為我的朋友點一份竜舌酒,這是他最愛喝的酒。
    First, I'd like to order some tequila for my friend. That's his favorite drink.
  • 奧剋美國加利福尼亞州西部的一座城市,在舊金山對面金山灣附近。西班牙殖民者於1820年1月在此始建定居點,是一港口和鐵路終點,通過橋梁、隧道和高速運輸係統與舊金山地區其他社區相連。人口372,242
    A city of western California on San Francisco Bay opposite San Francisco. Founded on a site settled by Spanish colonists in1820, it is a port and rail terminus connected with other communities in the Bay Area by bridge, tunnel, and rapid transit. Population,372, 242.
  • 北美陸生花的一個屬。
    terrestrial orchids of North America.
  • 通常包括在玉鳳花屬中的北美陸生花的一個屬。
    genus of North American terrestrial orchids usually included in genus Habenaria.
  • 熱帶美洲陸生花的一個屬,花大,紫色或粉色。
    genus of tropical American terrestrial orchids with large purple or pink flowers.
  • 古老的蘇格品種,通常是有直立的尾巴和耳朵的黑色獵犬。
    old Scottish breed of small long-haired usually black terrier with erect tail and ears.
  • 郡大不列顛和愛爾的行使行政、司法和政治功能的疆土分支
    A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland.
  • 薩達姆與其伊斯恐怖組織的合作記錄也是十分清楚的。
    And the record of Saddam Hussein's cooperation with other Islamist terrorist organizations is clear.
  • 剋一定是到了忍無可忍的地步纔最終辭職的。
    Frank really must have been very near the end of his tether when he finally resigned.
  • 據歷史書記載諾曼底人於一零六六年占領了英格
    "According to the textbook of history, the Normans conquered England in1066."
  • 歐洲多年生茂盛高草,有大量羽狀葉子和色細花穗;有時入藥。
    tall bushy European perennial grown for its masses of light-textured pinnate foliage and slender spikes of blue flowers; sometimes used medicinally.
  • 英國首都和最大城市;位於英格東南部泰晤士河沿岸;英國經濟、工業和文化中心。
    the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center.
  • 格林威治英格東南部的一個市鎮,位於大倫敦地區,在泰晤士河上,為原皇傢觀象臺所在地。本初子午綫即0°經綫穿過此地
    A borough of Greater London in southeast England on the Thames River. It is the site of the original Royal Observatory, through which passes the prime meridian, or longitude0=.