  • 他倾向于赞同那观点。
    He slanted towards those views.
  • 我们在墙上涂了油漆以使房间明亮一
    We slap some paint on the wall to brighten up the room.
  • 话被看作是对现政府政策的一记耳光。
    The remarks are taken as a direct slap at the existing government's policy.
  • 话被看作是对现政府政策的一记耳光
    The remarks is taken as a direct slap at the existing government 's policy.
  • 这项法律应当再严厉,不应该只是轻轻地惩戒一下罪犯
    This law ought to be tighter: it must not give criminal just a slap on the wrist
  • 轻喜剧一种轻松的戏剧形式,其中极为荒谬可笑的情节背景,夸张的角色和一闹剧的成分以表现幽默的效果
    A light dramatic work in which highly improbable plot situations, exaggerated characters, and often slapstick elements are used for humorous effect.
  • 支票若予兑现,将大幅度减少财政收入、增加财政开支,光是提高免税额一项,估计就会导致政府税收减少74亿元(台币)。
    Should such vote-seeking promises be honoured, the financial revenue would be slashed and expenditures puffed up 7.4 billion (S$414.4 million).
  • ”因此,在削减成本以及保证研究开发资金用于的确可能产生效益的项目上的同时,gerstner已经开始逐步减少ibm对大型主机及pc机的收入依赖,作为替代,第强调了软件和服务,这比那五颜六色的机子能够产生高额利润。
    " So in addition to slashing costs and making sure that research-and-development money gets spent on something that might actually produce a profit, Gerstner has been gradually reducing IBM's dependence on both mainframes and PCs for revenue. In their place, he's emphasizing the development of software and services that can generate a higher return on capital than putty-colored boxes.
  • 油画是用细木条做背衬的。
    The oil paintings are backed up with slats.
  • 我只花了3000英镑就买下了这辆旧汽车, 其价值远不止这.
    I paid only 3000 for this used car but it's worth a lot more.
  • 我没零钱,能把这蛋钱记在帐上吗?
    I've no change, could you put these eggs on the slate?
  • 我有耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
    I'm a little deaf, please articulate your words carefully.
  • 慢速飞行的石板黑色鸟,有象鸭子。
    slaty-black slow-flying birds somewhat resembling ducks.
  • 牛是挑出来屠宰的。
    These oxen are marked out for slaughter.
  • 一场反对那残酷屠杀小海豹的猎手的运动正在展开。
    There is a campaign against those hunters who mercilessly slaughter baby seal.
  • 我可以用铆钉把这金属板固定在一起吗?
    Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets?
  • 要每日或每周向劳动者预付全部报酬,就必须事先准备好比足够维持现有生产规模更多的资本,将其拨归生产使用。不论劳动者得到多少报酬,总要比精明的奴隶主为了自身利益而给予奴隶的报酬要多
    In order that the whole remuneration of the labourers should be advanced to them in daily or weekly payments, there must exist in advance, and be appropriated to productive use, a greater stock, or capital, than would suffice to carry on the existing extent of production: greater, by whatever amount of remuneration the labourers receive, beyond what the self-interest of a prudent slave-master would assign to his slaves.
  • 柱子须承受屋顶的重量。
    The pillars have to support the weight of the roof.
  • 西里尔字母的旧斯拉夫语字母被归功于圣西里尔的,现在改造的形式用于俄语、保加利亚语、某其他斯拉夫语和其他苏联语的,或与其有关的,或由其组成的
    Of, relating to, or constituting the old Slavic alphabet ascribed to Saint Cyril, at present used in modified form for Russian, Bulgarian, certain other Slavic languages, and other languages of the Soviet Union.
  • 人老是干一种工作会干腻的。
    Some people can get tired of slaving at the same work day after day.
  • 提议中有很多会碰到不利情况。
    Many of these proposals could encounter rough sledding.
  • 过去,俄国人总是运用一具有毁灭性致命打击的战术企图接管伊朗。
    In the past, the Russians have always used sledge-hammer tactics in trying to take over Iran.
  • 他们用镐和撬来打碎这岩石。
    they used picks and sledges to break the rocks.
  • 这本枯燥无味的书幸亏加了一生动有趣的插图才变得活泼起来。
    The otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations.
  • 树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。
    These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
  • 我们不知道这鸟如何找到它们的路。
    We have no idea how the birds find their way.
  • 在我所经过的这座城市的墓地里,哪里有一个长眠者的内心世界对于我能比那忙忙碌碌的居民更为深奥难测呢?或者,比我对他们更为深奥难测呢?
    In any of the burial-places of this city through which I pass, is there a sleeper more inscrutable than it busy inhabitants are, in their innermost personality, to me or than I am to them.
  • 人们曾一度以为夜间做梦干扰必要的休息,但当研究人员设法打断睡眠者的梦时,这人变得紧张不安,烦躁易怒,注意力难以集中。
    Once it was thought that nighttime dreams interfered with our needed rest. But then researchers tried interrupting the dreams of sleepers. They become tense and anxious. They become irritable. They have trouble concentrating.
  • 我需要一安眠药片。
    I need some sleeping pills.
  • 家族在该地区务农已达数百年。
    Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.
  • 这里有不通气,我觉得很困。
    It's so stuffy in here that I feel sleepy.
  • 从她的表情中我可以看出他那挖苦人的话已经触及她的痛处.
    I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home.