  • (二)使党员注意社会经济的调查和研究,由此来决定斗的策略和工作的方法,使同志们知道离开了实际情况的调查,就要堕入空想和盲动的深坑。
    direct the attention of Party members to social and economic investigation and study, so as to determine the tactics of struggle and methods of work, and help comrades to understand that without investigation of actual conditions they will fall into the pit of fantasy and putschism;
  • 卖方没有错,此事不必论,建议贵公司早日平息此事。
    Our seller faultless cannot dispute will recommend you regard matter closed
  • 中立的不与…结盟的、不支持的或不援助战吵或竞中的任一方的
    Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.
  • 为了某种目的而辩护或论。
    speak, plead, or argue in favour of.
  • 每篇都提及导弹和发生在远方某处的爆炸,跟任何一部普通的战电影没什么区别。
    Early coverage included missiles and explosions in a far-off land, nothing too different from scenes featured in popular war movies.
  • 不充足的借口;无益的辩。
    a feeble excuse; a lame argument.
  • 我们开辟了农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的革命道路,以人民军队为骨干,依靠人民、武装人民,并坚持用党的理论和纲领教育广大指战员,经过长期的革命战,打败了拥有优势装备、异常凶残的国内外敌人。
    We created a revolutionary path of encircling the cities from the rural areas and seizing state power by armed force. With the people's army as the backbone, we relied on the people and armed them. We persisted in educating the officers and men in the Party's theory and program and defeated the well-equipped ferocious domestic and foreign enemies in the prolonged revolutionary wars.
  • 招收非本地学生,不但有助推动技能和思想交流,对本地学生来说,也可促进良性竞,让他们扩阔视野。
    The admission of non-local students facilitates the cross-fertilisation of skills and ideas, injects an element of healthy competition for local students and broadens our students' outlook.
  • 一笔微不足道的钱;动作细微的手势;与战时期的国家相比,我们的烦恼是微不足道的;小事;关于琐碎细节的论;限于小企业;无足轻重的努力;给警察提供一顿免费餐也许违反了法律,但这看起来只是个小小的违反。
    a fiddling sum of money; a footling gesture; our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war; a little (or small) matter; a dispute over niggling details; limited to petty enterprises; piffling efforts; giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction.
  • (希腊神话)奥德修斯的妻子,忠诚与奉献的象征;在奥德修斯参加特洛伊战的十年中,他拒绝了大量求婚者,直到奥德修斯回来后将他们杀死。
    (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity; for 10 years while Odysseus fought the Trojan War she resisted numerous suitors until Odysseus returned and killed them.
  • 有时商业竞是残酷的。
    business competition can be fiendish at times.
  • 因为失业严重,求职的竞十分激烈。
    Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce.
  • 他们正在恶狠狠地吵,我想他们可能要打架了。
    They were having a fierce argument and I thought they might hit each other.
  • 王平:每次竞都十分激烈。
    Wang Ping: The competition is fierce each time.
  • 高考竞争激烈。
    There is fierce competition in the college Entrance Examination.
  • 电器这一行竞日趋激烈,现在越来越难做了。
    Electrical appliances business has become more and more difficult to do since the competition grew more and more fiercely.
  • 是的,那段历史给了我们许多成败浮沉的前车之鉴,在面对公众意愿的两难之下展开激烈的辩论、无情的抗
    Indeed,that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debated,as fiercely fought,with their own challenges to the popular will.
  • 业余爱好:美国nba休斯顿火箭队的忠实球迷(每个赛季的比赛都要观看)、跳舞(经常在公司聚会时跳舞)还有网球,他认为网球与他的生意有诸多相似之处。他曾经说过:“这两项活动都竞激烈,都会嘉奖敢于冒险的人,取得成功既不需要排名靠前也不需要丰富的经验。”
    Second loves: The Houston Rockets (season-ticket holder) and dancing (often at company gatherings); also tennis, which he thinks has many parallels to business: "Both are fiercely competitive, both reward risk takers, and in neither is huge size or long experience necessarily a requisite for success," he once said.
  • 在战的第一阶段,战略上内线作战的正规军是后退的,但是战略上外线作战的游击队则将广泛地向着敌人后方大踏步前进,第二阶段将更加猛烈地前进,形成了后退和前进的奇异形态。
    In the first stage of the war, the regular army operating strategically on interior lines is withdrawing, but the guerrilla units operating strategically on exterior lines will advance with great strides over wide areas to the rear of the enemy -- they will advance even more fiercely in the second stage -- thereby presenting a remarkable picture of both withdrawal and advance.
  • 第五,现在的抗日战,是中国革命的一个新阶段,而且是最伟大、最活跃、最生动的一个新阶段。
    Fifthly, the present War of Resistance Against Japan marks a new stage -- the greatest, most dynamic and most vigorous stage -- in the Chinese revolution.
  • 五是要深化人事和分配制度改革,公开岗位标准,实行双向选择,鼓励员工竞,员工收入要与技术、服务和贡献挂钩。
    Fifthly, the reform of personnel and distribution system should be deepened. The post description and requirements should be made public, the two-way selection adopted, the competition among staff members encouraged, and their income related to their skills, service and contribution.
  • 五,也就会明白红军、游击队和红色区域的建立和发展,是半殖民地中国在无产阶级领导之下的农民斗的最高形式,和半殖民地农民斗发展的必然结果;并且无疑义地是促进全国革命高潮的最重要因素。
    Fifthly, one will understand that in semi-colonial China the establishment and expansion of the Red Army, the guerrilla forces and the Red areas is the highest form of peasant struggle under the leadership of the proletariat, the inevitable outcome of the growth of the semi-colonial peasant struggle, and undoubtedly the most important factor in accelerating the revolutionary high tide throughout the country.
  • 通过抓点带面,力开拓农村市场工作有一个新的进展,促进农村消费对全国商品市场的拉动作用。
    Through drawing experience from selected units to promote overall work, strenuous efforts will be made to achieve new progress in the work of opening up rural markets, and to promote the role of rural consumption in giving a fillip to the nation's commodities market.
  • 旧毒,污浊,革命进程中的某些波折,以及可能的回头路,只有斗和努力才能够克服,而且需要长期的斗和努力。
    It is only through struggle and hard work, and over a long period too, that we can eliminate the old evils, the old filth, and prevent setbacks or even reversals in the revolution.
  • 他们间的端尚未最终解决。
    Their dispute has not finally settled yet.
  • 到2003年,确保制定和实施与艾滋病病毒/艾滋病作斗的涉及多部门的国家战略与财政计划。这些国家战略与财政计划包括:坚定不移地对付艾滋病问题;
    By 2003,ensure the development and implementation of multisector national strategies and financing plans for combating HIV/AIDS that address the epidemic in forthright terms;
  • 法国人弗朗斯瓦和苏兰人杨为得领先而斗智斗勇,但不幸的是,临近比赛结束时弗朗斯瓦踩到了一个洞,扭伤了足踝,从而使杨轻松获胜。
    Again the Frenchman and the Finn dueled for the lead, but unfortunately toward the and of the race Francois stepped in a hole and sprained his ankle, enabling Jon to coast to an easy victory.
  • 1993年至1996年,公安部部署在西南边境地区开展了“三年缉毒缉枪专项斗”。
    From 1993 to 1996, in the southwest border areas, the Ministry of Public Security launched a three-year campaign against drugs and firearms.
  • 他的激进思想很可能在会上引起激烈的论。
    His radical idea is likely to produce fireworks at the meeting.
  • 无产者组织成为阶级,从而组织成为政党这件事,不断地由于工人的自相竞而受到破坏。但是,这种组织总是重新产生,并且一次比一次更强大,更坚固,更有力。
    This organisation of the proletarians into a class, and consequently into a political party, is continually being upset again by the competition between the workers themselves. But it ever rises up again, stronger, firmer, mightier.
  • 此阶段内的重大事变,是学生界、文化界、舆论界的救亡运动,红军的进入西北,共产党的抗日民族统一战线政策的宣传和组织工作,上海和青岛的反日罢工,英国对日政策之趋向比较的强硬⒀,两广事变,绥远战和援绥运动,南京在中日谈判中的比较强硬的态度⒃,西安事变,最后是南京国民党的三中全会。
    The major events in this stage were the movements for national salvation among the students and cultural and press circles; the Red Army's entry into the Northwest; the Communist Party's work of propaganda and organization for its anti-Japanese national united front policy; the anti-Japanese strikes in Shanghai and Tsingtao; the relative stiffening of British policy towards Japan;the Kwangtung-Kwangsi Incident; the resistance in Suiyuan and the movement in its support; Nanking's somewhat firmer attitude in the Sino-Japanese negotiations;the Sian Incident; and finally, the Third Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang in Nanking.
  • "部长起初拒绝对两国间的端发表任何评论,但后来她同意了。"
    "The minister at first declined to make any comments on the dispute between the two nations, but later she agreed."