  • 在他呆在修行所期他真是灵化了。
    During his stay at the ashram he was spiritualized.
  • 用来读书的房子。
    a room set aside for reading.
  • 他们向我打听时间。
    They asked me the time.
  • 查询起飞时间。
    Asking for departure time.
  • 失眠长期不能入睡或维持相当长一段时不能入睡
    Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
  • 舞台空间处理
    space aspect of stage
  • 舞台时间
    time aspect of stage
  • 腿腓骨后的位于身体中轴后方的如小腿的后部或上手臂的中部分
    Located behind an axis of the body, as the lateral aspect of the lower leg or the medial aspect of the upper arm.
  • 朱诺变形成塞墨勒的老奶奶波罗厄,暗示挑引起塞墨勒对情郎的身分产生怀疑。
    Assuming the form of Beroe, the aged nurse of Semele, she insinuated doubts whether it was indeed Jove himself who came as a lover.
  • 实际上,假设每一工作步骤花费的时相同,流水线操作所节约的时与有关工作步骤的数目成比例。
    In fact, assuming that each stage takes the same amount of time, the time saved by pipelining is proportional to the number of stages involved.
  • 卡其黄一种介于浅黄褐色和中浅黄褐色之的一种颜色
    A light olive brown to moderate or light yellowish brown.
  • 金色,金黄色介于褐色和暗黄之或鲜黄的中强色度之的颜色
    A light olive-brown to dark yellow, or a moderate, strong to vivid yellow.
  • 介于带淡灰色的紫罗兰色到带中等灰色的紫罗兰色之
    of a pale to moderate grayish violet color.
  • 紫红色一种介于紫色与红色之的颜色
    Any of a group of colors with a hue between that of violet and red.
  • 我们自己正是从这个假定出发,并根据这个假定试图确立一种更为合情合理的两性之关系的见解。
    We ourselves start from this very assumption and try to build from it theory of more sensible relations between the sexes.
  • 赭色一种较浅的杏黄,在浅橙黄或深橙黄和浅黄或深黄之
    A moderate orange yellow, from moderate or deep orange to moderate or strong yellow.
  • 我保证这是一个安静的房
    I assure you that it is a quiet room.
  • 共同努力会保证你我双方之的业务得到更好的发展。
    Joint efforts will assure better progress in our business.
  • 这样可保证标准的互通。
    Interworking between the standards is in this way assured.
  • 美索不达米亚,在希腊语中意为"两河之的地区"。这里是人类文明的摇篮,苏美尔文化、阿卡得文化、巴比伦文化和亚述文化都曾在此兴盛,最早的希伯来神话也诞生于此。
    Mesopotamia,the Greek name for the Land between the Two Rivers,is the cradle of human civilization,where the Sumerian,Akkadian,Babylonian and Assyrian cultures flourished and where the first Hebrew myths were born.
  • 谷神星最早被发现的最大的小行星,其轨道在火星和土星之
    The largest asteroid and the first to be discovered, having an orbit between Mars and Saturn.
  • 流星体活动在空的固体天体,比小行星小,至少与尘埃一样大
    A solid body, moving in space, that is smaller than an asteroid and at least as large as a speck of dust.
  • 虽然哮喘多在孩子们中流行,但在美国已变成最普通常见的儿童慢性病了。其发病率是成人的二倍。
    Although asthma is more prevalent among children -- it is now the most common chronic childhood disease in the U.S. -- twice as many adults have it.
  • 在仅一年的时里他就取得了令人吃惊的成就。
    He had achieved astonishing achievements in only one year.
  • 他们之电子邮件讨论效率惊人。
    E-mail has proved to be an astonishingly efficient tool for communication.
  • 你可以想像他们发现房里空无一人时那吃惊的样子。
    You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty.
  • 通过计算机连接,往返于学校和住处的学生的生活可以过得轻松些。由于技术不断突飞猛进,远程教育正在迅速发展。
    Commuter students live easier lives through helpful computer connections,and distance education is booming as technology continues to make astounding advances.
  • 拳参一种欧亚产多年生草本植物圆穗蓼,通长生有圆柱形穗状花序的粉色花朵和民医学中用于止血药的根茎
    A Eurasian perennial herb(Polygonum bistorta) having cylindrical spikes of usually pink flowers and a rhizome used as an astringent in folk medicine.
  • 过渡过渡点或过渡时,尤指占星术的两个天宫之
    A transitional point or time, as between two astrological signs.
  • 五分之一对座行星之相距七十二度或五分之一黄道带的占星术方位
    The astrological aspect of planets distant from each other by72= or one fifth of the zodiac.
  • 太空步宇航员在宇宙空宇宙飞船外的自我控制的运动
    The self-controlled extravehicular movement in space of an astronaut.
  • 宇航员在进入外层空后,如果没有氧气将无法生存。
    An astronaut cannot live without oxygen when he goes into outer space.