  • (神经纤维)交叉x形交叉,尤指神经或神经纤维带的交叉,把相应的部分接在脑或脊柱的另一面
    An X-shaped crossing, especially of nerves or bands of nerve fibers, connecting corresponding parts on opposite sides of the brain or spinal cord.
  • 心神不安心惊胆颤的状态,常与the
    A condition of nervousness. Often used with the.
  • 紧张不安:一阵紧张不安。常与定冠词the
    A fit of nervousness. Often used with the.
  • 我从未钓到任何东西--旧靴子也钓不着。
    I never catch anything - not even old boots.
  • 你真不够朋友,5美元都不借给我。
    You are a nice friend, you won't even lent me $5!
  • 纽约纽约市。华盛顿·欧文和其他人在杂拌(1807-1808年),一本载的讽刺杂文中,给纽约起了个绰号,并从此流传开来
    New York City. The nickname was popularized by Washington Irving and others in Salmagundi, a series of satirical sketches(1807-1808).
  • 后来,我奔走外面,十余年没有回过家乡,落花生的消息,我已无从知道,惟有这个奇特的名字,和儿时可笑的情事,带着浮沉于脑海中而已。
    I later left the village and did not return for 10 odd years. I had no more news of Peanuts. Only this rather odd nickname stuck in my mind, together with all the amusing stories surfacing and submerging in my memory.
  • 续熬夜已经影响了你的工作。
    Late nights are telling on your work.
  • 她让母亲把那衣裙的腰部收窄一点。
    She ask her mother to nip the dress in at the waist.
  • 其中每个网点都通过分支与其它所有网点直接相的一种网络。
    A network in which each node is directly connected by branches to all other nodes.
  • 一种交换机,其中的中心网点用作高速开关,负责为每一对所接的网点建立直接的通关系。
    An exchange in which a central node acts as a high-speed switch to establishdirect connections between pairs of attached nodes.
  • 说明一个网点或设备被结或可用于结到另一个网点或设备。
    Pertaining to a node or device connected or available for connection to another node or device.
  • 指一个节点或设备,它尚未接或不能接另一个节点或设备。
    Pertaining to a node or device not connected or not available for connection to another node or device.
  • 续的短促尖锐的噪音。
    having a series of short sharp noises.
  • 两个女人喋喋不休地谈天说地,而女招待则重手重脚地清理桌子-台布等都撤下去了。
    The two women gabbled away twenty to the dozen while the waitress noisily cleared the table-cloth and all.
  • 由于人们认为电视辩论对1960年的竞选结果起了至关重要的作用--许多分析家认为它导致了尼克松的惜败,在以后续三届总统竞选中,获得总统候选人提名者都慑于辩论的风险太大而加以躲避。
    Because television debates were deemed so crucial to the outcome of the 1960 election--dooming Richard Nixon to a narrow loss in the opinion of many analysts -- the presidential nominees in the subsequent three presidential elections shield away from debates,feeling the risks were too great.
  • 倾斜的;尤其是接平面图上两个不相邻的角落的,或接多面体任意两个不在同一面上的顶点的直线的。
    at an angle; especially connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face.
  • 从存储单元的不续区写入一组逻辑记录的数据。参阅scatterread。
    Writing a block of data of logical records from noncontinuous areas of store.
  • 我知道这个人不会夸大其辞,所以当他描绘他毫无节制的因特网狂热时,说会续上网24小时以上,我不得不思考一下这个问题。
    I have not known this fellow to be given to exaggeration; therefore when he described his Internet binges, when he would spend over twenty-four hours on-line nonstop, it gave me pause to think.
  • 你虽然比不上亲生的。也不该太过冷淡,一碗面都没有1
    Although you aren't his own flesh and blood mother, you should not be so indifferent to the extent of not even providing a bowl of noodle."
  • 施瓦茨克夫(schwarzkopf)将军本身,也是全盘战略下的产物。
    Even General Norman Schwarzkopf was himself a product of overall strategy.
  • 这个队一三次获胜。
    The team notched up their 3rd victory in a row.
  • 接榫在这种接中所用的槽口或凸起物
    The notch or the projecting piece used in such a joint.
  • 啮合扣两块建筑材料之间的接,由一个槽口和一个与之相称的凸起物构成
    A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection.
  • 这个队续赢得三次胜利。
    The team notched up their third victory in a row.
  • 对unixinternetworm病毒和相的sendmail中的弱点是已知最出名的脆弱性。
    For Unix, the Internet Worm and the associated weaknesses in Sendmail represent the most notorious known vulnerabilities.
  • 分期连载的小说
    A novel published in installments.
  • 使聚会、杂志、衣裙显得富有生气
    Jazz up a party, a magazine, a dress
  • 战争历史中有在战皆捷之后吃了一个败仗以至全功尽弃的,有在吃了许多败仗之后打了一个胜仗因而开展了新局面的。
    In the history of war, there are instances where defeat in a single battle nullified all the advantages of a series of victories, and there are also instances where victory in a single battle after many defeats opened up a new situation.
  • 印刷技术中一种给定尺寸、字形的字符集。该字符集包括小写、大写、小型大写字母、数字、字、标点符号、参考标记、符号和空格。
    In printing, a character set of given size, style and face. The set will contain lower case, capitals, small c apitals, numerals, ligatures, punctuation marks, reference marks, signs and spaces.
  • 胚胎滋养层囊胚细胞的最外层,它会将受精卵与子宫壁在一起,同时它是胚胎获取营养的通道
    The outermost layer of cells of the blastocyst that attaches the fertilized ovum to the uterine wall and serves as a nutritive pathway for the embryo.
  • 他们非常爱看电视续剧。
    They are nuts about TV serials.