  • 国指佃户经营的小农地。
    (Great Britain) a small farm worked by a crofter.
  • 在克伦威尔统治下的国。
    England under Cromwell.
  • 国内战期间,议会和奥立弗克伦威尔的支持者。
    a supporter of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War.
  • 伍斯特国中西部的自治市镇,位于伯明翰西南偏南的塞汶河岸,奥利弗·克伦威尔和议会军在1651年9月3日在此地取得了对于查理二世和苏格兰军队的最后胜利。人口73,900
    A borough of west-central England on the Severn River south-southwest of Birmingham. Oliver Cromwell and the Parliamentarian army gained their final victory over Charles II and the Scottish army here on September3,1651. Population,73, 900.
  • 中国大学生是青年中的精
    Undergraduates are the cream of the crop.
  • 从这里到伦敦,直线距离至多30里。
    It is not more than thirty miles from London as he crow flies.
  • 一个crt也比单个amlcd大,虽然有些公司已展示了大至40寸的amlcd,然而,这些大尺寸的显示器实际上是由几个较小的看不到焊缝的显示器焊接在一起组成的。
    The CRT also scales larger than single AMLCDs although some vendors have demonstrated AMLCDs as large as 40 inches.These larger displays, however, actually consist of several smaller displays seamlessly melded together.
  • 虽然驱逐舰舰长知道敌人8寸口径的炮的火力远远超过他的舰载火力,但他还是决心与敌人的巡洋舰交战。
    The captain of the destroyer prepared to engage the cruiser, although he knew the enemy's eight-inch guns were more than a match for his limited fire power.
  • 一种淡味的黄色国干酪,质地较脆。
    a mild yellow English cheese with a crumbly texture.
  • 国国内开始争取社会福利的运动。
    People in Britain began to crusade for social welfare.
  • 博福特,玛格丽特1441-1509国兰开斯特王朝拥护者。通过她的儿子亨利·都铎(后来的亨利七世)和有影响的伍德维尔家的女儿伊丽莎白的婚姻,她与约克党人结成联盟
    English prelate and diplomat who was papal legate to a crusade against the Hussites(1427-1431) and crowned Henry VI king of France and England(1431).
  • 1189年到1192年由国的理查德和法国国王领导的一次东侵,由于内部意见不和在外土上战争,无法抵御宗教热情的联合力量而失败。
    a Crusade from 1189 to 1192 led by Richard I of England and the king of France that failed because an army torn by dissensions and fighting on foreign soil could not succeed against forces united by religious zeal.
  • 地壳有五至二十五里厚。
    The earth's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick.
  • 地壳有五至二十五里厚
    The earth 's crust is between 5 and 25 miles thick
  • 看看古巴,它离美国沿海仅九十里。
    I look at Cuba, ninety miles off the coast of the United States.
  • 边长为一尺的立方体的体积。
    the volume equal to a cube one foot on each side.
  • 边长为一寸的立方体的体积。
    the volume equal to a cube one inch on each side.
  • 这库房的容量是400立方尺。
    The store- room be400 cubic feet in volume.
  • 1立方尺的水形成11/10立方尺的冰。
    One cubic of water forms 1 1/10 cubic feet of ice.
  • 这库房的容量是400立方尺。
    The store room is 400 cubic feet in volume.
  • 本公司生产的8或8。5立方尺的冰箱,与旧型6立方尺的装运体积大小相似,所占装运空间不大。
    These 8 and 8.5 cubic feet refrigerator take no more shipping space than the old style 6 cubic feet model.
  • 考得木材堆的体积单位,等于4??尺或128立方尺(3。62立方米)的堆
    A unit of quantity for cut fuel wood, equal to a stack measuring4?? feet or128 cubic feet(3.62 cubic meters).
  • 国法定容积或体积单位(液态或固态)等于液量打兰或(待查表)立方厘米((待查表)立方寸)。
    a British imperial unit of capacity or volume (liquid or dry) equal to 8 fluid drams or 28.416 cubic centimeters (1.734 cubic inches).
  • 这库房的容量是400立方尺。
    The store- room be 400 cubic feet in volume.
  • 量劈柴的体积单位;合立方尺。
    a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet.
  • 美国干量单位等于配克或(待查表)立方寸。
    a United States dry measure equal to 4 pecks or 2152.42 cubic inches.
  • 美国干量单位等于品脱或(待查表)立方寸。
    a United States dry unit equal to 2 pints or 67.2 cubic inches.
  • 吨位以一百立方尺为一单位丈量的商船载货能力
    The capacity of a merchant ship in units of100 cubic feet.
  • 装载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方
    A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.
  • 美国容积或体积单位等于(待查表)立方寸。
    a United States unit of capacity or volume equal to 1.804 cubic inches.
  • 登记吨海运中测定装货能力的单位,通常被确定为四十立方
    A unit of capacity for cargo in maritime shipping, normally estimated at40 cubic feet.
  • 国法定容积单位(液态或固态)等于吉耳或(待查表)立方厘米。
    a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 gills or 568.26 cubic centimeters.