  • 想要国人留下来,做一名勇敢的“守将”,那么请政府给我们一个我们可以捍卫的间。
    If offering feedback does not seem to serve a purpose, how many Singaporeans will persist in providing feedback and opinions in the long run?If the government wants Singaporeans to be “stayers”, then please give us the space to stay on.
  • 头支票代表虚构的金融交易的可转让票据,暂时用于维持信贷或筹集钱款
    A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.
  • 吉姆动完手术后在休养了几个星期,现在他又康复了。
    Jim rested at home for a few weeks after his operation, and now he was as fit as a fiddle again.
  • 飞球运动员为防守练习而击打的腾球,先将球抛起来,在球未落地前,用长而细的轻快球棒击打
    A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat.
  • 朦胧的夜晚从天中降临/前驱就在东方——亨利·菲尔丁;天朦胧的光亮;朦胧的河流上的小船。
    The dusky night rides down the sky/And ushers in the morn-Henry Fielding; the twilight glow of the sky; a boat on a twilit river.
  • 指田地或旷的地区。
    of fields or open country.
  • 那位著名的拳击师赤手拳打死了一头凶猛的恶狼。
    The famous boxer killed a fierce wolf with his bare hands.
  • 气吹入炉中让它燃烧得更猛烈的机械装置。
    a mechanical device that blows air onto a fire to make it burn more fiercely.
  • 燃烧似的沙子;火热的沙漠风;炽热的沙漠气。
    the burning sand; a fiery desert wind; an igneous desert atmosphere.
  • 十五分钟后当有桌时
    Fifteen minutes later when a table is free
  • 过滤网可存住气中的尘埃。
    A filter traps dust from the air.
  • 同时还应尽量避免以口代鼻呼吸,因为以口呼吸时,不仅气未能得到过滤,人体内防御系统的一部分──黏膜也无法保持湿润。
    You should also try to avoid breathing through your mouth rather than your nose because this means not only is the air not filtered, but you are also drying up the mucous membrane, part of your body’s defence mechanism.
  • 交响乐的最后一个乐章演奏阴暗面时太快了,没有充分表现出乐章暗含的无尽的虚和恐怖。
    the finale of the symphony was played just a shade too fast and not quite insubstantially enough to convey the full, hollow horror of its implications.
  • 她发现房子了,感到很惊奇。
    She was surprised at finding the house empty.
  • 管子,导管,输送管用来输导液体、气体或固体细末的管状中圆柱体
    A hollow cylinder or tube used to conduct a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid.
  • 他妙手一触,像暴躁、隐私、粗鄙这样的渣滓便脱落了,与尘埃混杂起来,比较优异精妙的部分则随着高尚的灵魂一起升,审视着我们最新的回忆,保护着我们的尸骨免遭侮辱。
    At his touch the drossy particles fall off: the irritable, the personal, the gross, and mingle with the dust the finer and more ethereal part mounts with the winged spirit to watch over our latest memory, and protect our bones from insult.
  • 提琴家族的最高级别的成员;由四根弦和中的身体和指板构成,用弓演奏。
    the highest member of the violin family; this instrument has four strings and a hollow body and an unfretted fingerboard and is played with a bow.
  • 这个国家还没有被挤出航器制造业,它仍在下决心努力确保自己在该制造业中的地位。
    This country has not been pushed out of the business of building aircraft yet. It's still holding on by its fingernails.
  • 通常工作记忆只能储存有限的7±2个单元的信息:“每个人都知道瞬间记忆的间是有限的,通过对大量不同类型数据的实验,证明这个间大概是7个单元。”
    Conventional wisdom has it that working memory is limited to seven units of information, plus or minus two units:"Everybody knows that there is a finite span of immediate memory and that for a lot of different kinds of test materials this span is about seven items in length".
  • 芬兰人日常生活中如此之多子,说来岂不令“爱沾小便宜”者视为天堂?
    With so many loopholes in everyday life, surely Finland must be a haven to those who love to take "petty advantages".
  • 甲烷和气的爆炸混合物
    The explosive mixture of firedamp and air.
  • 这种武器是发射防导弹的.
    This weapon fires anti-aircraft missiles.
  • 营火冒出的烟袅袅升上明净的天
    Smoke from the camp-fires spiraled up into a clear sky.
  • 他抬起头,凝望着天
    He rose his head and stared at the firmament.
  • 关于天或上部区域。
    relating to the firmament or upper regions.
  • 久远,深渊包括时间或间的范围;苍穹
    The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
  • 天,天从地球上所见之天或宇宙;苍穹
    The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament.
  • 即使与天中最暗弱的恒星相比,这世界又算得上什么?
    What is the world if compare to the least visible star in the firmament?
  • 一般人都相信:现代的天文学在探索整个看得见的宇宙时,是在强迫我们承认这个地球本身便是一个天堂,而我们梦想中的“天堂”必须占据相当的间;它既然占据了相当的间,一定是在穹苍的什么星辰上,除非它是在星辰当中的虚之中。
    Now it must be pretty generally accepted that modern astronomy, by exploring the entire visible universe, is forcing us to accept this earth itself as a very heaven, and the Heaven that we dream of must occupy some space, and occupying some space, it must be somewhere among the stars in the firmament, unless it is in the inter-stellar void.
  • 栅格在核反应中可裂变和不可裂变的物质的间排列
    The spatial arrangement of fissionable and nonfissionable materials in a nuclear reactor.
  • 气通过尖边缝隙或吹口产生音调。
    the tone is produced by air passing across a sharp-edged fissure or lip.
  • “他们说,他们打算打一场道地的手架,拼个高低。带武器是为必要时防身。”
    "They said they intended to have a good, old- fashioned fistfight and duke it out and the weapons were there for their own protection just in case."