  • 汤姆在开场里对请来的演讲人在本行业中的经历讲了一番恭维话。
    Tom led in with some flattering references to the visiting speaker's record in the industry.
  • 黄油和糖用兰地酒或其他调味品搅拌成奶油状,同重油布丁一起食用。
    butter and sugar creamed together with brandy or other flavoring and served with rich puddings.
  • 葫芦巴一种象三叶草的欧亚植物(葫芦巴属葫芦巴),长有花和刺激性有香味的种子,用作调味品
    A cloverlike Eurasian plant(Trigonella foenum-graecum) having white flowers and pungent, aromatic seeds used as flavoring.
  • 璧之瑕, 美德中仅有的缺点
    a flaw in an otherwise perfect character
  • 欧洲的一年生假亚麻,具有小的花;从新石器时代就开始种植来获取纤维和富含植物油的种子;广泛种植于北美。
    annual European false flax having small white flowers; cultivated since Neolithic times as a source of fiber and for its oil-rich seeds; widely naturalized in North America.
  • 但我心里很明,我拿这些鱼去卖,换亚麻纺线——弗尔南多,这和施舍有什么两样呢!”
    But I feel very deeply that this fish which I go and sell, and with the produce of which I buy the flax I spin,--I feel very keenly, Fernand, that this is charity."
  • 羊毛是雪白的。
    The sheep's fleece was white as snow.
  • 原产于西班牙的色绵羊,出产高质量的厚毛。
    white sheep originating in Spain and producing a heavy fleece of exceptional quality.
  • 高积云圆的、羊毛状、色或灰色云团结构
    A cloud formation of rounded, fleecy, white or gray masses.
  • 几种奔跑迅速身上有黑色条纹的非洲马。
    any of several fleet black-and-white striped African equines.
  • 极其珍贵的几乎纯的鱼肉。
    highly valued almost pure white flesh.
  • 被广泛种植的一种植物,具有一个巨大的肉质的,可以食用的色或黄色的根。
    widely cultivated plant having a large fleshy edible white or yellow root.
  • 他变灰白了。
    He is turning gray.
  • 有灰色头发的;头发灰
    Having gray hair; hoary.
  • 他的头发已灰白。
    His hair have turn gray.
  • 他的头发夹杂灰的颜色。
    His hair is shot with gray.
  • 他的头发中夹有发。
    His hair was streaked with gray.
  • 这些灰色卡片具有各种深浅不同的色调,包括色和黑色。
    These gray cards are of all possible shades of gray and include white and black.
  • 疯了;变灰白的头发
    Go mad; hair that had gone gray.
  • 头发是老年人的特征。
    Gray hair is a mark of age.
  • 灰色介于黑色和色之间。
    Gray is intermediate between black and white.
  • 阻挡他们相恋的一个更为严重的障碍是,达西讨厌伊丽莎那粗俗而喜欢算计的母亲,还有班纳特家好些年幼的姑娘们:轻浮而狂热追求军官的丽迪亚和吉蒂,以及平庸乏味的玛丽。
    A more serious obstacle to the romance is Darcy's distaste for Elizabeth's vulgar, scheming mother and for the younger Bennet girls: flighty, officer-crazy Lydia and Kitty, and dull, plain Mary.
  • 天上班期间不要调情或花不必要的时间呆在一起。
    Don't flirt during the day or spend unnecessary time together.
  • 那个痴喝醉了,还跟老板的太太调情。
    That nitwit get drink and flirt with the boss' wife.
  • 但桑德拉毕竟还是个聪明的女人,她创建了自己的制片公司fortis影业,她的第一部作品是《真情告》。尽管此片只获得了小范围的成功,但她与妮科尔·基德曼联袂主演影片《超异能快感》,使她的演艺生涯又重振旗鼓。
    Being the smart woman that she is, however, Sandra began her own production company called Fortis Films. Her first project was Hope Floats, and even though it only achieved a minimal amount of success, her career came back in full force when she starred opposite Nicole Kidman in Practical Magic.
  • 别白费唇舌了。
    Don't try to flog a dead horse.
  • 你根本说服不了他,你是在费口舌!
    You'll never persuade him! You're flogging a dead horse.
  • 你向他借钱是费力气。
    You is flogging a dead horse by asking him to lend you money.
  • 如果你坚持想要沃尔特作贡献的话,你会费劲的,你知道他是极其吝啬的。
    You’ll be flogging a dead horse if you keep trying to get Walter to make a contribution, you know mean he is.
  • 定型男丑角,男丑角在法国哑剧中穿松松垮垮色外套的角色
    A character in French pantomime, dressed in a floppy white outfit.
  • 佛罗里达和佛罗里达南部珊瑚岛群的大型色鹭。
    large white heron of Florida and the Florida Keys.
  • 用三氯化物进行漂
    treat (flour) with trichloride.